Amusement Park Modern AU

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A/N: And here we are with another story request. Keep in mind I do them in the order in which I get them. I have three story request that I'm working on for this series specifically, so I will publish them as soon as I can.

**Ciel & Elizabeth are around 19 ish in this fic, no lemon or fluff. Just Ciel getting pushing against the grinder once more. And why not? It's kind of funny, poor Seal. ~ Thanks for tuning in~


"Oh look at that, darling! We must get in line." Ciel finished off the last bite of his funnel cake before staring up at the colossal ride in question. He and his long time girlfriend, Elizabeth, were taking a much needed vacation away from their busy work schedule. Ciel's idea of a vacation was sitting on the beach, but there just happened to be an amusement park nearby.  "You'll have to get Sebastian to ride that one with you, love."

"Oh come on! He's busy with Bard and by the time they get here the line will be too long.  She pouted and Ciel tossed his plate in the trash. "No, I agreed to come here on the condition that you wouldn't make me ride any crazy rides like this. I'm good for the Log Float, but that was pushing it."

"The Log Float was pushing it?? Ciel you literally sat in a synthetic log and floated down a lazy river."

"The water was absolutely filthy and it smelled like a rat shack. I'm quite seriously considering stopping for a number of vaccinations after we leave here."

"Oh.." Elizabeth stomped her feet and whimpered, "But this is just a roller coaster, there is no water involved.."

"And yet it's hundreds of feet up in the air, well out of my comfort zone." 

"Ciel!"Elizabeth grabbed his hand and pulled him over to where the line would start.  "Elizabeth, I'm not doing this..!"

"Oh please?" Just as they arrived, a swarm of college students stepped in line behind them. "Look ,we made it to the front of the line. I know you're afraid of heights, but please do this for me??"

"I'm not afraid of height Liz-"

"Hey, I'll go on with ya'!" Some young college buck from the middle of the line called out rather obnoxiously. Ciel turned around and glared at the origination of the disturbance. "I'm not talkin' to you, I'm chatting to the pretty blonde next to you!" He was a shorter fellow standing in a group of equally small Italian looking men. If Ciel had to guess, judging from the beer bottles in their hands, he would say they most likely reeked of alcohol and some cheap Italian food. 

"Listen, fresh americano, no one is fooking talking to you, right? So shut up."

"Ciel..!" Elizabeth looked slightly embarrassed. "Fine, I'll go on the stupid ride, but the next vacation I'm picking the destination and it will be Bora Bora, not an american beach." 

"Holy crap, that guy's a foreigner.." The mumbles broke out down the line, followed by the many questions about where both he and Elizabeth were from. 

"I didn't mean to ruin your vacation, man, I'm sorry." The same intoxicated Italian-looking man from earlier apologized. Ciel smiled with sarcasm as the ride attendant ushered them onto the roller coaster, "No, no, my American friend. I'm merely a growing fungus encroaching upon your natural habitat. No worries, all is well." Elizabeth growled and slapped his thigh. "Please shut up.."

"I didn't do anything.." Ciel grumbled. 

"You do not call Americans, americano. That is a hot beverage and that is insulting."

"Say what you want, but that is a very tasty beverage."

"It's just diluted espresso..! You make no sense with your insults..!" 

"Yes, but I'll bet he's too drunk to realize that." The ride attendant interrupted their spat by making sure they were properly buckled in and lowering a large bar down for them to hold onto. After he moved on to the people seated behind them, Ciel spoke up once more. "I cannot believe you got me on this ride. You promised you wouldn't make me ride anything like this."

"It's okay to get out of your comfort zone a little. You'll probably like it, just wait and see."  Ciel relaxed in his seat and glanced up at the structure of the ride. The rails were shiny and looked rather oiled up, probably for smooth travel, and the steel beams that made up the structure seemed sturdy enough. 

All was well until the ride started to move and Ciel overheard the attendant as he switched shifts with a trainee. "This buttons stops it, and this button is go."

"That's it?"

"Yup, pretty much."

"Oh, God save the Queen." Ciel shrunk down in his seat and clung to the metal bar for dear life. The carts began their long ascension up the rails and with each passing foot Ciel could feel his stomach turning.  "Darling, are you alright?" His eyes were literally popping out of his skull as he all but wrapped himself around the protective bar. "So we just go up? What happens when we stop?"

"That means we have reached the top and we will drop down."



"Straight down?"

"No, at an angle."

Once they reached the top, their cart came to a halt. "Oh. My. God. Elizabeth." Ciel stared down at the track in front of them and his stomach tightened tremendously. His anxiety was screaming, almost ordering him to recede into the torn leather cushions of the cart. 

Elizabeth raised her arms into the air and bounced excitedly, "Are you ready, Ciel?!!"

Ciel opened his mouth to answer her as he braced his feet against the floor of their cart. But the words he wanted so desperately to speak just did not make it to the surface as the sheer force of their descent pinned him to the cushions and pushed his head back just slightly. Elizabeth was screaming in pure joy as he, on the other hand,  struggled to process simple thoughts of his own while maintaining a death grip on the bar assisting his well being.  It wasn't until the coaster began to ascend the tracks once more that he found his voice. 

However, words weren't exactly what escaped his wind chapped lips. It sounded more like a really high pitched fire alarm that was low on batteries. Elizabeth nearly choked on her own laughter as she stared into the small camera stationed on the hood of their cart.

Oh she had to get a copy of this before they left.

Bard and Sebastian stood at the foot of the large roller coaster, watching it make huge circles in the sky. "Wow that's some ride, eh?" Bard looked to Sebastian while chewing on his cotton candy. He stopped when they both heard the weirdest sounding scream. "Is someone dying up there?" Bard seemed concerned as he looked to Sebastian for answers. 

Sebastian smirked and took a sip of his bottled ice tea, "Dying? No. We couldn't possibly get that lucky. Enduring a severe, and undoubtedly hilarious, amount of stress at this very moment? Oh yes." 

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