Chapter Nine

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Taehyung's apartment was filled with silence. Jungkook roughly knew the talents of his other members after sticking to each one for a few minutes.

Seokjin had good instincts. He was also unbelievably smart,but in a different way from Namjoon. He would probably produce ideas that would solve the case when it got too difficult.

Yoongi could undo any lock or pick any pocket due to his fast,working hands. His hands could probably steal the gun off an officer's belt if he wanted to.

Hoseok could memorise the parts of a building well. He could tell streets apart,because he grew up basically running around in alleys all over Korea. He could probably lead any stealth team,no matter where the place was.

Jimin had all these jumps and backflips that he could do. Just like Jackie Chan, Jungkook thought when he watched Jimin do a backflip off the top of the stairs. He would be particularly useful in escape situations too.

"What do you think?"Jungkook tentatively asked Namjoon. He wondered if his best friend was still angry that he had put him in jail.

"Voice is closely related to missing persons cases,"Namjoon narrowed his eyes. "All I need is a link."

An idea popped into Jungkook's head. "Kim Jennie. She went missing not too long ago."

Namjoon answered with a grunt,his hands getting to work on the keyboard as random decryption files popped up. Jungkook cleared his throat.

"Uh,I hope everything's alright."

Namjoon paused in his typing and glanced at him fron the corner of his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You were in jail for two years."

He lifted an eyebrow. "After you put me there?"

With a wince,Jungkook rubbed his neck awkwardly. The tension was thick-he needed it gone. Seungri had wanted them to work together as a group.

"Yeah,and I really apologise for that."

Namjoon sighed,some of his old life returning to his eyes. "That's a new low,Jungkookie. You shouldn't apologise for doing the right thing. Jail was what I deserved."

Jungkook dared to venture a bit further. "What about Seokjin?"

"We talked it out,"Namjoon allowed a lopsided grin. "Had a few punches here and there,but we figured it out."

"Oh. I'll leave you to your work,then."Jungkook got up,only for his phone to ring.



"Oh,hello,Kyuhyun-hyung. Do you need something?"

"I'm worried. Seungri arrived at my doorstep just now."

"He did?!"Jungkook lowered his voice,heading to one corner of the room. "What happened?T.O.P-hyung said he went missing."

"He told me that too. The thing is,Seungri did not even come in,or knock. He just looked at the door number,and ran off before I could even get to the door."

"He ran..."Jungkook remembered chasing Seungri two years ago. His sunbae was no joke when it came to running. "Have you told T.O.P-hyung?"

"Yes. He told me to investigate. I called you in hopes that you could join me."

"Really?But hyung,I'm kind of in the middle of something here."

An exasperated sigh. "That's why I need you. Seunghyun updated me-you have a group now,I get it. I have a feeling all of this is connected. So?"

"I-I'll ask RM first,"Jungkook put his phone away from his ear. "Namjoon-hyung."

"What is it?"The gruffness had returned.

"Kyuhyun-hyung wants to join us. Can he,hyung?"His voice filled with hope,Jungkook looked to his leader eagerly. Everyone had turned to the commotion.

"Why not?"Namjoon shrugged. "Besides,we might need his help. It all makes no sense."

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