Chapter Three: Spiderbot and Uncle Fowler?

Start from the beginning

"That was awesome!" Jack said to Arcee. "Can we go again?" Raf asked Bumblebee. "Sweet!" Miko cheered to Bulkhead. Bulkhead groaned as he fished a guitar out of his chest. "Sorry. Must have left that in the back seat," Miko said to her bot. "Autobots prepare to...." Optimus started looking at the bots then looking at the humans. "Roll out?" Arcee offered to the Prime. "Remain here," Optimus finished. "Ratchet, you'll come with me," Optimus said looking at the medic then looking back at Arcee, "Arcee, we'll be outside communication range for some time so I'm putting you in charge."

"Dude your biggest, you should be the boss," Miko said to the wrecker. "Um, he never picks me." Bulk replied. "Optimus, with all due respect, playing bodyguard is one thing. Babysitting is another," Arcee said to the taller Autobot as Jack sighed. "Besides, Ratchet hasn't been in the field since the war." "My pistons may be rusty, but my hearing is sharp as ever." Ratchet said to Acree as Sasha mimicked him to the other humans making them giggle.

"For the moment, It's only reconnaissance." Optimus said to the femme, "Then why do I hear an edge in your voice?" She asked the mech. "Arcee, much has changed in the last twenty-four hours, and we all need to adapt," Optimus said firmly putting a stop to the conversation. "Ratchet, bridge us out," Optimus said turning to the medic who turned on the bridge. "Be safe you two," Sasha said as the two made their way out of the base, they both gave small smiles to her before leaving.

"Okay, chief, so, uh, what's on the activities list?" Jack asked the group of bots. "I'm going on patrol," Arcee said, "But Optimus told us to stay," Bulk protested, "When you're in charge, you get to call the shots," Arcee replied "Bee with me," she said making Bumblebee look at the humans then shrug and head over to Arcee. "Bulkhead, you're in charge," Arcee said before she and Bumblebee transformed leaving the base.

"So, uh, what's on the activities list?" Bulk asked the four humans as Miko plugged in her guitar, "How about band practice?" Miko asked, "But we're not in a band," Raf protested. "Why so antisocial? Come on Raf, You play anything?" Miko asked the younger boy, "Um... Keyboard?" Raf offered holding up his laptop. "Laptops and Samples. Good. Jack?" Miko asked looking at the other male human in the room. "I sometimes mess around on the Harmonica." Jack said, "Do I look like I do country?" Miko asked him. "What about you Hope?" Miko said turning to the eldest human. "Sorry Miko, I don't play music," Sasha said looking up from where she was sitting on the platform swinging her legs. "Just cover yourselves in fake blood and jump around screaming," Miko said disappointedly. 'Bulkhead, percussion!" Miko said pointing her finger at the bot.

"We'll go for a big industrial sound!" Miko cheered as Sasha put her headphones on. "D.I.Y, We're a band, you just got to learn the songs. This one's a ballad, 'My Fist, Your Face'" Miko said as she started to strum her guitar. While everyone was winching the alarms started to flash green. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Bulk said, "Come on. You can't handle raw power?" Miko asked. "Proximity Sensor. Quick hide!" Bulkhead said making the three humans panic as Sasha had disappeared again.

"Prime!" Fowler said as he walked into the room, "Agent Fowler, uh, he's not here. Nobody's here, except me, of course" Bulkhead said nervously. "Well, where did he go?" Fowler demanded, "Wait don't tell me, he's out pancaking a mini-mall. Now, I don't know what language you bot's speak on your planet, but Prime promised he would handle the Decepticons and blowing a crater in the middle of Nebraska is not what the word 'handle' means in English."Fowler finished yelling, "SO you tell Prime...- Since when are you bot's electric?" Fowler asked.

