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THE TRAINEES prepared for tonight's live performance and finale.After tonight's show,they will not go back to their dorms.Justin and Zhengting already packed all of their stuff and their suitcases were out of the room,leaving Lin Hyun and Xukun alone.

The girl stood there,waiting for the trainee to gather his things.She looked at the now empty room that was once full of their stuff and remembered the first day when she was walking around the hallways to find a free bed because her former roommates replaced her.She remembered all the late night talks she had with her roommates and other trainees.Waking up every morning then going to the cafeteria where the conversations were always funny.The bathroom where...many things happened.

"What's wrong?",Xukun asked,wrapping his arms around the girl.

"I don't want to leave this place.Nothing will be the same,nothing will feel the same.",she sighed.

"We will.",he said,making her turn around and give him a look,"I know, that was cheesy.",he chuckled as she laughed.

"Promise me we'll be the same.",she demanded.

"No.",he answered,making Lin Hyun frowned,"We'll be better.",he finally smiled.

"Promise?",she asked with a little light in her eyes.

"Promise.",he said then gave her a quick kiss on the lips.


"Where's the center?!!",asked Zhangjing.

"I don't know.",answered Yanjun.

"I'm sorry,I'm sorry.I forgot my jacket at the dorms.",said a little voice,rushing into the practice room.

"Lin-jie!!",whined/called Justin.

"What?",she asked,breathless.

"Nothing.",he smiled innocently.

She stared at him blankly until Chaoze said,"Let's practice!"

They started their stage rehearsal with Lin Hyun as the center.The girl was glad that for her last performance she got to be the center,it's a way to end things on a good note.


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