Pyrrha Nikos

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From: RWBY

Special Moves:

Miló: Pyrrha turns Miló into javelin form before throwing it at the opponent before magnetically pulling it back.

Akoúo̱: Pyrrha holds out Akoúo̱, blocking attacks before doing a shield bash that stuns foes and reflects projectiles.

Invincible Shot: Pyrrha turns Miló into rifle form and fires three shots from it.

Discus Shield: She throws Akoúo̱ at the opponent like a boomerang.

Character Trait:

Polarity: Pyrrha forms a ring of metal junk around her with her polarity and can use it as defense against projectiles or shoot them out as an attack.

Super Move:

Invincible Girl: Pyrrha tosses Miló at the opponent. If it hits, Pyrrha uses her Semblance to pull Miló back to her hand before charging at the opponent, smacking them with Akoúo̱. Pyrrha starts repeatedly slashing the opponent with Miló before changing it into javelin form and flinging them backwards. Pyrrha then changes Miló into rifle form and pumps the opponent full of bullets before hurling Akoúo̱ at them, slicing through them and finishing them off.

Win Pose:

Pyrrha looks to the sky with a smile as she puts away her weapons as an orange light flows around her before spreading out in a dazzling display.

Battle Intros:

Pyrrha: Are you prepared for this battle?
Aquaman: Every soldier fight till their last breath.
Pyrrha: I'll take that as a yes.

Aquaman: You can control metal?
Pyrrha: Yep, so therefore, I'll take your trident.
Aquaman: Better not!

Pyrrha: Your Semblance is shrinking?
Atom: It's actually quantum shrinking technology, Miss Nikos.
Pyrrha: Then show me.

Atom: I would be honored to study your powers.
Pyrrha: I can manipulate metal simultaneously.
Atom: Care to prove it to me now?

Pyrrha: Hatred isn't everything.
Atrocitus: I am rage and hatred incarnate.
Pyrrha: I won't let that stand for much longer.

Atrocitus: You have foreseen your death?
Pyrrha: I have, no thanks to Cinder Fall.
Atrocitus: That vile woman will burn!

Pyrrha: Hatred isn't everything.
Bane: Hatred gives me strength.
Pyrrha: And you just have to prove that you're pure evil.

Bane: What is this power you have?
Pyrrha: I can manipulate metal simultaneously.
Bane: I see...

Pyrrha: Why did you seek me out, Batman?
Batman: I need to know what you can do.
Pyrrha: Alright. You asked for it.

Batman: You're supposed to be dead.
Pyrrha: I was brought back to life by some sort of magic.
Batman: That's a first.

Pyrrha: What sort of lunatic are you?
Bizarro: Me am hero like Superman.
Pyrrha: So much for making sense...

Bizarro: Metal girl love Bizarro after me save Metropolis.
Pyrrha: No way, you're too disgusting.
Bizarro: Why am you so polite?

Pyrrha: Do you believe in destiny?
Black Adam: An ignorant question for a god...
Pyrrha: Oh... I get it.

Black Adam: You're alive again.
Pyrrha: And this time, I am not failing.
Black Adam: But you have failed your friends.

Pyrrha: Screaming is your Semblance?
Black Canary: More like a superpower, but not a Semblance.
Pyrrha: Well allow me to show you my Semblance.

Black Canary: Didn't Cinder kill you?
Pyrrha: I was brought back to life by some sort of magic.
Black Canary: Oh I see...

Pyrrha: You remind me of Nora somehow.
Black Lightning: How's that, ma'am?
Pyrrha: A lightning fighter like you are, eventually.

Black Lightning: How can you control metal?
Pyrrha: I have Polarity as my Semblance.
Black Lightning: That's indeed something.

Pyrrha: Hatred isn't everything.
Black Manta: I've dedicated my life to vengeance.
Pyrrha: And you just have to prove that you're pure evil.

Black Manta: Together we could crush Atlantis.
Pyrrha: I don't associate with terrorists.
Black Manta: That's what Aquaman said.

Black Manta: Together we could crush Atlantis.
Pyrrha: I don't associate with terrorists.
Black Manta: Then I'll just kill you where you stand.

Pyrrha: You're sure you control the Scarab?
Blue Beetle: It does now that I've trained him.
Pyrrha: I would hope so.

Blue Beetle: Scarab says you died.
Pyrrha: I was brought back to life by some sort of magic.
Blue Beetle: That escalated quickly.

