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5 months later

           "Mom, we're out of ice cream...Now!" Annabella yelled from the kitchen. I sighed and leaned back against the couch as I watched my favorite show, Supernatural.
            It's been 5 months since I left Mystic Falls and I can't help but feel like something happened that I dont know about. Nobody's called me ever since my last call 3 months ago from Kol because he missed me. And I couldn't help but miss him too. I tried to get him to come with me. I begged him too. To just run away from Mystic Falls. But he was set on about Silas and stopping the Mystic Falls gang from rising him.

           "I'll buy some more tomorrow, Anna. Have you heard from your Aunt or Uncles?" I asked her.
           She walked into the living room with a bag of Doritos and sat down on the sofa.
           "Elijah's the only one I've been talking to, mom. I'd tell you if they had called. They're being stubborn. Don't worry about it. I hate to see you so stressed." She said. She had a point, but j couldn't help this feeling that something happened. And it was tearing me inside. I needed to know if they were alright. Because something was wrong. Very wrong.

           I grabbed my phone and hopped off the couch, punching in Nik's number. If he wasn't gonna answer, I was gonna call until he does.

           "Mom, what are you doing?" Annabella asked from the other room.

            I called 10 times before he finally answered.

           "What?!" He snapped at me.

          "Oh, no you don't. You don't get to be mad at me. You haven't answered my calls. No one has. What is going on? And don't tell me it's nothing because I have a feeling in my gut, and you always tell me that the feelings in my gut are always right. I mean, even though I was mad at you when I left, does not mean you can't call me for help, or at least call me at all! Kol knew better. But now he's not even talking to me!"

            "Kol. Isa, there's something you need to know. Kol hasn't been avoiding you. He would never do that. The Gilbert Hunter, Jeremy, him and the doppelganger made a trap for him and before he could chop of the hunters arms, the hunter used the white oak stake on him. I'm sorry, Isa. But he's dead. He's been dead for 2 months now. I just didn't know how to tell you."

              I couldn't breath. I couldn't breath. My head was fuzzy. Nik just kept on talking but I couldn't hear him. All I knew was that Kol, my best friend, my brother, was dead. Gone. He shouldn't be gone. I didn't know I was sobbing until Annabella took the phone away from me and pulled me back to the couch where I collapsed onto it. Through my hazy vision, I could see Annabella with a hand over her mouth and nodding tok Nik over the phone before I let the darkness surround me.

3 months later

          It's been 3 months since I found out Kol died. It's still hard, but I'm dealing with it. Turns out Nik knocked up the werewolf slut Hayley. From what Elijah has said, before he "Randomly disappeared" Elijah fancies her. Now Rebekah, Annabella, and I are on our way to find out what Nik did to Elijah. And let me tell you, it won't be a pretty sight.

         Beware. Isabella Mikaelson is coming to New Orleans.

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