Chapter 36

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Author's note: long chapter. Enjoy!

The next morning, as promised, all former counselors of Camp Dogwood met at a small diner for breakfast. The only one not present was Kali, but she was flying out that day to attend the wedding. The group was so large, partially because it included five members of One Direction's security team, they pretty much took up the whole resturuant. Because the tables were bolted into the ground, the group had been divided into several smaller groups scattered at different tables.

Harry and Ariel sat at one booth with Jackie and Kian. A security guard had pulled up a chair at the end of the table, but sat silently and let the couples catch up.

At another booth, Niall and a member of security shared one side and Paris was wedged between Jake and Audri on the other.

Liam sat with Zayn, Louis, and Eleanor (invited because she's Louis's girlfriend) at a table diagonally across from the one Paris was at. Liam kept stealing glances at Paris, but she was often to absorbed in a concersation to notice. They hadn't spoken a word to each other since she had arrived.

Mitch and Tiffani sat at another table with the rest of the security guards. They hadn't had much time alone lately and wanted a moment to catch up, even though they weren't really alone.

Ariel and Harry still hadn't revealed what their big plan was but Paris knew that it had to be big because Ariel could hardly contain her excitement. Towards the end of breakfast, she and Harry stood up and the counter to make an announcement.

"Okay, so first we want to thank you all for being here" Ariel started. "Harry and I have both agreed that we wouldn't want to spend this day without you guys."

"Camp Dogwood will always have a special place in our hearts because of the memories we share there" Harry continued. "So we thought, why not go out for one last adventure?"

The group cheered, earning a chuckle from Harry and a grin from Ariel. "I am really excited about this. It has been next to impossible to keep a secret, bur we're all going to, drum roll please!" Ariel requested.

Paris and Niall were the first to start beating on the table. Jake, Jackie, Kian, Mitch, and Louis followed.

"We're going to Disney!" Ariel cheered. The girls gasped.

"No freaking way!" Jackie exclaimed.

"Ahh! I'm so excited!" Tiffani squealed.

"This is awesome!" Paris grinned.

"Calm down you idiot" Audri snapped at Niall as he did a happy dance.

"Okay, okay," Ariel hushed everyone. "The cars are here so lets go!"

Everyone stood up and began heading out. "I want a piggy back.ride" Paris blurted.

"Uh, negative" Audri refused.

Liam quickly slipped through the tables and people so that he was next to Paris. He stepped in front of her and squated down a little so that she could easily hop onto his back. At first she was a little surprised, but she grinnes and climbed on.

He carried her out into the parking lot. "To Disney!" she cried.

Time Skip.

Paris looked around the park and realized she was alone. Strangers were walking around everywhere, but Paris couldn't find anyone from her group. She had just gotten off a ride that she was sure Audri, Jake, and Niall had ridden with her, but she couldn't find them now. She began to panic.

She breathed heavily and took a seat on a bench. She reached for her phone in her back pocket before.realizing she had given it to Mitch because his pockets were deeper. She buried her face in her hands.

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