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I recommend reading the dialogue out loud...it adds effect.

Thomas 🌂🕸
T: Zendaya come to the hospital.

Z: what! Why?
Tom I swear!

Zendaya quickly switched her phone off and jumped off the couch and began driving to the hospital.
"Fucking hell come on!" She screamed at the traffic lights.

Why was tom even texting her? He was at the Marvel convention. Zendaya started to think up the possible things that could've happened to Tom.

Fallen down stairs, broken an arm, fainted... the list went on, but nothing prepared her for what really happened.

When she got to the hospital Zendaya jumped out of the car slamming the door behind her as she basically ran to the entrance.

Her heart was pounding as she approached the big glass doors.
Was this some sort of Avengers meet up.

Zendaya could see almost all of the main marvel cast inside the waiting area.
As she walked through the doors she felt intimidated by all the famous people around her. But she just needed to see Tom.

"Hello..." Zendayas ears pricked up at the unfamiliar, British, accent. She turned around and felt like she was going to faint.

"I'm not sure we have met I'm Tom" Tom stuck out his hand. Zendayas heart stopped,

"Hi Tom..." Zendaya croaked out, "I'm Zendaya..."

"Ah yes Spider-Man's friend!"
"And you're Thors brother" Zendaya smiled and Tom smirked back at her.

"Speaking of...where is Tom...Holland...he texted me to come here and didn't text back..."
"Oh my apologies, that was Chris texting you...he doesn't really know how to talk to girls..." Tom laughed.

"Hemsworth? Not talking to girls really?"
"No the other one..." Tom shook his head.
"Pratt?" Tom shook his head again.
"Evans?!" Tom laughed.

"Ah yes Evans, he's a bit shocked at the moment poor guy..."
"Look Tom I just need to know where...my boyfriend is..."

"Boyfriend! Wow my son has grown!" Tom laughed again and Zendaya glared at him, "Sorry darling this is how I deal with pain, he's just over there next to Zoe and Marissa"

"So he isn't hurt?"
"No..no you don't know what happened..."
Zendaya shook her head.
"Brother! come here the police need to talk to you!" Zendaya looked at Chris and back at Tom who rolled his eyes.
"Tom will tell you"

"Thank you"

Zendaya ran over through the crowd of avengers trying to spot Zoe and Tom.
She spotted them both Zoe was talking to Scarlett and Tom was sitting with Marissa a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. Shaking as Marissa rubbed his back.

"Thomas!" Zendaya called out to him and he snapped his head up.
"Zendaya..." Toms eyes were read and puffy, he had been crying. Poor boy.

Zendaya embraced him as he wrapped his arms around her back crying into her shoulder.
"Babe...what...what happened..."

"We...we were at...a panel...and..." Tom started crying again.
Zendaya looked around at everyone's faces and noticed that most of them were the same.

Crying, being interviewed by police, sitting down shaking.
Zendaya recognised almost everyone in the room.

The Chris', Toms, Scarlett, Sebastian the list went on and on.
But Tom was still crying.

"Shh..." Zendaya rubbed his back and sat him back down on the chairs still rubbing his back.
"Tom...please tell me what happened..."

"I'm going to grab some water..." Marissa croaked before getting up and leaving.

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