Nora Valkyrie

46 2 0

From: RWBY

Special Moves:

Magnhild: Nora jumps at the opponent and brings her hammer down on them.

Grenade Shot: Nora transforms Magnhild into a grenade launcher and fires three grenades from it.

Hammer: Nora boosts her strength with electricity and does a spinning hammer strike.

Boop!: Nora runs up to the opponent and sends them flying with her hammer.

Character Trait:

Electricity Channeling: Electricity surges around Nora which increases her damage rate. Lasts for ten seconds.

Super Move:

Semblance And Magnhild: Nora smacks the opponent with Magnhild before squatting down with a smirk as a bolt of lightning comes down, striking Nora, who absorbs the electricity from it. Nora then transforms Magnhild into its grenade launcher form and fires a barrage of grenades from it, engulfing the opponent with explosions. Nora then propels herself at the opponent by firing a grenade at the ground, transforms Magnhild back into a hammer, and finishes the opponent with a supercharged hammer strike.

Win Pose:

Nora cheers and twirls her hammer before slamming it on the ground.

Battle Intros:

Nora: Hi... I hear you like swimming a lot!
Aquaman: I believe you can already tell why.
Nora: Because you are a sea man or something?

Aquaman: You're in over your head.
Nora: Hey, I'm ready for a great fight.
Aquaman: This trident says otherwise.

Nora: Why do you shrink?
Atom: It's the bio-belt that does the job, Nora.
Nora: Hm... cool.

Atom: That hammer is definitely a unique one.
Nora: It's called Magnhild.
Atom: I'm simply interpreting the facts.

Nora: Now you are totally going down.
Atrocitus: I see a future bathe in blood.
Nora: I hope it ain't mine.

Atrocitus: I'm fueled by rage.
Nora: And I've got electrical energy absorbed.
Atrocitus: What a waste of a life.

Nora: I'll break your legs.
Bane: Easily the worst decision you can make, fragile one.
Nora: Sorry, ain't gonna let you hurt me.

Bane: The hyper electrical girl...
Nora: You're without question going down.
Bane: I will tear you up.

Nora: Oh my gosh, it's the Batman!
Batman: Do you ever calm down?
Nora: I get bubbly at times. So what?

Batman: I do know another someone named Nora!
Nora: Ooh, can I meet her?
Batman: Sadly, you cannot!

Batman: How is Team JNPR?
Nora: Right now, it is Team RNJR, because Pyrrha is dead.
Batman: So I'm guessing Ruby Rose is part of your new team now?

Nora: Now you are totally going down.
Bizarro: Bizarro cannot win!
Nora: The show's on now.

Bizarro: You Bizarro new worst friend.
Nora: Umm... I think I am okay for now.
Bizarro: Bizarro vision make you happy...

Nora: Yay, I'm gonna fight someone with lightning!
Black Adam: Only you have found doom, child.
Nora: That's... pretty dark stuff there.

Black Adam: Nora Valkyrie.
Nora: Looks like I'll have fun breaking your legs, Adam.
Black Adam: You think Magnhild can best me...?

Nora: Are you that motorcycle woman?
Black Canary: Yeah... name's Black Canary.
Nora: Hm... cool.

Black Canary: Where is the rest of your team?
Nora: Just me, stuck in this world after Brainiac kidnapped me.
Black Canary: Point taken.

Nora: Yay, I'm gonna fight someone with lightning!
Black Lightning: You got lightning as well?
Nora: More like absorbing lightning...

Black Lightning: So you have lightning as well, Nora?
Nora: You can say that.
Black Lightning: Then don't hold over.

Nora: I like that helmet.
Black Manta: It'll be the last thing you'll ever see.
Nora: Sorry, ain't gonna let you hurt me.

Black Manta: You'll be the first to die today.
Nora: You think I'm gonna suffer the same fate like Pyrrha did?
Black Manta: Everybody dies, Nora!

