"We can't turn the lights on. They might see light coming from below the wall."

He led me through a maze of corridors then I saw a faint light.

"Where will this lead us to?" I asked.

"This is under the palace," He explained, "If I'm correct, we'll be arriving a few blocks away from your house. We'll appear at some company."

I nodded, although I doubt he could see it. The light got brighter and brighter the closer we got. I prayed to the Lord that my friends escaped. Gabriel may be merciful to the citizens but not to the royals. He'd slaughter each and every one of them until no one is left.

I might have been hallucinating or just plain paranoid but I heard some noises. As if some people were lurking inside here but didn't want to cross us. I wasn't sure if Tony heard what I heard but if he did, he paid it no attention. I saw him glancing at the other passages and then he quickened his pace.

We reached a set of stairs leading upward. He squeezed my hand as if to remind him that I was with him.

He entered the password on the lock and opened the door. It made a creaking sound as it opened. The light blinded me as we entered into the world.

I shielded my eyes and blinked a lot of times to adjust. Outside, I heard the continuous chatter of the people.

"Let's hide," he suggested.

"But how can we hide?" I asked, "I'm in a ball gown you're in a suit. We can't blend into the crowd."

He pursed his lips as if he just remembered this, "Right, then we'll have to change our clothes. Let's buy some."

"But how?" I asked again, "The other people hate us now. Gabriel fed them lies."

"But I'm sure some of the people are still loyal."

"How can we be sure?" I asked, "who knows? They might turn us in for execution."

He sighed, "Then I have no plan. Do you?"

I stared at the company in front of us. My eyes widened, "Did you bring a phone?"

"Wait a sec," he said and searched himself. He patted his pockets then pulled out his smartphone. He gave it to me and I immediately typed the number. "Who are you texting?" He asked.

"Samuel," I replied, too busy typing to give him an explanation.

Without meaning to, I memorised his number. I often stared at the calling card thinking what ifs. How did I know it would be handy?

Samuel. This is Haidee. We need help. We're at the back of your company. Please bring some normal clothes if you have some. One for a girl, one for a boy. I'll explain later.

I pressed send and too late did I realise that the text was so vague. I didn't even have any assurance that he'd help. And if he didn't . . . Well, I blurted out our location and it wouldn't look pretty. But somehow, I knew that he'd help.

"Why did you text him?" Tony asked as I gave him his phone back.

I blew the hair out of my eyes, "For help."

"Why him?" He asked, "I mean, why not text Laurence?"

I paused and stared at him blankly, "Right. I forgot." I palmed my forehead, "I'm sorry I'm stupid. It's just that Samuel popped in my head first. Besides, he owns this company."

He nodded in understanding, "Well, are you sure he won't turn on us?"

"Yes," I stated immediately but shook my head, "no. But I have a feeling he won't."

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, "How can you be sure?"

I shrugged, "A gut feeling."

He sighed, "And is your gut reliable?"

I shrugged, "Well it's up to the person to think if it is."

He shook his head, "You're impossible."

I smiled and pinched his cheeks, "But you love me."

He glared at me but I noticed that he was holding back a smile, "And where did you get that idea?"

I shrugged and grinned, "Maybe from a certain someone who told me just minutes ago."

He rolled his eyes, "But you love me too."

I raised an eyebrow, "And where did you come up with that?"

He smiled, "You just said it a few minutes ago."

I shook my head, "I only said it so you won't be humiliated. It would be really embarrassing if I refused you right?" I gave him a sweet smile.

He rolled his eyes, "Right. And I chose you because everyone was expecting it."

I chuckled, "I'm glad that's cleared up."

He smiled and shook his head, "Why did I even fall for you?"

"Because I'm the land below when you were stupid enough not to look in front of you and fell from a cliff?" I suggested.

"Hey, I'm not stupid," he protested.

I shrugged, "Says the one who fell in a trash can."

"But you pushed me there!" He complained.

"Then you're not only dumb. You're weak too," I teased.

He sighed, "I can't argue with you."

I smiled and turned my sight back to the company. From afar, I saw a silhouette approaching holding a paper bag. For a second, I thought it was a regular citizen and I almost pulled Tony away to hide. But when he got closer, I exhaled a sigh of relief and released a smile.

Samuel, our savior, was walking towards us with his right hand in his pocket and on his other was a paper bag that might have been clothes, he smiled as he approached.


Sorry if I can't update consistently! I'm really busy these days (school stuff) and I hope you understand my situation.

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