"Goodnight Tyler ." I kiss his chest .

"Goodnight darling ." He kisses my forehead and I smile .

I close my eyes instantly being pulled into dream land .


I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring throughout the room and I roll over so that I can turn it off . I feel my body being pulled closer to Tyler's body and I laugh removing his hold off of me .

"We've got school ." I say out loud .

"I know , but I don't want to go to school ." He pulls me closer to him .

"Hey idiot . You're going to suffocate me ." I laugh .

"I'm going to suffocate you ? You were practically sleeping on me yesterday night ." He says into my ear .

"We've had this conversation . It's not my fault that you're a great cuddle buddy ." I turn around to face him .

"Ugh you're annoying but I enjoy the warmth you're giving me so this is mutualism ." He shrugs and let's go of my body .

"True . I'm going to take a shower ." I smile getting out of bed .

I walk into the bathroom and I groan . My soap and all that stuff was finished so I had to use Tyler's things . I let the water run while I get undressed and as soon as it's warm enough I get into the shower where I wash my hair with Tyler's shampoo and i quickly clean myself .

I get a towel for my body and for my hair and I wrap one around my chest then dry my hair off with another towel . I quickly blow dry it but leave it a bit wet since there isn't time . I see my moisturizer on the cabinet so I practically run to it and I moisturize myself .

I get out of the bathroom and I make my way to the closet quickly getting dressed in a navy blue sundress and my Nike sneakers with a jean jacket to pair it with .

"Amelia !" I hear my mothers voice shout from her room .

I walk to the room and I see her packing her stuff into a small suitcase .

"Where are you going ?"

"Your dad is taking me somewhere for Women's Day ." She smiles .

"Oh that's sweet . I might as well give you your present now then ." I walk to the bedroom where I retrieve a present that is wrapped up .

"Happy women's day I guess ." I shrug handing her the gift .

She opens it up to see a gold watch that I have been saving for . For quite some time with the help of dad . She smiles and gives me a hug and I hug her back .

"Thank you so much sweety ." She kisses my cheek .

"Uhm I know that it's short notice and you would want me to stay over at Tyler's this weekend but he is going to Ireland and he thought that it would be a good idea for me to go with him so I'm asking for permission ." I blush because I don't think I've ever asked my parents for permission due to me being at home all the time .

"Well , this seems very huge . You're lucky that no one will be here this weekend so you can go but I expect you to call at least every twelve hours otherwise I'm taking a plane to Ireland and I will pull you by your ear young lady ." She points a finger at me which honestly scares me .

"Thank you mommy !" I scream hugging her .

"Have fun and be safe Okay ?" She looks sadly at me .

"I will . Have fun and be safe ." I kiss her cheek and I walk out of her and dads bedroom .

I get my bag from my bedroom and I make my way downstairs to see Tyler having breakfast . I smile at him while I pour cereal in a bowl with some milk . I munch on the chocolate goodness happily while I put the spoon in my mouth .

"Why are you so happy ? It's weird ." Tyler makes a face .

"These coco pops are amazing ." I point at them with the spoon .

"You're weird ." Tyler says getting up and washing his bowl .

I finish my food and I wash my bowl too . We get into the car and drive off to school .

"So mom said yes ." I say into the silence .

"Mom said yes to what ?" He raises his eyebrow at me .

"To the whole Ireland thing ." I smile happily .

"Wonderful ." He says happily .

The rest of the car ride is silence and as soon as we get to school we head to my locker first then his locker . We had Life Sciences first so we just walk to the class .

"Em hey ." A young voice I haven't seen in a while says .

"Hey Mr C ." I smile .

"I've told you that it's Andrew ." He chuckles .

"I feel like you forget that she lost her memory so she doesn't recall you giving her that clearance Andrew ." Tyler snarls his name .

"Okay calm down Tyler . I'm sorry Andrew , he's in a bad mood and I'm sorry for what he did yesterday . He could have just asked you to see me ." I shrug walking closer to his table .

"I told him the exact same thing ." He groans showing me blue spots in his hair .

"It kind of looks cool . How are Lauren and Louis ?" I make conversation .

"They are good . Lauren is missing you ." He says sadly .

"I'll send her a message ." I let him know .

"Well get to your seat Miss Johnson ." He chuckles .

"Yes Mr Clifton ." I chuckle taking a seat next to Tyler who seems pissed .

"You really need to calm down . I don't know what's going on with you two ." I put my hand in his and I feel him tense up .

"Calm down . It's just me ." I squeeze his hand and he becomes less tense .

"Please be careful ." He whispers seeming vulnerable .

"Don't worry about me Tyler ." I look to his side .

"I have to when it comes to him ." He points to Andrew with his eyes .

"What does that mean ?"

"It doesn't matter ." He scoffs .

• • •


I honestly don't like this chapter 😩 but it's part of the story 💔


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