Jack shrugged to the other two and the three of them walked out. "Hey, how you doing?" Jack asked. "Contact, with civilians!" Fowler said frustrated. "Team Prime has really gone off the book this time. Wait don't tell me. You're running a daycare centre." Fowler yelled. "Uh, Okay." Bulkhead murmured looking down at the three. "Yeah, we're interns," Jack said quickly, "Student interns," Raf jumped in, "Earning extra credit in auto-" "Robotics," Miko said. "Okay, let's move. I'm taking all three of you into federal custody," Fowler said walking to the kids when a voice stopped him, "Oh, come on Uncle Fowler, let my friends off it. They were attacked by the 'cons after all. And I'm very upset that you kept these guys a secret," Sasha said fake pouting from where she was sitting by Ratchets computer.

"Hope?" Fowler said confused as she swung her legs off the edge. "Yep, that's my name don't wear it out," Sasha smirked. "What are you doing here?" he asked ignoring the other kids and walking towards her. "Like I said, the Decepticons attacked us and the bot's brought us here for safety," Sasha rolled her eyes, "And I can't believe you didn't tell me where you were always disappearing to. Now you definitely not in the running for favourite Uncle," Sasha said frowning thoughtfully.

"What?" Jack asked. "Jack, Miko, Raf, this is another one of my uncles, Fowler, Fowler these are my friends Jack, Miko and Raf." Sasha introduced as she jumped down from the computer and went to her friends. "Fine! I won't go to my superiors, just this once Hope." Fowler said as he entered the elevator, "Have fun with the birds!" Sasha called out before the door closed. She then looked at her friends.

"No that's not the Uncle I live with. We're not even related, he and my uncle meet at a meeting and introduced me to him and then he became an uncle to me," Sasha explained, "Now, three, two, one...." She counted down as an alarm started to go off. "It's an SOS from Fowler," Bulkhead said. "Did you trace it?" Raf and Sasha asked him. "Location scan was incomplete, oh well," Bulkhead said walking away. Sasha's eyes widened, "Bulkhead!" Sasha yelled. "Get your Primus forsaken aft over here now!" Sasha was beyond mad right now, "Raf, can you please do the agent tracker on your laptop." Sasha hissed gritting her teeth together. Her fists were going white from the amount of pressure she was exerting. Raf nodded and quickly got to work. Bulkhead warily made his way over to her. "Inset the coordinates into the ground bridge when Raf gets them Bulkhead. And as much as you don't like it, Fowler is Family. And I never let my family get hurt in the way that he will get when he gets on board the 'Con's ship with fragging Starscream!" Sasha growled lowly, her eyes seemed to glow in anger.

"Latitude 39.5, Longitude 116.9," Raf said as Bulkhead inserted the coordinates and opened the ground bridge. "Wait here," Bulkhead said giving a frightened glance towards the still angry Hope, "Uh, Jack, you're in charge," Bulkhead said before running through. "Guess we four have the run of the place," Jack said looking at Hope and Raf, "Nope just three but soon to be one," Hope growled watching Miko go through the ground bridge. "What should we do?" Raf asked the two older humans looking at the ground bridge.

"I'm staying here so I don't go and do something that I'll regret, while you two can do whatever you want," Sasha said. The boys could still hear the anger in her voice. "But if you guys do go, make sure to take pictures of important stuff." She added thoughtfully. "I'm in charge if you guys leave, and I know you will so see ya!" Sasha said waving to them as they left via the ground bridge.

"Arcee to base come in," Acree called through the com-link. "Hope here," Sasha said through the link. "Oh, thank Primus, is Jack and Raf with you?" Arcee asked worriedly. "No sorry they just left to go find Miko," Sasha said. "Scrap, Can you bridge us back?" Arcee asked. "Sure give me a sec," Sasha said as she typed on the human-sized computer, activating the ground bridge, as a motorcycle and muscle car came driving through and transformed. "Why did you let them leave?" Arcee demanded, "Had no choice," Sasha shrugged, "They wouldn't stop and my uncle is there. I'm just here to help you get to them as they storm the warship," Sasha said as she opened the ground bridge but in a slightly different place to the others. 


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