Chapter 14

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The counselors stood in Alice's office, ready for the staff meeting. Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Slader were watching the kids in the mess hall. Everyone was quiet and afraid to talk about the car right that had happened earlier that day. Harry stood behind Ariel with his arms wrapped around her waist. Jackie was still holding a bloody tissue to her nose as she stood next to Paris. Liam had his arms crossed and was standing g close to Paris and Jackie. Louis had his hands in his pockets and was casually rocking back and forth on his heels. Tiffani, Kali, and Zayn stood in a little huddle together. And Niall and Jake stood awkwardly beside the door.

Alice swallowed. "Um, I had to make a rather harsh decision and remove Audri from our staff, just for a little while." Audri's friends, including Jackie, looked at the floor. "Unfortunately that means we'll have to do some rearranging with the groups. I have already hired a replacement for her, however he won't be here until Thursday. And even then, I can't have two guys in charge of the fourth graders. So, in the meantime, Mrs. Kennedy is going to fill in as the extra counselor. On Thursday, however, I am going to need Ariel to help with the fourth graders. The new counselor will help Louis with the seventh graders. Does everyone understand?"

The group nodded. Tiffani spoke up. "Do we know who our new counselor is going to be?"

Alice smiled. "It is someone that you know quite well. However, he lives rather far away and it's going to take him two days to get here."

Tiffani and Paris looked at each other and grinned. "It's Mitch, isn't it?" Tiffani asked.

"Yes, Mitch is coming to help out" Alice revealed.

"Ahh!" The girls cheered.

"Who's Mitch?" Liam asked

"An old friend" Tiffani grinned. "He's from Australia."

"And you know him how?", Liam asked with a raised eyebrow.

Paris rolled her eyes and smiled. " We went on a band trip to Australia in High School. He was our host brother. He came to visit us last summer and helped at camp while he was here, that's why everyone else knows him. He's cool."

"Mmhmm" Liam grunted.

"Anyway," Alice changed the subject. "Since we are short on staffers, tonight's theme night has been changed. We will be doing wacky hair night along with a movie in the big room. So, ya'll are dismissed to go get your kids and get ready."

time skip. ya...that's right.

"Wow! You guys have some wacky hair out there!" Alice spoke into her microphone. "It warms my heart to see all of you participating in these theme nights. But, we have to pick a winner, and we've decided that this week's award goes to the sixth graders!"

Tiffani and Jake's group cheered. They were all wearing bowler hats with brown hula grass flowing down. They even wore Ozzy-Osborne shades so that their look was complete. They definitely looked like Cousin It from the Addams family.

The eighth graders groaned. Paris had been really creative with their outfits and had cut panty hose to make bald caps so that they all appeared bald. They really felt like they were going to win.

"Alright, so we're going to take it easy to right with a good old fashioned movie night!" Alice changed the subject. The kids cheered. "Everyone grab a blanket and a pillow and pick a spot in front of the screen. Your counselors will be around to bring a drink and some popcorn. Let's be respectful and try to be quiet during the movie, and if you make a mess, please clean it up. Everyone ready?"

The kids cheered again and moved around the room to join up with friends and fins the perfect spot to lounge while the movie was playing. Paris and Louis got to work popping popcorn. Liam, Ariel, Niall, and Jackie were scooping up popcorn and sorting it into small bowls. Harry, Kali, and Tiffani were fixing drinks.

The movie started and the kids got quiet. All you could hear was the noise from the movie and the sound of popcorn being crunched. Jackie grabbed a handful of popcorn to place in a bowl when she caught Niall eating some.

"Niall!" she whisper scolded. "You're not supposed to eat the popcorn yet! That's for the kids!" He frowned and continued sorting popcorn. She giggled at him.

Hallway through the movie, the counselors were sitting in the back, against a wall. Ariel was leaning on Harry, who was seated next to Louis. Tiffani was laying on her stomach next to Louis, but she wasn't paying attention to the movie. She was on her phone. Next to her, Jackie sat straight up, her eyes glued to the movie screen. Niall sat next to her and tried to get her attention, but she shushed him and pushed him away. He pointed and went back to eating popcorn . Zayn was leaning up against the wall, also on his phone. Beside him, Paris sat close to Liam because he was letting her lean on him during the movie. Kali sat beside Paris, but she didn't notice the closeness of the two beside her because she was to busy on her phone, texting her boyfriend.

Paris was distracted from the movie by several kids shushing someone. She heard a small voice continue to ramble and then heard very many "Shh'"'s again. Suddenly, instead of shushing the kid who was being accused of talking, a girl threw her cup at the kid. There was a shriek, causing a huge distraction.

Kids watched the soaked girl who had been talking. It was a sixth grader. She was furious and she leaped at the other girl. Kids stopped watching the movie to watch what was going on in front of them. Popcorn flew everywhere and kids screamed.

The counselors sped into action. Liam reached for the light switch while Paris and Zayn tore the two girls apart. Jackie and Ariel turned off the movie while Louis and Kali tried to get kids to settle down. Niall wasn't really helping the cause, just trying to save as much popcorn as he could by eating it. Tiffani was the one who finally received everyone's attention.

" Hey! We are NOT going throw any more popcorn, understand? And we are NOT going to start any more fights that require the throwing of food and/or other objects at other people. This rule is for the remainder of camp! If any counselor catches you throwing something at someone else with the intention to start a fight, I will personal pick you up and chuck you into the dumpster! And don't think I won't! This whole fighting this g is getting out of hand! I get it, you guys watched one of your counselors beat another one to pulp earlier today. Well look around, do you see her? No! Every choice has a consequence and if you choose to start a fight, you will be in HUGE trouble! Does everyone understand?" Tiffani ranted.

Kids mumbled "Yes ma'am"'s and " Okay's". The counselors stood wide eyed at Tiffani.

"What? I can be mean" she snapped.

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