Nora: Hi, here I am!
Blue Beetle: Are you always like this?
Nora: I get bubbly at times. So what?

Blue Beetle: Fighting you is gonna be pretty weird, in my opinion.
Nora: Why's that?
Blue Beetle: Because you share the same name as Mr. Freeze's wife.

Nora: Now you are totally going down.
Brainiac: Assuming your weapon can destroy me?
Nora: It'll smash anything.

Brainiac: Nora Valkyrie.
Nora: Return me to my world. Now!
Brainiac: A zero percent chance of that!

Nora: So you're a thief, huh?
Captain Cold: Also the leader of the Rogues.
Nora: Can't say I know what those are.

Captain Cold: Calm down, kiddo.
Nora: Not until I stop you.
Captain Cold: You're gonna be sorry you said that.

Nora: Blake...? Oh, no, you're not her.
Catwoman: I'm Catwoman.
Nora: Do you know Blake by any chance?

Catwoman: Your weapon is lovely...
Nora: Do not be so surprised if I hit you with it, Catwoman.
Catwoman: Do so, and I'll slash you.

Nora: You must be Cheetah.
Cheetah: I am a hunter, more savage than you.
Nora: Sorry, ain't gonna let you hurt me.

Cheetah: The goddess gives me speed!
Nora: I assume she gave you your Semblance or something?
Cheetah: Allow me to prove you wrong.

Nora: Nice technology.
Cyborg: It's high tech, mind you...
Nora: I'm aware.

Cyborg: So you channel electricity to your muscles?
Nora: It's my Semblance, Cyborg.
Cyborg: That's what I heard anyway.

Nora: Now you are totally going down.
Darkseid: Flee, weakling or meet your demise.
Nora: I am not gonna let your evil riot.

Darkseid: Your suffering will be immeasurable.
Nora: Not while I still breathe.
Darkseid: Then draw your final breath for me.

Nora: I'll break your legs.
Deadshot: Careful... I brought firearms with me.
Nora: And I brought Magnhild. How's that?

Deadshot: Any last words?
Nora: Try to shoot me, I'll do the same to you.
Deadshot: Go ahead. Demonstrate.

Nora: Hi, here I am!
Doctor Fate: The electricity in you keeps you highly active.
Nora: It's part of my Semblance.

Doctor Fate: Team JNPR exists no longer.
Nora: But at least Ren, Jaune, and I are still alive.
Doctor Fate: But Pyrrha's death has changed it.

Nora: Think you might be up to this?
Donatello: Dude, I won't be needing gadgets.
Nora: The show's on now.

Donatello: Your power is off the charts!
Nora: I channel electricity to my muscles.
Donatello: We'll see what you got.

Nora: Whoa, what is that?
Enchantress: I'm the monster that lurks under your bed.
Nora: And here, I thought the Grimm were worse...

June Moone: If you can kill me, please do it.
Nora: Are you insane? Why would I do that?
Enchantress: The witch is back.

Nora: Were you talking to yourself earlier?
Firestorm: No. I was speaking to the professor!
Nora: Uhh... I don't see this "professor" anywhere.

Firestorm: You're not Harley Quinn.
Nora: Is this because I have a giant hammer?
Firestorm: Y-yes...!

Nora: I'm not entirely comfortable with you now.
The Flash: Relax! I'm on your side.
Nora: Even when you were on that dictator's side?

The Flash: You know somebody else that goes fast as well?
Nora: Yeah, her name is Ruby.
The Flash: Hm... interesting.

Nora: You're as savage as the Creatures of Grimm!
Gorilla Grodd: I am this world's future.
Nora: Unless I smash you with my hammer of mine.

Gorilla Grodd: Your challenge is amusing.
Nora: I'll be breaking your legs, monkey boy.
Gorilla Grodd: Your hubris even more.

Nora: Hi, here I am!
Green Arrow: Got an arrow with your name on it.
Nora: What did you say?

