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Okay okay I'm sorry it's late but I've been ill and stuff and I'm sorryy

Ellie's POV
After Pj finished telling me his probably-made-up story, it was about 10pm and we headed in to the house. Pj knocked on the door as I nervously stood behind him. Itwasn't like we were dating or anything but I still felt pressured to make a good impression. The door slowly opened and a pretty lady who looked like she was in her early 40s opened the door.
"Oh hi Pj you've grown up so much I can't believe how tall you've gotten you're so handsome now oh my" she said sweetly, violently hugging Pj. She then noticed me and came over and hugged me.
"Now who may this gorgeous young lady be? Could you be Pj's girlfriend?" I felt myself blush.
"Oh no we're not dating" I quickly responded "I'm Ellie, Pj's friend"
"Aww friend zoned, really Ellie?" Pj joked putting his arm around me.
"We aren't dating ho" I said pushing him away. He pretended to be heartbroken and fell to the floor, half fake-crying, half in tears of laughter. At this point I was also practically crying from laughter.
Pj's aunty was looking at us, confused as to why we were laughing so much. After all of that, Pj's aunt invited us in.
"I'm Giovanna by the way, but you can call me Gi"
When we walked in, I walked around and admired all the nice decorations. There was a LOT of paintings. We eventually arrived at the living room and there was a man who looked in his 40s and a 12 year old boy sat on the sofa watching tv.
"PJ" the little boy screamed as soon as he realised that we arrived. Pj sarcastically screamed "Marioooo" to humour him. He ran up to Pj and gave him a tight hug. Once he finally pulled away (I'm not kidding I think they were hugging for 5 minutes), he finally acknowledged me. He got on his tip-toes and loudly whispered in his ear
"Is that your girlfriend coz she is fittt?"
A 12 year old thinks I'm fit. Okay..
I decided to embarrass him a little bit and said "Why thank you, I try" and flicked my hair. Mario's entire face went a deep red and he went and hid behind his father. His dad then got up and shook my hand and introduced himself as well. We all sat and talked for a while, Mario being extremely quiet, still really embarrassed.
Afterwards, we were shown to our bedroom. We had to share a bed.. That wasn't gonna be awkward, it's not like I have a crush on him or anything. I showered and got into bed and Pj, who had showered earlier, got into bed as well. Once we switched the light off, we discussed our plans. We were supposed to stay with them for a few days and tour around Tuscany THEN we were going to Venice THEN we were heading of to Rome then we went back home. Pj's family wasn't joining us to Venice or Rome so it was just gonna be the two of us. Me and Pj, in one of the most romantic cities.. alone. This was gonna be something. It was gonna be hard to hide my feelings. After that, we both fell asleep instantly due to us both being really tired.

The next morning, I woke up at around 10AM and felt someone's arms wrapped around me. I turned to see Pj laying asleep next to me looking extremely cute. I attempted it move his arms but his grip tightened and he mumbled "5 more minutes mum". I just decided to lie down for a bit longer in Pj's embrace.
After a couple of minutes, a super energised Pj jumped out of bed and said "Oh my god Ellie get out of bed we need to be productive you're so lazyyy"
"I was trying to but you wouldn't let me" I replied and Pj's face went completely red. He replied, his voice much softer and quieter "Sorry."
"It's fine."

I looked out of the window, appreciating all the pretty landscapes and prettiness. We were driving to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Mario was sat in the middle with me and Pj on either side of him, the adultey adults (me and Pj are nothing like adults) sat in the front just being adults. I was listening to Milestones on my phone (listen to milestones xoxo) and Pj was listening to his stuff on his. Mario was sat in middle of us, occasionally pulling out mine and Peej's earphones and telling us random weird facts. He also taught us small bits of Italian so we could communicate (oh wow I think I need to use google translate now coz I can't Italian).

After a while we reached the Leaning Tower of Pisa. We parked nearby and just walked to the tower. The whole place was flooded with American tourists because it was early July so all the British people were still at school and work. As soon as we saw the tower, I was shook. It looked photoshopped?? In person??? We walked closer and joined the queue to go to the top of the tower; we had booked in advance so we got to go in a special people queue that was significantly shorter. (Does that exist?? Idk? Let's just say they have a fastpass??) We eventually got to the front and got to take the long af stairs.

After the 297 stairs, we finally got to the top. Mario sat on the floor while his parents were just being flirty. Me and Pj took a couple of instagrams to post later then we just kinda hung out. I turned to him and said "It's so beautiful!" He cheerfully smiled at me and nodded but I could have sworn I heard him mumble "It's nothing compared you." I kept hearing things like this throughout the day and at this point I think I need to get my ears cleaned.
So I just stood there, next to one of my favourite humans, looking over a beautiful landscape and just enjoying myself. I guess my life is finally worth it now.

Omg I uploaded. Sorry for taking so long I'm so bad at everything SORRY. I'll try to upload regularly again and stuff but I'm not gonna make any promises coz I have the tendency to procrastinate. I hope you liked the chapter and stuff coz it took ages to write (btw you win a puppy if you made it this far ly)


*1116 words*

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