Chapter 35

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IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE: i made some changes to the last half of the last chapter. You need to go back and read it again so that you wont be confused. Thank you!

Paris climbed out of the car after Audri. Jackie and her boyfriend, Kian, climbed out of the car next, and Jake was last. Harry had arranged for a car to pick the group up at the airport and bring them straight to the arena.

Audri and Paris looked around the arena, taking in their surroundings. Workers were busy putting up.the stage and the special effect equiptment, so nobody really noticed them. The group gawked at the scene.

"Move, move, mooooove!" Louis squealed as he rode his skateboard out from behind the stage. He was being chased by security. "You'll never take me alive!"

Audri raised an eyebrow. "Good to know he's still a moron" she spat.

"Audri! Nice words!" Paris scolded.

"Paris! Shut up!" Audri mocked.

"Guys, he's headed this way, we better MOOVE!" Kian pulled Jackie out of the way. Jake jumped back and Paris clung onto Audri as Louis whizzed passed them.

"Hey butthole!" Audri yelled. "Whatch where your going!"

Louis looked back for a second and his eyes widened. He set his foot down to stop, but ended up tripping and rolling on the ground, hitting some chairs in the process. Paris gasped and ran over to check on him. Her friends and the security guards followed.

Louis was holding his leg and moaning dramatically. Paris knelt down beside him.

"Louis!" Paris gushed and gave him a hug. "Are you okay?"

"No, I think I see the light!" he exclaimed. He reached into the air. "So, pretty!"

Audri rolled her eyes. "Snap out of it drama queen."

Louis frowned at her. "Excuse me, I am trying to put on an oscar worthy performamce here; I don't need your negativity."

Audri huffed and crossed her arms. Paris grinned and stood up. Two security guards lifted Louis back on his feet.

"I've missed you Louis" Paris informed.

"I've missed you to Blondie" he grinned. He released her and looked over the rest of the group. "Jake! Jackie!" he gushed excitedly and opened his arms. Jackie laughed and left Kian's arms for Louis's. After they shared a hug, Louis released her and awkwardly shook hands with Jake.

Louis turned and opened his arms to Audri, but then immediatly put them down and made a face at her. She in turn stuck her tongue out like a child.

"Louis," Jackie inturrupted. He sharply turned his head towards her. "This is my boyfriend, Kian."

"Oh! A new person!" Louis cheered and held a hand out to Kian.

"Nice to meet you!" Kian grinned.

"You too!" Louis smiled. "Oh!" he.dropped Kian's hand and turned towards Paris. "Ariel has been waiting for you to show up since she woke up this morning, at six a.m."

"Ariel got up at six AM?" Paris asked.

"I know, shocking" Louis agreed. "But you should go and join her back stage before she dies of a panic attack. I hope she calms down after this freaking wedding cause I'm about to shoot her."

Paris giggled. "We wouldn't want that. Plus, I think you're wanted backstage" she eyed the security guards. "Lead the way."

Time Skip

"Ahh! This is so exciting!" Ariel gawked for the fiftieth time since her friends arrived at the arena. "It's all so real now! At the end of the week, I'll be married!"

Ariel, Tiffani, Paris, Jackie, Kian, Audri, and Jake were all hanging out in a box seat of the arena. There was a small bar, several large TV's, couches, and a huge window peeking into the arena with perfect view of the stage. After Louis had escorted them backstage, Ariel had tackled Paris and Jackie in a huge hug and then insisted that the group meet up with the 4HOW boys and Tiffani for an early dinner. Paris and Jackie caught up with the boys at a resturaunt and then everyone had to get back to the arena in time.for the show. After sneaking back into the arena, Ariel and Tiffani took their new friends up to the sky box and they had been hanging out there ever since. Zayn and HArry had stopped by to say hello, but nobody had seen the other boys.

"We know!" Tiffani groaned.

Ariel pouted. "I'm just so excited."

"We know" Audri snapped.

Ariel rolled her eyes and.sat.down next to Jackie. "Speaking of love, I see you and Kian are super close." Ariel winked. Jackie giggled and looked.across the room at Kian, who was playing a video game with Jake.

"He's perfect" Jackie grinned.

"Uh-huh" Ariel nodded. She looked over at Paris. "And what's going on with you and Liam? I'm surprised he hasn't burst in here yet to see you. He was so excited when he heard you were coming."

Paris blushed. "We're just friends."

"And Harry and I are brother and sister" Ariel snapped sarcastically. The girls laughed. "But for real though, whats going on?"

"We're just talking! I swear!" Paris assured.

Ariel gasped. "Paris? Sweet little innocent goody two shoes Paris? Swearing? You shouldn't swear princess! Its unbecomming. However, I find those words quite funny coming from your lips."

"Why?" Paris asked.

"Because you're a big fat liar" Ariel snapped.

"I am not!" Paris objected.

"We'll see about that" Ariel hinted. She gasped again. "That reminds me! Everyone!" she called.

The boys stopped playing their for a moment. The girls focused on the bride to be. Ariel stood up and cleared her throat.

"Your presence is requested tomorrow morning at nine o'clock sharp. Don't be late!" she snapped. "All former staff members of Camp Dogwood will be participating in one last adventure before my rehearsal dinner tomorrow. Girls, dress nice and pack evening attire. Boys? Don't look ratchet. After the rehearsal dinner, all females are invited to a bachlorett party for moi at my hotel. All the boys are goibg camping. Don't ask, I'm marrying a hobo. Just do it."

"This sounds stupid" Audri grumbled.

"You're stupid" Ariel snapped. She sat back down next to Paris. "And you, will be going on a date tomorrow night."

"What?" Paris's eyes widened.

Authors note: there ya go. I think.there's only.gonna be two.or three more chapters left.

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