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THE NEXT MORNING,the trainees who were going to Happy Camp had to wake up early because the departure was at 5AM.All the trainees were in their uniform and Lin Hyun just regreted so much the fact that she didn't put some tights with her skirt but she didn't and it felt horrible.Her naked legs were so cold she couldn't even feel them anymore.

When they were on the bus,Lin Hyun sat next to Justin,in front were Zeren and Quanzhe,and behind her were Zhengting and Chengcheng.Not far away on the opposite line,Xukun sat by himself.All of the trainees were still pretty dizzy,especially Lin Hyun.The second she sat down she took her coat off to put it on her legs and wrapped her arms around herself to keep herself warm.

"Are you cold?",asked Justin,next to her.She just nodded with her eyes still close.She heard Justin moving next to her and a warm weight was put on her upper body.

Lin Hyun opened her eyes and saw a coatless Justin,giving her a smile,"What about you?",she asked.

"I'm fine.",he smiled.

"What are you talking about? You'll get a cold."

"I'm really fine,don't worry."

"Aish! We'll share.",she said,putting his coat on the both of them.


"Shut up. I want to sleep.",she interrupted him,laying her head on his shoulder,falling almost immediately asleep.


Linong,being the VJ today,walked around the bus to film everyone,"Oh look how cute.",he said,filming Lin Hyun and Justin.

Linong didn't even had the time to realize what was happening that Lin Hyun already threw the pillow that she was hugging in Linong's face.She then snuggle more into Justin's shoulder and hugged his arm instead.

Lin Hyun --> rather hug someone else's arm then a pillow.

/Flashes of her hugging Justin's arm in the bus,Linong's on the airplane,Zhengting's in the bus in Changsha,Quanzhe's while walking./

Lin Hyun --> Compulsive Hugger


The trainees arrived on the set of Happy Camp with their sketchers outfit and all of them were amazed.It's been a long time since Lin Hyun did something fun for real.They started with 'Sheep',learning the dance.Lin Hyun was struggling with a dance move and Xukun noticed,even if they weren't on good terms he couldn't let her struggle like that.

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