Pyrrha: Return me to Ruby and the others... now!
Brainiac: An unlikely outcome of this encounter.
Pyrrha: Stubborn and arrogant.

Brainiac: You control metal?
Pyrrha: Yep, which means I'll control yours as well.
Brainiac: My metal's incorruptible!

Pyrrha: You wouldn't hurt me, would you, Captain?
Captain Cold: Only if I have to.
Pyrrha: Allow me to introduce myself.

Captain Cold: I like what I'm seeing.
Pyrrha: I am not gonna associate myself with a thief like you!
Captain Cold: You don't have to be a jerk about it.

Pyrrha: Blake would love to hate you for sure.
Catwoman: Because why?
Pyrrha: You're nothing but a petty criminal!

Catwoman: Show me what you can do.
Pyrrha: Miló, Akoúo̱, and Semblance.
Catwoman: Well if that's how you wanna play this...

Pyrrha: Nothing but a miserable beast.
Cheetah: You won't joke once I have your tongue.
Pyrrha: The goddess must be so proud.

Cheetah: Perhaps you remind me of Wonder Woman... in a way.
Pyrrha: Why compare me to that traitor?
Cheetah: I think you already know the answer.

Pyrrha: I can control metal, Cyborg.
Cyborg: I hope you ain't eyeing mine.
Pyrrha: Unfortunately, I am.

Cyborg: What do you want, Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: I seek someone worthy of a good fight.
Cyborg: Say that when you're face down.

Pyrrha: Hatred isn't everything.
Darkseid: Hate is the foundation of my empire.
Pyrrha: And you just have to prove that you're pure evil.

Darkseid: Join my ranks and fight for a new god.
Pyrrha: I don't answer to tyrants to you.
Darkseid: Darkseid's will is to be obeyed.

Pyrrha: Miló can turn into a rifle as well.
Deadshot: Doesn't mean you won't miss, bitch.
Pyrrha: Insult me at your own risk.

Deadshot: Well, bagging you will be one helluva payday!
Pyrrha: I'm not gonna die again, Deadshot.
Deadshot: Someone brought you back to life or something?

Pyrrha: I can take that helmet off.
Doctor Fate: Your ability of polarity cannot take this helm off.
Pyrrha: And what happens if I do?

Doctor Fate: Cinder Fall killed you during the fall of Beacon.
Pyrrha: What's going on with Ren, Jaune, and Nora?
Doctor Fate: Ruby is now part of your team.

Pyrrha: Are you prepared for this battle?
Donatello: Dude, I am done with Triceraton tournaments.
Pyrrha: Then show me.

Donatello: Your power is off the charts.
Pyrrha: I can manipulate metal simultaneously.
Donatello: We'll see what you got.

Pyrrha: I cannot let you walk this path.
Enchantress: I'm here to birth a new age of dark magic.
Pyrrha: I won't let that stand for much longer.

June Moone: She can smell death on you.
Pyrrha: I died once. Now I am back.
Enchantress: But you left the one guy who loved you to die!

Pyrrha: Are you prepared for this battle?
Firestorm: I'm ready to fight with fire.
Pyrrha: Then show me.

Firestorm: Professor and I are testing our powers.
Pyrrha: My Semblance is still a part of me which is fortunate.
Firestorm: Prepare to get burned!

Pyrrha: What's the source of your superspeed?
The Flash: I was hit by a lightning bolt while doused in chemicals.
Pyrrha: That... must've been painful.

The Flash: You're not Diana.
Pyrrha: I'm Pyrrha Nikos, member of Team JNPR.
The Flash: Let's see what you got left.

Pyrrha: You're far worse than the Grimm!
Gorilla Grodd: Prepare for your demise.
Pyrrha: Already have. But not today.

Gorilla Grodd: Humans are a cancer to be killed.
Pyrrha: Your hateful crusade will end.
Gorilla Grodd: It will once humans are truly extinct.

Gorilla Grodd: Your challenge is amusing.
Pyrrha: I don't answer to tyrants to you.
Gorilla Grodd: Then you're in the wrong business.

Pyrrha: You are very good with your arrows.
Green Arrow: Thanks, ma'am.
Pyrrha: Although something tells me that you have yet to prove yourself.

Green Arrow: Care to dance, princess?
Pyrrha: I never give up fighting.
Green Arrow: Point taken.