Green Arrow: Another Harley Quinn in town.
Nora: I'd rather not be compared to that crazy girl.
Green Arrow: Then why carry a big hammer with ya?

Nora: Why are you all green?
Green Lantern: I'm a Green Lantern.
Nora: Oh... okay.

Green Lantern: What's your power?
Nora: I absorb electricity.
Green Lantern: Green Lantern's got this.

Nora: Now you are totally going down.
Grid: You are incapable of harming me.
Nora: Or maybe you just don't like getting hurt!

Grid: You are characterized by your boundless enthusiasm.
Nora: I don't see how that is a big deal...
Grid: I only state observable facts.

Nora: So you fight with a hammer too?
Harley Quinn: More than that, sweetie!
Nora: FYI, Magnhild has a hammer and a grenade launcher form as well.

Harley Quinn: You're cramping my style!
Nora: Is it because I fight with a hammer?
Harley Quinn: Bashing your brains out will fix this.

Nora: Hi, I like the stone hand. It's cool.
Hellboy: You always this funny?
Nora: I get bubbly at times. So what?

Hellboy: I'm okay not doing this. Your call.
Nora: Afraid I'm gonna smash you good?
Hellboy: Don't get too ahead of yourself, kid!

Nora: You run really fast, do you?
Jay Garrick: Yep. As fast as the god Mercury.
Nora: Hm... cool.

Jay Garrick: I'm not sure what to make of you.
Nora: Hey, I'm ready for a great fight.
Jay Garrick: There's much more than that to being a superhero.

Nora: Hi... you like traveling in space a lot?
John Stewart: I'm a Lantern... so, yes.
Nora: Hm... cool.

John Stewart: Call me Green Lantern, Nora.
Nora: Isn't there another somebody like you?
John Stewart: There are many Green Lanterns than you can count.

Nora: Why do what you do and laugh, Joker?
The Joker: You can't spell slaughter without laughter.
Nora: You are definitely a crazy clown.

The Joker: Ah, Mr. Freeze's wife is all better now.
Nora: I believe you're mistaking me for somebody else.
The Joker: I'm still gonna kill you, either way.

Nora: A talking turtle with swords?
Leonardo: I am a mutant ninja turtle.
Nora: Oh... okay.

Leonardo: Fighting you will be educational.
Nora: I absorb electricity.
Leonardo: Let's see what we got.

Nora: Hi, here I am!
Michelangelo: You'll be rage quitting in a heartbeat.
Nora: (chuckles) As if...

Michelangelo: So you're part of Team JNPR, huh?
Nora: It's now Team RNJR due to Pyrrha's death.
Michelangelo: Dude, that is like... really heavy stuff.

Nora: So your wife's name is Nora also?
Mr. Freeze: Only you are none of my concerns.
Nora: So much for being friendly.

Mr. Freeze: I must save my beloved Nora.
Nora: Hey, my name is Nora also.
Mr. Freeze: Best not to taunt me, child.

Nora: The plant controlling woman...
Poison Ivy: Snap a vine, I'll snap your neck.
Nora: Yeah, tough luck on that one...

Poison Ivy: Come here, electro girl.
Nora: Umm... I think I am okay for now.
Poison Ivy: So flowers do not cheer you up?

Nora: Power Girl?! No way!
Power Girl: You sound excited, kid!
Nora: You're as powerful as they say.

Power Girl: How's that Magnhild work?
Nora: Has two forms: A large hammer and a grenade launcher.
Power Girl: Dang.

Nora: Yay, I'm gonna fight someone with lightning!
Raiden: What sorcery gives you power?
Nora: It isn't sorcery, it is Semblance.

Raiden: I sense great power within you.
Nora: I absorb electricity.
Raiden: Let us see if you deserve it.

Nora: Think you might be up to this?
Raphael: Mikey said you make pretty mean pizza.
Nora: The show's on now.

