Chapter 1

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"Do you think they know how to talk?" Louis whispered jokingly in a serious voice. All five boys looked at the three girls sitting across from them. Louis leaned forward across the table and waved his hand in front of their faces. "Hello! We come in peace! Breathe if you are alive!"

"Louis!" Liam scolded.

"What?" Louis shrugged. The girls giggled.

Suddenly, the hostest of the japanese grill walked in, escorting four more people to their table. One of the newcommers, a petite blonde girl, thanked her and sat down. The newcomers must've known the three girls because they immediatly jumped into a conversation with the original three girls. In the midst of the stragers' chattering, the blonde girl who had thanked the waitress looked across the table and made direct contact with Liam. She grinned at him.

"Hi!" she spoke cheerfully, her voice high and light wieght.

Liam's eyes widened when he realized she was talking to him. He, in return, sent a soft smile her way. "Hello, love."

"It's so cool that we get to work with you you this summer" the girl replied.

Liam shrugged. "The pleasure is ours; I'm Liam."

She giggled. "I know. I'm a fan." Her smile faded and her eyes widened. She began to panic. "I promise I'm not obsessive; I just really like your music. Gosh, I sound so creepy. I am so sorry!"

This time Liam chuckled. "It's okay love. What's your name?"

The girl smiled a huge cheeky, toothy smile. "Paris Kennedy."

Liam was taken aback. "Paris? As in the city of love?" he inquired curiously.

"Kind of" she laughed. "My parents really wanted to travel when they were young." Liam nodded in realization.

"Paris? Did my mom give us any instructions for tonight?" one of the original three girls, the one with short brown hair, asked.

"Oh!" Paris exclaimed. "Yes! She said have a good time tonight and get to know each other because tomorrow we have to clean." All of the strangers stopped their conversations and groaned.

"That was freaky" Niall commented.

"We all hate cleaning day" the girl with short brown hair explained as she rolled her eyes. She smiled at Niall. "I'm Jacqualine, by the way. But everyone calls me Jackie."

"I'm Niall" he grinned and held out his hand. She laughed and shook it.

"I'm Audri" another one of the original three girls chimed in. She had long, dark, sleek hair that flowed to the middle of her back.

"It's nice to meet you" Niall replied.

"This summer is going to be awesome!" the last of the original girls, theo ne with red hair, cheered.

Harry smirked slyly at the girl. "I bet. I'm Harry; who are you, love?"

She smiled nervously and shrugged. "I'm Ariel, like the mermaid."

Harry chuckled deeply. "Figures. The name suits you." Ariel blushed and used her fingers to comb through her fiery curls.

Paris spoke out so that the whole table could hear her. "I think everyone should go around and introduce themselves. I mean, we are going to be spending alot of time with each other this summer; we might as well get to know one another. Jake, why don't you go first?"

The boy sitting drectly opposite of Paris was obviously caught off guard. He sat for a moment in awkward silence. Paris and Jacqualine rolled their eyes and the girl sitting next to him motioned for him to continue. "Oh, I'm Jake."

The girl sitting next to him, to his right, went next. She was blonde, but was older and taller than Paris. "I'm Kali."

"I'm Tiffani" the girl sitting to Kali's right stated in a a small voice.

Audri was next. "I'm Audri."

"I'm Ariel."


"Jacqualine, but everyone calls me Jackie." Jackie looked at Zayn, who sitting to her right.

"Uh, I'm Zayn" the Bradford boy stated.

"Liam" Liam continued the pattern, not taking his eyes off of Paris, whose eyes followed onto the next person speaking.

"Harry" the curly one winked at Ariel, who's cheeks turned the shade of her hair.

"I'm Niall" the Irishman repeated with a grin.

"And I'm Jennifer, but you all already new that" Louis informed, beaming with excitment. Everyone rolled their eyes. "Okay, fine" he sighed. "I'm Louis, the sassmaster from Doncaster" he winked. All of the girls, except Kalie and Audri laughed.

"It's great to meet you" Jackie complemented gim.

"Thanks" he grinned.

"No problem" Jackie replied. "And on behalf of all of us, I want to thank ya'll for giving up your busy popstar life to come hang out with us and these kids this summer."

"You're welcome, love" Liam returned the gratitude. "We're excited to work with you as well."

"Hi everyone!" a short Japanese man in a chef's hat called as he wheeled in a cart with frozen meet on it. He turned the dial of the grill to turn it on. "How is everyone today?"

"We're good" the group chorused.

"Good, good" the chef replied as he poured oil on the grill. It sizzled. The man grinned. "I'll be your chef today. Is anybody celebrating something special today?"

"Nope, just kicking off the best summer ever" Ariel answered gleefully, keeping her eyes on Harry.

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