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A.N: ⬆ Outfit
[*text*]: it means that the trainee who said that is in the interview room.



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LIN HYUN was one of the last trainee to enter the room.She was so nervous,almost shaking.

You're probably asking yourself,Why is there a girl here?

Well,why not?

Lin Hyun was the only one though.She had to beat a whole lot of girls to be there and it was all a secret.

The producer wanted something to spice up the thing,for the girls and the boys to follow the show so they decided to take one girl.Yes.One.More girls would be too much and they really wanted the girl to blend in with the boys.

So for her evaluation by the mentors she had to go undercover as a guy so everyone will think that everything was normal even the mentors.

Lin Hyun was growing nervous in that room,she didn't know how to rate herself.

Probably not an A,F is too low,she was humble but she knew her capacities.

"C,it is."

She passed her hand through her short wig and groaned,"Oh my God,this is so weird.",she put her cap back on so it could cover her feminine face that could give her undercover mission away.

In the room,the screen announced her arrival.

Independent trainee,Be Lun.

Well,undercover also meant fake name,of course.

Lin Hyun walked in the room and bowed to everyone before walking up the stairs.She noticed the number on the chairs,the rankings probably,she thought.

"Is he going to sit up there?"

"Woah he's really going to do it!"

Lin Hyun stopped at the last stair that was leading her to the chair number one.

"Wait wait wait is he going up?"

She took a deep breath and went up those stairs to put her booty on that chair.Suddenly,everybody started to applaud.

[It was so badass when he went up there.]

TRAINEE 》XUKUNWhere stories live. Discover now