shooting stars

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jk pov

     the night air was crisp and cold on jungkook's pale skin right when he stepped outside. he looked around at the night sky littered with stars and heaved a sigh. as he opened his bag and threw the stars across the sky, each one leaving a trail of sparkling light, he thought about how there could be so much more to life, than pelting stars into nowhere.

     he reached into his bag for one more star only for his hand to grope at nothing, matching the loneliness that his heart felt. jungkook let his slim figure sit on the edge of the fluffy cloud and look down into the world of bright city lights. each one belonged to a person, a person who has loved, a person who has hurt, a person who has lost. jungkook might as well be a brick wall with as many emotions he went through, always numb, always lonely.

     the cold wind turned his nose pink and he closed his eyes enjoying the breeze, feeling as at peace as possible for someone incapable of feelings. he felt like he was in a whole new world, like he was falling into nothing with every breeze. maybe he was dreaming but when he opened his eyes it seemed that the stars were getting smaller and the air was getting angry, until he reached a hard surface and along with a loud smack, pain wretched through his body and everything went black.

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th pov

     sometimes you love someone so much that you forget what pain is like when you are with them. every touch is electric, every smile is sunshine on a cloudy day. then there are times that you've never felt real pain until you've loved someone. for taehyung, both cases were accurate in his situation. laying on his bed with adele on repeat, blood stained wrists, and a diary with words scribbled over every inch of paper lying as pitifully on the floor as taehyung was on his bed.

     before taehyung's ex boyfriend, every day was its own internal nightmare inside of his head. there wasn't a day he didn't take a blade across his wrist to ignore the throbbing pain inside of him. not a day where he didn't work his body until it's last strand to ignore the shouting outside his room. for all the times he's been thrown down the stairs there's a mark on his wrist. he can't escape the hellhole he's in, nor does he dare to.

     here he was. left because there was someone better. there is always someone better. but now he is here. home alone, not knowing when his father would get home drunk, ready to beat him up like the punching bag he is. he could only pray that something terribly unfortunate had happened to him. with tears rolling down his cheeks he prayed for anything close to a miracle to save him, and that's when a loud thud in the backyard made him jump out of bed.

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{ a/n }
yeah this is going to be really angsty so if that kind of stuff is triggering to you do not read ahead. not much smut in this book other than making out so if you were expecting anything further this is the wrong book. if people like this book and want that maybe i'll put it in the next one. but anyway this is my first book so i'll watch it flop :)

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