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  Series: Mortal Kombat

Type: Power

Intro: If he appears first, rocks start cobbling together and form into Tremor as he sheds off the rock skin while the foe walks in, he replies by forming rock around his arms and shattering it. If he appears second, he jumps down and speaks, after the foe replies, he will harden his fist into rock and shatter it before ending the conversation.

Round Victory Taunt: Tremor forms rock around both arms and shatters them while saying "So fragile..." or "You cannot match my power!"

Victory: Tremor looks around before taking a meditative position as the ground shakes around him before rocks erupt from the ground.

Special Moves
Rock Drop: Tremor summons a rock from the ground which then falls on the foe. (Meter Burn: Tremor changes it to a lava eruption, which burns the foe)
Ground Pulse: Tremor creates a vibration that knocks up the foe. (Meter Burn: Tremor creates three rapid ground pulses)
Rock Toss: Tremor forms a small boulder and tosses it at the foe. (Meter Burn: Tremor changes it into a ball of spiked gold and throws it in a straight line.)
Rolling Stone: Tremor forms a wheel of stone and tosses it at the foe. (No Meter Burn)

Grab: Tremor forms stone to constrict the foes legs before forming his fist into a stone hammer and smashing them down.

Super Move: Tremor launches the foe into the air with a stone stalagmite underneath them and then forms a boulder to launch them and pin them to the ground, he then uses a stone stalagmite from underneath him and launches himself into the air while forming his hands into stone hammers and slamming them down on the crushed foe, smashing the boulder and crushing the foe.

Wager: Tremor locks with his arm and if he wins, he pins the foe with stone constricts and then punches them.

Character select attack: Tremor forms stone around his fist and punches the foe.

Vs. Superman
Superman: You were once a Black Dragon.
Tremor: I am grateful you wiped them out.
Superman: But then there's the problem with you...

Vs. Gorilla Grodd
Tremor: I have faced deadlier beasts.
Grodd: I assure you, I am like no other.
Tremor: I do not fear the likes of you, Grodd.

Vs. Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn: Wonder if I've struck gold.
Tremor: Gold is part of the earth, clown.
Harley Quinn: Just gonna have to hit you hard enough.

Vs. Robin
Tremor: The fallen protege...
Robin: I've still got a few tricks of my own.
Tremor: Then prove it...

Vs. Batman
Tremor: I will break you!
Batman: I've already been broken once!

Vs. Black Canary
Black Canary: Wonder how much screaming will crack you.
Tremor: I am unbreakable!

Vs. Deadshot
Tremor: You're a fool, Lawton!
Deadshot: Gonna pierce a bullet through you're thick skull!

Vs. Blue Beetle
Blue Beetle: Scarab says he's got this!
Tremor: I shall prove it wrong!  

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