Pyrrha: So you must be a Green Lantern.
Green Lantern: You a Green Lantern fan?
Pyrrha: Not a criminalistic one like you were once.

Green Lantern: What's your power?
Pyrrha: I can manipulate metal simultaneously.
Green Lantern: Only one way to find out.

Pyrrha: I cannot let you walk this path.
Grid: I am not yet capable of human emotion.
Pyrrha: But I am capable of taking you apart though...

Grid: Your existence has been revived.
Pyrrha: And this time, I am correcting things.
Grid: It will not be enough to save you.

Pyrrha: I see you fight with a hammer like Nora.
Harley Quinn: Ooh, can I meet her?
Pyrrha: Why would I take you to her?

Harley Quinn: I'm reformed, I swear!
Pyrrha: I still can't trust you, Harley Quinn.
Harley Quinn: Guess I'll have to knock some sense into ya.

Pyrrha: That right hand isn't metal, is it?
Hellboy: It's stone, lady!
Pyrrha: Good. Don't wanna accidentally hurt you with it.

Hellboy: What do you bring to this fight, exactly?
Pyrrha: Miló, Akoúo̱, and Semblance.
Hellboy: Play ball, dumbass.

Pyrrha: Your helmet...
Jay Garrick: Taking it off won't be the best idea.
Pyrrha: So you already know that I have the ability of Polarity...

Jay Garrick: I thought you were deceased, chum.
Pyrrha: I was brought back to life by some sort of magic.
Jay Garrick: Way to stick your foot in it, Jay...

Pyrrha: So you must be a Green Lantern.
John Stewart: Once was and will continue to be one.
Pyrrha: Then show me.

John Stewart: You're back!?
Pyrrha: Now that I'm alive again, Cinder will stand trial.
John Stewart: That's why I am here to help, kid.

Pyrrha: I will stop you, Joker.
The Joker: I'll put the fun in your funeral.
Pyrrha: I won't be dying again, you macabre psychopath.

The Joker: We're both dead. How are we here?
Pyrrha: I'm revived. The Joker in this world was murdered.
The Joker: Not for much longer, my dear.

Pyrrha: Fighting me will be educational to you?
Leonardo: You bet, Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: Then I will not resist.

Leonardo: Whatever you've got, I've trained for it.
Pyrrha: Miló, Akoúo̱, and Semblance.
Leonardo: Ready for a lesson in turtle power?

Pyrrha: Are you prepared for this battle?
Michelangelo: I got the whole ninja thing covered.
Pyrrha: I would hope so.

Michelangelo: Yep. You're fighting a turtle.
Pyrrha: And you're gonna fight a member of Team JNPR.
Michelangelo: Uhh... I thought it was Team RNJR right now, dude.

Michelangelo: Dude, you're a cereal mascot?
Pyrrha: Yep. Wanna try Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes?
Michelangelo: Sounds delicious!

Pyrrha: I cannot let you walk this path.
Mr. Freeze: And lose my chance to save Nora?
Pyrrha: Your suffering does not justify murder.

Mr. Freeze: You're back to life, I see.
Pyrrha: And this time, I am not failing.
Mr. Freeze: Your hypothesis will be proven false!

Pyrrha: Your plants are nothing compared to metal.
Poison Ivy: Not even if plants are in metal flower pots?
Pyrrha: I'll just have to remove the plants.

Poison Ivy: You should've stayed dead.
Pyrrha: Says the plant woman who cannot stand humanity.
Poison Ivy: All humans are the enemy.

Pyrrha: Do you have what it takes to fight?
Power Girl: A silly question to ask me.
Pyrrha: I shall see you demonstrate that for me.

Power Girl: I don't believe we've met.
Pyrrha: I'm Pyrrha Nikos, member of Team JNPR.
Power Girl: Let me show you what I'm made of.

Pyrrha: Whatever you do, I'm ready for it.
Raiden: I am Raiden, God of Thunder.
Pyrrha: Then show me.

Raiden: You died during the fall of Beacon, Pyrrha Nikos.
Pyrrha: I was brought back to life by some sort of magic.
Raiden: Whose incompetence led to this folly?

Raiden: Your skill most impressive, Pyrrha Nikos.
Pyrrha: Thank you, Raiden.
Raiden: Now I shall test you in kombat.

