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Jimin and jungkook were close friends and lived together in dorms for some years and suddenly jungkook started developing feelings for his hyung jimin.

They were coming home from a loud party they had both attended, jimin nor jungkook were in their right mind, due to the high amount of alcohol they had both consumed, you see they both got dumped during the same week, so to forget all their memories and feelings for the other person they drank until they couldn't feel their feet or walk properly. They both decided to get an uber ride home to not get into an accident or whatever. Jimin couldn't open the door to their dorm when they arrived so jungkook pushed him a little aside and looked for they right key. Jungkook got the door to unlock and the both boys were holding onto each other for support. Jungkook went to his room and jimin to his room as well.

Both boys still not knowing what they were doing jungkook went to knock on jimins door. "Hyyuunnggg c-can I sleep with you tonight?" The younger asked. "Sure kookieee~♡" jimin said with a big smile. Jungkook then went to jimins bed and laid down and jimin followed. Both ready to sleep they started to drift off into sleep until jungkook tossed and turned, and hugged jimin. Jungkook was now cupping the older and breathing into jimins neck. Jimin suddenly woke up of the hot air that he felt on his neck and slowly turned around. Their noses touched and jimin stared at his "friend" that slept in peace and admired every glow and flaw from the younger, to the youngers facial scars to his beautiful big lips, lips he tempted not to kiss in the morning, or the youngers eyes, eyes he always wanted to be the first to see in the morning, and his manly hands and arms.

Jimin loves jungkook but was always too scared to say anything since he didn't want to ruin their beautiful friendship. Jimin couldn't hold himself from admiring the younger that he got really close and suddenly realized that he was kissing jungkook. Jimin slowly closed his eyes and intensely kissed jungkook. Jimin then came to his senses and backed away from jungkooks grip. As jimin opened his eyes he saw jungkook wide awake.

Jimin could see jungkooks eyes glow from the moonlight that was hitting the two "friends". Jimin then got up and sat in the edge of the bed and grabbed his hair pulling it a little, regretting what he had just done, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Jimin shivered since he didn't have a shirt on and looked back at jungkook looking at jimin. "Hyung..." jungkook whispered. "I'm sorry kookie...I should have never done that please forgive me." Jimin started to get teary.

"Jimin I love you." Jungkook said with a big smile holding back his tears. Jimin froze at what the younger was just telling him. "I have always liked you jimin, but I was always really scared to even say anything, so I dated other people but you were always on my mind..." jungkook said cupping the olders face. Jimin was crying at this point and slowly grabbed jungkooks hands and kissed the palms of each hand. Jungkook was also crying, they had both waited for this moment for so long that they were crying of all the happy emotions they were feeling.

"I love you too jungkook... I want to spend the rest of my days with you, I want to be the first to see you in the morning, the first one to kiss you in the mornings. I'm sorry I wanted this long to even look at you..." jimin said kissing jungkooks forehead. Jungkook was about to speak again until he got cut off by jimin hugging him. Jungkook hugged back and buried his face into jimins chest.

Jimin got jungkook by the cheek and jawline, and slowly brought jungkooks lips to his. They kissed passionately and fell over onto the bed again. Jimin laid on the bed and jungkook rested his head on jimins arm as they both looked at each other. "I love you jimin." Jungkook said in cute low voice. Jimin looked down and smiled. "I love you too kookie." The two boys laid in bed till they drifted back to sleep, this time embracing each other, and holding hands.

*Next morning*

The two "friends" still asleep as the sun raised onto each others body, jimin woke up and stared at the younger with warm eyes. Slowly he leaned in close and kissed jungkook and jungkook opened his eyes slowly. "Good morning handsome. " jimin said to the younger. "Good morning jiminie." Jungkook said with a bunny smile. "Jungkook what do you want to do today?" Jimin said looking at jungkook. "Why?" Jungkook said looking up at jimin. "Because this is our first date we are going as boyfriends somewhere,  so that's why I'm asking where do you want to go." Jimin said explaining to jungkook. "Really!? We're dating?" Jungkook said with a surprised look. Jimin nodded and kissed the younger. Jungkook smiled and hugged jimin, both hugging each other in each others embrace they both got up and got ready for their date.

The end
A/N: I dont really liked the ending for this fluff ff it's just that I hadn't posted so I thought I had to do it quickly...

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