× cross dressing ×

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Jimin had just came from the mall that was a couple of blocks away from his apartment. He was living by himself in a small apartment. Which a couple blocks away from his apartment lived his best friend jungkook.

They had known each other since high school and went to the same college. And now that they had graduated, they each got small apartments and lived on like two friendly adults.

Jimin was always someone who was very shy with an outstanding personality. He liked to keep his own personal things in private from people except jungkook. Jungkook was a really good friends with jimin. He was kind, and had a very manly side to him. Jimin liked that in guys and so they became friends and jimin trusted jungkook alot.

When jimin had finally reached his apartment he saw jungkook waiting outside his door. He blushed and quickly turned around walking the other direction. He had a lot of bags and couldn't really get away.

"Jimin hey what are you doing?" Jungkook said looking at him.

Jimin stopped in his tracks and slowly turned around. He falsely smiled and turned the other way.
"Hey I'm just- I forgot something but forget it, why are you here??" Jimin said looking at him nervously.

"I just wanted to have lunch with you... was I not supposed to come?" Jungkook said looking questioned.

"Of course you can come over- um just- can I open the door...yeah thanks um- okay." Jimin said opening the door to his apartment.

He was so nervous. He liked jungkook alot and so he didn't want to ruin the friendship they had so he kept his secret to himself.

He placed the bags on the living room, close to the hallway that lead to Jimins room. He looked down at the bags as he was slowly walking towards jungkook.

"What did you buy jimin?" Jungkook curiously asked.

"Um- I- just a little something, not a big deal..."

"Oh... can I see?"

Jimin panicked.

He didn't know what to do with himself. He didn't want jungkook to find out his big secret. He was nervous and his mind was everywhere.

Jungkook had walked closer to Jimin and had reached into one of the bags.

Once jimin turned around it was too late and jungkook had already grabbed a shirt and a pair of pants that jimin had paired in the bag. He placed them out on the floor and looked into another bag and got a pair of Adidas. He looked at it carefully as jimin was internally dying and deeply nervous.

"That looks cute" jungkook said looking up at jimin.

Jimin stopped freaking out and looked down at jungkook.

"It's so nice that you bought this for your sister."

(Yes ik jimin doesn't have a sister but it wouldn't make sense, so just imagine he has a sister.)

"Huh? Oh right that was for- my sister- right for her..." jimin said acting a little jumpy.

Jungkook stared at jimin and smiled a little.

"Why are you acting so jumpy jimin? It's not like I'm going to do anything to you..." jungkook said staring at jimin.

"No it's just that- um- I wasn't expecting visitors, that's all..." jimin said.
"I'll go make something to eat alright just sit down and get comfortable."

"Okay I'll be here waiting." Jungkook said while still sitting on the floor.

Jimin was tempted to get all of the bags and take them to his room,but he didn't want to seem rude or anything and he just let jungkook do whatever he was doing with the clothes.

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