Chapter 32

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"Jason?" Paris whispered.

"Hm?" he squeezed her hand.

"Thanks" she stated.

He smiled. "No problem. You're family and I'd do anything for you. Besides, he deserves it."

She frowned. "I hope this works."

"It will" Jason assured her before pullibg her out the car. Her heels clicked on to the pavement, and she almost lost her balance, but he caught her. "Careful babe" he winked.

She laughed and stood up straight. She looked down and pulled at the bottom of her dress a little. Her black dress was a little too short for her liking, making her feel self concious.

"Stop pulling at your dress!" Jackie whispered as she and Alex passed Paris and Jason. Paris opened her mouth to protest, but Jackie beat her too it. "You look hot, now walk in ther like you own it."

"Right" Paris nodded and followed them into the club. 

The One Direction boys were already there, seated at a table near the door. Ariel was the first to spot her friends. "Ahh!" she squealed, running up to hug the girls. "This is so great! I can't believe we're all together again!" 

Paris giggled. "Ariel! I've missed you!"

"I have missed you too!" Ariel replied in a relieved voice. Harry walked up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist. "I mean, living here and on tour with the guys is great, but ther were definatley moments where I needed my girls."

Tiffani smiled. "Believe me, we needed you too!" 

Ariel grinned and looked at the full group. "Oh my gosh! This is 4HOW, isn't it? Mitch's band? Don't just stand there, introduce me!"

The group laughed. "Well," Jackie started. "This is Alex, he's the drummer" she said, leaning her head against his shoulder. He grinned and held out his hand that Jackie wasn't holding. Ariel smiled and shook it.

"Nice to meet you" he yelled over the music.

"You too!" Ariel replied. She turned and looked at Paris, who was holding hands with Jason. Ariel smirked. "Who's this?"

"Jason" Paris introduced with a smile.

Ariel grinned and leaned in to whisper in Paris's ear. "You bounce back fast girlfriend!"

Paris blushed. "I'll tell you about it later. It's a funny story."

Ariel nodded. "You'd better." She looked past Jason and Paris and looked at Hayden. Her nose crinkled a little. "Who's the freak with the green hair?" she asked.

The group laughed. "That's Hayden, he's a guitarist" Tiffani explained.

Ariel raised an eyebrow. "Interesting group you've got here, Mitch."

Mitch smiled. "Charming as ever, aren't you Ariel?" Ariel smiled.

"Uh, babe? Let's go introduce them to everyone else" Harry suggested. Ariel grinned and motioned for the group to follow her and Harry. They led them back to One Direction's table. 

Louis's eyes lit up. "Paris! Jackie! Tiff! It's so great to see you, again!" he cheered, giving them each a hug. "Here, meet my girlfriend, Eleanor!" he stated and pointed to the girl sitting next to him.

"Oh my gosh its Eleanor Calder!" Paris gasped. Eleanor laughed and held out a hand for Paris to shake. "I absolutely love you and I've been telling Louis to give you a ring all summer! You guys are so cute together!" 

"Thanks" Eleanor blushed. Louis grinned and slipped an arm around her waist. 

"Your style is amazing!" Tiffani told Eleanor as she shook her hand.

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