Raphael: You're going to beatdown city.
Nora: Think you may win so easily?
Raphael: I like to hit first, ask questions later.

Nora: Think you might be up to this?
Red Hood: Jason Todd, pleased to beat you.
Nora: Oh, snap!

Red Hood: You don't mind guns, do you?
Nora: Magnhild has a grenade launcher form as well.
Red Hood: Let's see how that goes...

Nora: I'll break your legs.
Reverse-Flash: Heh. Not the easiest task you can do.
Nora: Oh yeah? We'll see about that, Thawne.

Reverse-Flash: Think your Magnhild can stop me?
Nora: I'll break your legs with it.
Reverse-Flash: Lady, I'm too fast for ya.

Nora: So you're a Robin, huh?
Robin: Possibly one of the best.
Nora: The show's on now.

Robin: Should I kill you, or cripple you?
Nora: End up what happened to Yang? No thank you.
Robin: Then you can lie six feet under.

Nora: Why do you like it when people get horrified?
Scarecrow: Fear is power.
Nora: Bet your momma's real proud.

Scarecrow: You will beg for death.
Nora: I don't think so.
Scarecrow: But perhaps Pyrrha feared death.

Nora: Hi, here I am!
Starfire: Are you always this energetic?
Nora: I get bubbly at times. So what?

Starfire: How does that weapon work, Nora?
Nora: Has two forms: A large hammer and a grenade launcher.
Starfire: Grayson would've liked you.

Nora: Think you might be up to this?
Sub-Zero: I am stronger than you realize.
Nora: Hm... cool.

Sub-Zero: Winter is coming to this realm.
Nora: Are you one of Weiss' friends by any chance?
Sub-Zero: I don't know who this "Weiss" is.

Nora: Can you handle Magnhild, Supergirl?
Supergirl: It won't be easy hitting me with it.
Nora: We'll see about that.

Supergirl: I mean you no harm.
Nora: I don't see you as an enemy as well.
Supergirl: Glad we're making some sense here.

Nora: The almighty Superman.
Superman: That giant hammer of yours won't stop me.
Nora: I think you're getting a little too ahead of yourself.

Superman: Join me or stay out of my way.
Nora: I'm not bowing to your Regime!
Superman: Then go back the way you came.

Nora: So you're some kind of swamp creature...?
Swamp Thing: One where I defend the Green.
Nora: Hm... cool.

Swamp Thing: You fight with a hammer like Harley.
Nora: I've never met someone with plant powers though.
Swamp Thing: Allow me to show you my power.

Nora: What is the Tantu Totem?
Vixen: It's an ancient totem, Nora.
Nora: Hm... cool.

Vixen: You really think this is gonna be easy?
Nora: I'll finish you off by smashing you.
Vixen: Don't even try it, Nora.

Nora: That shield looks heavily armored.
Wonder Woman: It can dodge any attack.
Nora: So it wouldn't bother you if I swing my hammer at you?

Wonder Woman: Think you're worthy to battle me?
Nora: Magnhild and Semblance is all I got, but I'll take you on.
Wonder Woman: The gods must be crazy.

Mirror Intros:

Nora: What the heck am I seeing?
Nora: Yourself, apparently.
Nora: Do NOT let Jaune see this.

Nora: Double the Nora Valkyrie. Double the good times.
Nora: Unless if you're like my evil twin or something!
Nora: Evil me? I completely doubt that.

Nora: Yay, I'm gonna fight someone with lightning!
Nora: We're totally alike, you know.
Nora: We'll see about that.

Clash Quotes:
- Maybe you should retire!
- I'll smash you good!
- It's fight time!
- Hope you enjoy a good leg breaking!
- What else can you do?
- You want pancakes with that?

Vs. Black Lightning

- Nora: I discovered my Semblance after I was struck by lightning.
- Black Lightning: So what would happen if I shock you?

Vs. Harley Quinn

- Nora: My hammer is powerful than yours.
- Harley Quinn: Shut up!

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