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"YAAAH! DING ZEREN! You're too fast for me!",the girl screamed at her friend who was trying to teach her the choreography.

It has been two months since Lin Hyun signed her first contract with an agency.She had cleared things up with her mom and they are trying hard to have a correct relationship.She improved a lot in all the areas and is about to debut soon.Let's just say,everything in her life was pretty good right now.

Except for,"I'm not fast,you're just slow!",Zeren replied.

Lin Hyun took her left shoe off and threw it at him,hitting him in the back or the head.Zeren froze and turned around,glaring at her.She stuck her tongue out,teasing him,"I'm going to get you for that.",he said before chasing her.

The two of them just ran around the practice room,"Junjun! Help me!!!",she shouted,grabbing Wenjun's arm and hiding behind him.

Wenjun just stood there,looking so done already.Lin ran to Quanzhe,"Don't worry jiejie,I will protect you.",the little hamster said,standing in front of her.

Zeren put his index on Quanzhe right cheek and pushed him slightly.It felt like Quanzhe flew out of the way.The girl kept running as Zeren kept chasing her.Xinchun,well,he just sat there watching them,amused by the situation.

The door suddely opened and,"What the hell is this mess?!",a voice they knew too well screamed.

Zeren and Lin stopped immediately,turning their head towards the door,"MOM!!",she shouted happily,jumping on the poor guy.

"YAAH!",screamed another boy entering the room.

"What about us?!",screamed another one,entering the room as well.

"Chengcheng! Minghao!",she jumped on them aswell hugging them both.She hugged them so tight that her eyes closed,"I missed you guys."

"And did you miss me?",a voice that didn't belong to any of the yuehuas said,making Lin's eyes go wide open.Justin and Chengcheng just followed Zhengting and talked with the others,letting the two together.

"Are you real?",she asked as he walked closer to her.

The boy chuckled slightly and said,"Flesh and blood,baby."

Lin Hyun immediately wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly,"I missed you,Kunkun."

"Missed you too.",he said back,"I heard you were going to debut with them soon.I'm so proud of you.",he kissed the top of her head.

Lin Hyun looked at him in the eyes and said,"I love you."

Xukun was taken aback by her sudden words,it took him a moment to process her words.Seeing him completely spaced out,the girl started to panic,"I'm sorry,is it too soon? It is,right? Oh gosh,I should've nev-"

He cut her rambling by kissing her passionately.Once they pulled away he said,"I love you too."








A flying pillow hit them both on the head,"EH! There are minors here!",Zhengting said with his hand covering Justin's eyes.

The two lovebirds laughed and joined their friends hand in hand.


OMG everyone,it's official.This book has ended...

I will miss all of you and your comments T-T

It has been a pleasure.

I want to say that the end of this book was already planned when I started the story.Except that she was just supposed to be in Yuehua and not debut yet but then NEX7 happened and I just had to x)

I hope you like the ending even if I rushed it.

I am glad i published this book and actually finished it.Thank you for staying 'til the end.

Tbh i didn't want to finish this book bc for me, it all started with idol producer,like how got into kpop again it's all thanks to idol pro (i know it's weird to get into kpop again thanks to a chinese survival show XD)

When ip ended it was like a part of my life ended,not literally like a part of me died,no no no but more like I spent four months with this show,i waited every week for the new episode,i voted and now it's the end like...i feel kind of sad,you know like the feeling when your favourite tv show ends.

So not finishing this book,helped me keeping the show alive for a little longer.

Omg this sounds so dramatic X)

Anyway,thanks for reading this,voting and commenting.It was a pleasure but everything has an end so bye bye 'til we meet again.

It was a pleasure but everything has an end so bye bye 'til we meet again

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