
I got up to go to the bathroom as Rih asked the weighter for the check. After I did my business I washed my hands and went to leave. I pushed the door open and bumped into someone. We dropped our phones and grabbed them then looked up at the same time.

It looked like I was looking at myself in a diffrent outfit and with curly hair. Out eyes went wide and we gasped at the same time.

Rihanna p

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Rihanna p.o.v

After I payed for the food I went looking for Hey she's been in there for a minuet. I rounded the corner and my eyes went wide.

"Oh shit." I said and Hey and a girl who looked just like her looked back at me.

Beyonce p.o.v

We looked at Rih then looked back at eachother.

"Who are you?" We said in unison.

"Solange." She looked at me skeptically.

"Beyoncé." I gave her the same look and crossed my arms. "Whats your mothers name?"

"Tina." She said slowly.

"Tina Knowles?"

"Yes. But I never met her."

"Who's your father?"


"Oh shit we're sisters."


Rihanna p.o.v

I crossed my arms and looked at the new found sisters as they left voicemails for their parents.

"Mother guess who I just met. Your other daughter. How could you not tell me you had another darghter. Was this what you were talking about when you said don't tell me when you find out." Beyonce said looking pissed.

"Dad how could you not tell me I had a sister. I wonder what else you've been keeping from me over they years." Solange rolled her eyes.

I sighed. Well damn. Out of all things that happened today I think this one thakes the fucking cake I mean just... Wow.

They both hung up and looked at eachother then me.

Damn. I poked my lips out and kissed my teeth.

"Would you maybe wanna plan a time for you guys to sit down and talk this out its pretty late tonight?" I said scratching the back of my neck.

"That's a good plan." Beyonce said I could tell she was anxious.

"How's tomorrow we would grab lunch?" Solange looked at Beyonce and she nodded.

They exchanges numbers then Solange went to shake Beyonce hand by but Beyonce raised her hands for a hug. They switched what they were going to what the other was doing then made a facw and settles on a high five. I laughed and Solange shook my hand saying Bye.

I looked at Bey and crossed my arms. She looked at me and made a face. I pulled her in my arms and stroked her hair.

"I know, I know." I said as she hugged me back.


The whole ride in the car consisted of Beyonce rambling on and on about how she needed to talk to her mother, but didn't want to. How she was a ass to her and me and how she hoped shed never have to see her again.

I wasn't gonna tell her what to do cause look at me and my mothers relationship. The next time I see her it'll be because she's sober or dead.

My phone dinged and I opened the message.

Drake 😣: How was the rest of your day Beautiful?

Rih 💗: Stressful as hell no thanks to you

Drake 😣: Hey nobody told you to sleep with me

Rih 💗: You didn't give me much of a choice did you

Drake 😣: Speaking of that do you miss me

Rih 💗:Now even a little

Drake 😣: Aw don't be like that. I'll make it up to you tomorrow

Rih 💗: Yeah okay I gotta go in sleepy

Drake 😣: Alright sweet dreams baby 😚

Rih 💗: Night 💞

I sighed and looked up Bey was still rambling.

"Bey baby! Please shut the fuck up for a second yeah." I said wide eyed and she glared at me. "Look in sorry but you were getting on my nerves."

I got up and pulled her in for a hug. She sighed and kissed my neck.

"Fine then. Let me take my mind off it." She smiled at me and reached her hand down my jeans.

I winced and she pulled back.

"Are you okay?" She looked at me worried.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just not that in the mood right now. My stomach hurts pretty bad. Cramps that's all." I waved it off and she looked at me sympathetically.

"Oh I'm sorry. Well come on I'll run you a bath." She smiled and pulled me upstairs.

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