Pyrrha: Do you have what it takes to fight?
Raphael: More than grown up enough to take you.
Pyrrha: Because of the fact that you are a ninja turtle?!

Raphael: You so traumatized Ruby and your teammates when you died.
Pyrrha: And I have truly screwed up...
Raphael: That's why I'm gonna punch you in the face because of it.

Pyrrha: I cannot let you walk this path.
Red Hood: Heard that speech a thousand times.
Pyrrha: I'm sorry that I must do this.

Red Hood: We've both been resurrected, you know.
Pyrrha: The Lazarus Pit brought you back, Jason?
Red Hood: Yes. Yes it did.

Pyrrha: You use your time traveling for evil.
Reverse-Flash: I can fix things so you were never born.
Pyrrha: I won't let that stand for much longer.

Reverse-Flash: The dead girl walking.
Pyrrha: And feeling better now.
Reverse-Flash: But failed her teammates!

Pyrrha: I cannot let you walk this path.
Robin: Heh, You have some wisdom to share?
Pyrrha: The importance of bonds.

Robin: You shouldn't be alive.
Pyrrha: Do not even think about.
Robin: You unfortunatey have no choice!

Pyrrha: The fear addict...
Scarecrow: You think Miló and Akoúo̱ will make you brave?
Pyrrha: Better not to test me, Scarecrow.

Scarecrow: Aw, think you're rehabilitated?
Pyrrha: And this time, I am not failing.
Scarecrow: What about the man that loved you?

Pyrrha: Whatever you do, I'm ready for it.
Starfire: You face the princess of Tamaran.
Pyrrha: Challenge accepted.

Starfire: If you were still dead, I'd kill Cinder.
Pyrrha: She is a very vile woman, Starfire.
Starfire: And I have no patience for bad guys.

Pyrrha: You know that I have been brought back to life, right?
Sub-Zero: I'm surprised you aren't a revenant, Miss Nikos.
Pyrrha: I'd hate to be one myself also.

Sub-Zero: I seek a worthy kombatant.
Pyrrha: So do I, Sub-Zero.
Sub-Zero: Only the best receive my instruction.

Pyrrha: Both of us are strong.
Supergirl: But I've got flight.
Pyrrha: But you don't manipulate metal like I do.

Supergirl: Even I can pick up an anvil.
Pyrrha: I must say, you are incredibly strong!
Supergirl: And I'm gonna show you that now.

Pyrrha: Such a vile disgrace.
Superman: I'm the hero Earth needs.
Pyrrha: Let me prove you wrong on that one.

Superman: You don't stop fighting, do you?
Pyrrha: No, Superman.
Superman: Neither do I...

Pyrrha: So you protect a certain forest or something?
Swamp Thing: I guard the Green, Pyrrha.
Pyrrha: I see...

Swamp Thing: Why have you come here?
Pyrrha: I eventually got taken here by Brainiac.
Swamp Thing: That is disputable.

Pyrrha: What is your power, Vixen?
Vixen: I can channel any creature that ever lived.
Pyrrha: Never seen anything like it.

Vixen: The necklace is no fashion statement.
Pyrrha: Neither is my circlet.
Vixen: I probably won't even need the totem.

Pyrrha: You were a hero.
Wonder Woman: Really?
Pyrrha: Before you became a traitor to your friends!

Wonder Woman: A shame you'll die so young...
Pyrrha: I already died once...
Wonder Woman: Then I shall be lenient with you.

Mirror Intros:

Pyrrha: What is the meaning of this?
Pyrrha: You're gonna fight yourself. That's what.
Pyrrha: There can be only one Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Are you prepared for this battle?
Pyrrha: More than you can imagine...
Pyrrha: Then show me.

Clash Quotes:
- Do you believe in destiny?
- Do not give in to your injuries!
- You underestimate my skill!
- Perhaps a little training will be good for you.
- I can't fail my friends...
- You haven't seen my full potential!

Vs. Black Manta

- Black Manta: Jaune should've died with you.
- Pyrrha: You're not killing him next.

Vs. Blue Beetle

- Blue Beetle: Didn't Nora one time say hi and you--
- Pyrrha: DON'T SAY IT!!

Vs. Gorilla Grodd

- Pyrrha: I will stop you, violent beast.
- Gorilla Grodd: You will kneel before Grodd!

Vs. Wonder Woman

- Pyrrha: I will dethrone you!
- Wonder Woman: Prepare to be humbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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