Optimus Prime

525 2 0

  From: Transformers 

 Special Moves:

Ion Blaster: Optimus shoot with Ion Blaster against the opponent.

Barrage Cannon: Optimus shoots with the Barrage Cannon against the opponent three times.

Energon Slash: Optimus slashes his opponent with his Energon Blade

Character Trait:

Robotic: Optimus Prime pounds his fists and he glows red for ten seconds. He becomes invulnerable once activated.

Super Move:

Leader Of The Autobots: Optimus Prime punches his opponent three times before getting out his Energon Blade and slashing his opponent away. As the opponent gets injured, Optimus Prime transforms into his truck mode and proceeds to run over the opponent before transforming back to his robot mode.

Win Pose:

Optimus Prime transforms into his truck mode and drives towards the screen.

Battle Intros:

Optimus Prime: How to do intend to best me?
Aquaman: With my fists or my trident. Your choice.
Optimus Prime: I'm not afraid of your challenge.

Aquaman: You're in over your head.
Optimus Prime: I'll do what I must to protect the innocence.
Aquaman: So you're with Batman I assume...

Optimus Prime: You are a heartless alien.
Atrocitus: I see a future bathe in blood.
Optimus Prime: I'll prevent it from happening, Atrocitus.

Atrocitus: My blood burns with anger.
Optimus Prime: Which will end soon!
Atrocitus: What a waste of a life.

Optimus Prime: Bane.
Bane: I'll break the Autobot leader.
Optimus Prime: You cannot break a Cybertron organism.

Bane: A worthy test of strength.
Optimus Prime: You will surrender once and for all.
Bane: I already went to prison.

Optimus Prime: I seek allies against the Decepticons.
Batman: Right now, Brainiac is trying to destroy our world.
Optimus Prime: Perhaps he's probably working with the Decepticons.

Batman: I've been looking for you, Optimus.
Optimus Prime: I'll do what I must to protect the innocence.
Batman: Show me.

Optimus Prime: You're nothing but a disgraced copy.
Bizarro: Me am saving city from you.
Optimus Prime: I'm the protector, you are a threat.

Bizarro: You am Bizarro toy.
Optimus Prime: I am no toy, Bizarro.
Bizarro: Me beat you until better answer.

Optimus Prime: Kahndaq isn't worth destroying.
Black Adam: It doesn't welcome violent robots like you.
Optimus Prime: I will do anything to stop a dictator like you.

Black Adam: Serve the Regime and live.
Optimus Prime: And hurt innocent lives? Nonsense.
Black Adam: First Shazam, then you?!

Optimus Prime: You are Black Canary.
Black Canary: Damn right I am.
Optimus Prime: Let's roll.

Black Canary: Combat's all about controlling conflict.
Optimus Prime: Autobots have there own ways of fighting.
Black Canary: If you insist...

Optimus Prime: Who are you?
Black Lightning: The name's Black Lightning!
Optimus Prime: You are a worthy fighter.

Black Lightning: I sense great heroism in you.
Optimus Prime: I never sacrifice freedom.
Black Lightning: That is a positive thing to hear.

Optimus Prime: Killing people won't bring your father back.
Black Manta: I buried my heart with my father.
Optimus Prime: You've given up hope, Black Manta.

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