I am a Horcrux. The first one I ever made.

What is a Horcrux?

A Horcrux is a piece of a human soul inside of an object. It has all of your memories up to that point and grants you immortality, as long as you have someone to perform the resurrection ritual for you. I had planned on making seven, as that number is a very powerful magical number.

Does this have drawbacks? Something as powerful as immortality is sure to cause some defects to your self.

I never found out by the time I was made. The only thing I found besides how to make one and perform the ritual was that when one was destroyed or you used it for the ritual, it immediately went back to your body. Also, a living Horcrux is not possible.

I don't believe that's true. I have sensed the same thing you feel like on Nagini.

Nagini? She is still with me?

Yes. She and my familiar, Draka, are sisters.

If Nagini is a Horcrux, this completely changes everything I did. But it also brings up questions. What happens to the soul when the host dies? Is the host immortal? Does the soul become a part of the host's soul upon entering, or does it require time? Or, does it happen at all?

I have to go. It's almost ten, and I have classes.

A word of warning before you start thinking about this too much. Horcruxes are not a trivial matter. Making a Horcrux completely changes you and is not something to be messed around with. Talk with my future self before doing anything rash.

Hadrian closed the diary, sitting back in his chair. If his father had Horcruxes, surely Dumbledore would try to find them if he knew. And he was pretty sure he knew. Finding these objects and putting them somewhere safe would be in his fathers best interest. Perhaps he could develop a spell that could keep them safe.


Hadrian spent the rest of the day thinking of where the Horcruxes would be and how to develop this spell. Based on what he had studied, a spell is based on intent, and the Latin words only added power to the spell.

He wanted to make a pocket in time and space, something akin to a hollow rock in the middle of a moving river. If it stayed in one place, Hadrian could call upon it and leave things there for years, and when he took them out, they would be as fresh as the day they were put in. If Hadrian himself went in, he could do months of spell work and still be on time for breakfast.

It was a good theory, but actually doing it would require a lot of time and effort. Maybe even his father's help.

But first, he would have to find the Horcruxes. Based on what Dumbledore was doing right now, he had a couple of years before the fool started looking for them. That left him with plenty of time.

Have you heard of the Chamber of Secrets? Hadrian asked one day. He had only just remembered that he hadn't found a single clue.

Of course.

Would you mind telling me where it is?

Where have you checked?

All of the floors, rooms, and portraits.

You haven't checked the bathrooms then. In one of them, there is a small snake engraved on the tile. Speak in Parseltongue and it will open. Though, be sure to tell Tylin that you are my son, or he will not obey you.

Then he is the cause of the petrifications? A basilisk?

Yes, I had told him to kill the mudbloods, however they always managed to evade him.

The school is going to shut down if they continue.

Then you better find the chamber fast.

Hadrian sighed, not appreciating the lack of information given to him. At least he knew it was in one of the bathrooms, though.


Transfiguration class brought a new time limit to his challenge to find the Chamber of Secrets. Granger had asked about it, meaning she and Weasley knew something.

McGonaggal explained the story, even telling the tale of the beast. However, she didn't say anything about the entrance. It was rather unfortunate, as he could have erased their memory of the entrance and gone himself.

Thus he found himself checking every bathroom on every floor, including the girl's. Though he wasn't embarrassed about it, it was rather annoying having to hear gossip for hours on end while hiding from the girls. This didn't happen too much though as he usually looked around when everyone had gone to sleep.

The fifth floor was where Hadrian found something though.

At first, the bathroom looked as normal as the others. Then, a ghost appeared that looked rather young.

"Oh, what do we have here? A little boy out at night? Oh, but such a handsome boy he is." Moaning Myrtle said, flying out of a toilet and stopping right in front of Hadrian.

"I'm glad to know you appreciate my looks, however I am not here for idle conversation. I'm looking for an entrance to a cavern." Hadrian replied, taking a step back and looking around.

"Oh, what a shame. I was hoping for some company here in this, boring, old bathroom. I guess your looking for that right there then?" Myrtle said, pointing to one of the faucets. Hadrian felt along it, feeling for any creases or abnormalities. On the left side he felt something, and saw that it was a small snake engraved into the stone. He took a step back, and thought of what to say.

"~Open.~" Hadrian said after a moment. The whole structure moved, leaving open a tunnel that went down deeper than he could see.

"~Stairs.~" He said again, waiting as a spiral staircase formed. He began walking down it, taking out his wand.

"Stop right there!" He heard. Turning around, he saw Lockhart at the door to the bathroom.

"Oh. It's you." Hadrian muttered.

"You have been the one petrifying the students?" Lockhart asked, pointing his wand at Hadrian.

"If only. Unfortunately though, it was not me, and as much as it pains me to do so, I must stop them so that Hogwarts does not close down." He replied, pulling Lockhart to him with his magic. "I will erase your memories of this event, and you will go back to being the stupid teacher you are." He said, pulling his wand out.

"Wait, you can't do this!" Lockhart yelled as Hadrian pointed his wand at him.

"Obliviate!" Hadrian yelled. As the spell soared through the air though, Lockhart pulled out his wand and pushed it with his own obliviate. Hadrian's power overcame him though, and the spell hit Lockhart as a different color.

"Ugh. Where am I? Who am I?" Lockhart moaned as he sat up. Hadrian tilted his head to the side.

"Hm. I didn't know that would happen." He muttered. Hadrian left Lockhart sitting on the floor and closed the entrance behind him, walking down the stairs. The Chamber of Secrets was just up ahead.


So... Hadrian has found the Chamber of Secrets! Ooooooooh. What will happen? And sorry that it's been so long! My mom took away my kindle fire for a week and wouldn't let me use any electronics.Thanks!

Amber Silverwood

Hadrian Salazar Riddle - A Harry Potter FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now