《 hyung... 》

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Jimin pov
I looked at the clock on wall that read 2:45 am. I couldn't figure out where jungkook was. He was a sophomore in college and I was a senior about to graduate.

And jungkook was still not home. I knew he had gone out with some friends but I didn't know where they were or what they were doing of course that wasn't my business, but I was worried that jungkook was hurt I was his hyung and I had to protect him. I was sitting in the couch with some blankets and pillows cuddling myself waiting for the door to unlock. Suddenly my phone went off and I checked to see the ID caller.

Jungkookie 🐰

I picked up the phone and waited for jungkook to speak.
I heard him say.
Can you come to the park near our apartment? I need to tell you something.
I could hear it in his voice that he had been outside in the cold. My only thought was he was hurt.
Alright I'll be right there dont move.
I said with concern in my voice.

I got up from the couch and got my coat and slipped on my shoes on the way out.

Jungkook pov
I had been drinking. My friends left me in the park near my apartment thinking I would walk home. Of course I was too drunk to even see what was in front of me. I had just got off the phone with my hyung and I can't remember what i said exactly, but I think he's coming for me.

I sat on the swing looking down at my feet slowly thinking about all the memories I shared with my hyung and how he took care of me when I was in desperate need. He has always been there for me and slowly I started to get attached to him. I was trying to control my feelings but I can't anymore, I need to tell jimin hyung what I feel towards him.

Jimin pov
I looked around in the park to only find a very familiar figure sitting on the swing looking down to his shoes.
I chuckled a little as I walk toward the figure smiling until I get there.


Jungkook looks up and smiles with his pink rosy cheeks and cute bunny smile. I can tell he was drunk, really really drunk.

Hyung ~ •°○
He replies.

Sit down here. He points to the swing next to him. I need to talk to you about something important. Jungkook says.

I sit next to him and look at his direction, waiting for jungkook to speak.

Hyung I dont know how to tell you this...

I like you a lot more than a friend and I want to have a relationship with you and I totally understand if you dont like me back. I wouldn't even like myself if I was this drunk anyway pls take my confession to consideration.

Jungkook looks down as he says his last sentence and I am incapable of processing what jungkook had just said.

Jungkook pov
I look down at my feet and feel my emotional sober starting to kick in. I want to cry as I just finished confessing to my crush and he wasn't saying anything which was a big he doesn't like you back sign. I could feel the warm tears run down my cold cheek.
I wiped my tears and slowly looked at jimin. He was looking at the stars and the dark sky. I looked at the stars and the moon. They looked great but with just jimin staring at them he looked beautiful. I was trying to process how I had just fucked up and that I was probably going to have to move out from the apartment or something, since it would be really awkward. I just kept looking at jimin.
Was all I had in my mind. I couldn't bare to lose jimin he was everything I had. I just had to get sober and ruin my relationship with jimin amd now I fucked it all up. Shit I want to die.
I couldn't hold it in anymore and I put my hands together and placed them on my face ready to have a mental breakdown but then I felt a general touch, like as if something so calm and angelic was touching me. I turned to jimins direction and saw he was holding my hand and smiling at me. My heart was about to burst. He had reached for my hand, since he new I would have little panic attacks when I needed to cry or felt overwhelmed.

Me too.

I replied not knowing the reason behind it.

I like you too.
Jimin said smiling and holding onto my hand.

I replied screaming and standing a little from the swing.

Yeah and I know your a little drunk right now and you might not remember anything but I just want you to know now that I've had feelings for you for a while now just that I was too scared...
Jimin said lowering his head as he was finishing what he was saying.

Hyung... I love you.
I replied.

Then suddenly I regretted going out with my friends.
I felt all the alcohol come back out and it happened.
I vomited in front of jimin.
And I passed out.

Jimin pov
We had just gotten to the apartment which was extremely difficult with jungkook. He had pucked and passed out in the park, I can't imagine what  would have happened if I wasn't there. At last I laid him on the couch and grabbed a glass of water. I went and sat next to jungkook sipping on the water. He then moved and I looked over at him. He woke up and looked at me. Water? I asked. He nodded and I handed him the glass of water, And he took a sip. I waited for him to say anything. And nothing happened so I spoke and said "Jungkook I do like you a lot, it's just that I don't think you like me back, since your drunk and all and you probably have no idea what you said to me earlier." Jungkook looked up and grabbed my chin and pulled me in for a kiss. I was shocked at first but then I gave in and kissed back. We kissed for a couple more seconds until we both let go. "That is how I feel about you,  and I know I'm drunk and not in my right mind but I want you to know that whatever happens I do really liked you. Please promise me that you won't leave me jimin." Jungkook said as he was starting to get teary. I looked at him with suck warmth in my eyes and kissed his forehead. "Well now I really know how you feel, and I'm happy you shared your feelings towards me altho I did hope it was sooner, but I'm still very happy." Jungkook just smiled and hugged me. He let go laid back down. I followed and laid on his chest and we both slowly drifted to sleep.

The end.

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