Chapter Seven

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This was the final straw.

Jungkook was grilling meat for his new team members,which included a ex-convict,a person who should be dead,and another one in the police department.

That was definitely going in his book of firsts.

They had split off into their own respective pairs,conversations floating around awkwardly. Namjoon was sitting across the table from him,and he did not know what to feel or say.

How was your time in jail after you had almost killed my mentor two years ago? But no worries,we're all a team now!

"Jungkook,you're burning the meat,"Seokjin reached over and grabbed the pair of tongs. "You have to do it like this."

Everyone was watching the eldest of their group. Even Namjoon,who usually diverted his attention to the interesting poster nearby,had his gaze fixed on the grill.

Seokjin flipped the meat over,causing the grill to sizzle.

"It's really slow,"Taehyung muttered,putting his hand on the knob. "Maybe you should-"

"Wait,Tae,nOT YET-!"

He turned it to a higher setting,and a wave of fire exploded from the grill,nearly lighting the table up. Jungkook checked his shirt-there was no burn marks.

"Aish,sorry."Taehyung grinned and drew his hand back.

Seokjin held out a hand just as the meat began to produce a lot of grease. "Hoseok. Your plate."He poked the meat with the tongs.

Hoseok handed his plate to him. "Uh,you can call me Hobi. Thanks,hyung."Jungkook felt a strange sense of calm all of a sudden.

"Hobi,then,"Seokjin offered a small smile,placing one piece of the meat unto the wrap. "Here it is. Yoongi?"

Yoongi handed over his plate,and Seokjin added a few lettuce leaves this time. Next was Jimin,who had given his plate hesitantly. However,Jungkook noticed that he was way less tense than before.

His phone rang just as Taehyung was getting served. Jungkook picked it up without glancing at the Caller ID.


"Kookie,where are you?Not eating Samyang,I hope?"

Jungkook let out a quiet chuckle at Heechul's concern. Once,he had tried the spicy noodles,and had a stomachache for the rest of the day.

"I'm hanging out with some..."He trailed off,glancing at the group of people around him,finding the right word. "Friends."

"Friends?You have friends?"


"Be back soon,okay?I want to plan my Jungsoo's birthday with you."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "My Jungsoo?"He gave his plate over to Seokjin,adding, "Uh,I eat a lot."

"Yes,my Jungsoo. Now off you go,enjoy your meal."

"Right. Bye,hyung."


The call ended just as Seokjin handed his plate back over to him. Instead of one piece of meat,it had two instead,with his favourite sides. Jungkook could not even complain about that as he took his first bite.

"Namjoon?"Seokjin turned to their leader.

Taehyung visibly stiffened beside him. Jungkook narrowed his eyes,expecting some sort of refusal,however Namjoon handed his plate to him with no hesitance.

"Is it rare?"Namjoon squinted at the meat.

"I'm not sure. I just cook,that's all."Seokjin shrugged in response,helping himself to a piece. Jungkook almost gawked at their casualness,but he realised that two years must have been enough time for them to cool.

After that,the mood was considerably lighter. They figured out their ages and their names,and even their codenames too.

After that,Jungkook did not want to admit it,but he actually enjoyed the lunch.

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