Because of Ball’s gift to Oscar, and consequently his family, she was now put on the list of guests invited to all of their parties.

Like little bow peep and her sheep Oscar was almost never be apart from his Rocky. Even more similarly Rocky eventually snuck himself into school revealing to all that there was now yet another object on campus. Whispers down the caf said that there was probably an army waiting to strike.

“It's just like the planet of the apes,”

“What should we do about it?”

“What if that sound comes back?”

“We should protest at the science center,”

“You think Ball can make my object come alive too?”

It was all burning talk, but there was always someone to lighten to mood.

“I saw the other half of Agren’s face today,” Dora had said to Ball.

“Why do you tell me?” Ball asked, “I know he was burned,”

“Well do you know how he was burned? Because it kinda looks like he was electrocuted, but David didn't have a taser, and there's no outlets over there,” Dora had said.

“... What are you suggesting?”

“I, -I donno. Just take the whole situation with a grain of salt. Also Good Day Bad Day has nothing to do with this. We aren't responsible for Agren’s sick burn,”

In those days Ball had officially become a student. She had her own schedule, and found herself alone more often. Because of her fears, and common friendless environment she did not speak her opinions often. She had to be curious on her own, but whenever she did find something to be particularly interesting, she always wrote it down to speak to someone about it later.

Dora and Oscar were great friends to her. One embraced childhood and the freedom of imagination, while the other analyzed social structure and people watching. While they always had very interesting things to say and do, it wasn't really as engaging as her philosophical conversations with David. She wanted to know, so he let her ask. And whenever Ball had anything bothering her she could rant, and every word would be accounted for.
It was direct contrast to how Johnson treated her. Most things she said to him were automatically forgotten, frowned upon, or ignored. David was her greatest ally, listener and protector, but yet he couldn't stop the waves of influence created by Josie Green.


Oscar was drawing on his sketch pad while sitting next to the school. Ball was watching as lines were formed in the sketch.

“Why do you draw a circle before drawing the rest of it?” She asked quietly.

“It's like a guide… it helps me see what I want to draw next easier,” Oscar said calmly. Rocky was asleep next to him on the other side.

“Can you draw me?” Ball asked.

“I already did,” Oscar flipped to a doodle page with just little Ball drawings. It made her smile, “You know, you shouldn't ask artists to draw you. It's impolite,”

“Then how should I ask?” Ball just looked at Oscar's book as he flipped back to the drawing he was doing.

“Hmm… with a PayPal account,” He said. He began to sketch again.

“... I am confused,”

“It's a joke,” Oscar smiled.

“I don't think I like jokes,” Ball had trouble recognizing humour, but it didn't mean she couldn't find things funny.

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