I check the latest in the news, glancing over at the window after a while to see the sun had risen. People were filling the orange room slowly. The next time the elevator pinged, I knew it would be the moment I was waiting for.

"Emily?" I hear from the front of the collection of desks. I look up before making my way over to the smiling blonde. Next to her was a dark-haired man who I had never seen before. I pull her in for a hug, smiling brightly.

"Ellie." I address lightly.

"When did you get in?" She asks.

"About three this morning." She nods.

"You haven't been here since then, have you?" I shake my head.

"I stayed with Gibbs last night." She nods as a throat is cleared next to her.

"Oh! I'm sorry. This is Nick Torres. He filled in the last spot." I nod, smiling while shaking his hand. "Nick, this is Emily McGarrett. She's a friend." We smile at each other while Nick looks a bit confused.

"It's nice to meet you, Emily, a friend." I smile at him.

"You too, Torres." Another ping sounds through the orange room. We are joined by McGee not three seconds later.

"McGarrett? I didn't know you were coming." I nod, smiling up at him. Torres walks away, towards the bathrooms while Bishop walks to her desk.

"I'm here Timmy. How's Delilah?" He smiles brightly.

"She's doing good. Only four months left and we'll have a little one." I smile brightly at him.

"Awe. I'm so happy for you." He smiles, placing his bag on the ground like the other two had done. "Before I forget, Tony says hello." McGee and Bishop smile at me.

"When did you talk to him?" McGee asks, curiously looking at me.

"At the airport yesterday morning. He and Tali stayed with me for a couple of weeks." Bishop smiles lovingly while McGee just looks content. I walk back to Gibbs' desk and run my eyes over what's left of the newspaper.

We're all quiet by the time Torres walks back in. He walks to Bishop, sitting on the corner of her desk while talking to her.

"So, Scarecrow, How was your night last night?" I turn to McGee for an explanation, but he just shrugs before looking back at them with amusement.

"Torres, I told you not to call me that." He throws his hands up in defense. "It was fine, thank you. How was your night?" She asks.

"Mine was great, thanks for asking." We all turn to see Gibbs walking towards me, to his desk. He unlocks the top drawer, pulling out his gun before closing it back. "Grab your gear, we've got a dead marine in an apartment building downtown." We all jump up. I grab my backpack that was filled with everything I would need.

"Do you have a-" I start to ask, but he stops me with a wave of his hand. So, I watch as he unlocks the second drawer, pulling out a gun and badge before handing them to me. "What am I supposed to do with this?" I ask, holding up the badge. "I have my own."

We begin walking quickly to the open elevator doors. "It's not gonna do you much good here, McGarrett. We're in DC, not Hawaii."

"Hawaii? You live in Hawaii?" Torres asks, him and Bishop standing behind Gibbs and I. McGee was standing to the side, not really in any formation.

"Yeah." I keep it simple, deciding not to go into detail.

Eleanor Bishop's POV

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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