Prince Phantomhive AU

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Credit for this oneshot idea goes to @Cherry379 per their request. I appreciate all the story requests via comments and my inbox. Much love and good vibes to all of you!

*also, I would like to point out that you'll notice most of my Kuroshitsuji stories are very loosely based on the manga/anime. Right around the end of the first season is where I like to cut it off at and get creative. There are large differences in the story line that I have changed for the sake of my fan fictions. Just wanted to point that out ^^- I won't tell you the differences because this is a spoiler free zone, go read the manga!*


Ever since the death of the King and the, once very beautiful, Queen Phantomhive, the Prince has been kept under lock and key.

The public eye knows not of what exactly happened to their beloved King and Queen, only that their son was left orphaned to be taken care of by castle employees. The last anyone had ever actually seen him was at the tender age of ten, before his parent mysteriously perished.

On the prince's 18th birthday, some of his very good friends, whom were also trusted castle employees, decided that it would be a good idea to sneak him out into the public eye disguised as a commoner. It had been at least 8 years since the people had even laid eyes on him so it wasn't like anyone would notice him right away.

The royal cook and head maid, Bard and Mey-Rin, thought this would be an excellent experience for the young prince before he was crowned as the new King in just a few short weeks. They had somehow managed to sneak him by the royal butler, Sebastian, whom was busy ninety percent of the time anyway.

"Now remember, young master, keep your hood on as we must maintain a low profile." The young prince nodded as they rode down into the small town.

"We just want you to see what real life is like before you become king. Perhaps this will help you be better for the people." Mey-Rin clarified out of slight guilt for sneaking him out, knowing Sebastian was going to skin them alive once he found out. "I understand."

The town was bustling with busy fisherman preparing their stands and mother's trying to put a dent in their long list of things to do. Children were playing and running about, pretending to fly through the air, while older children were carrying buckets of water or newly purchased fruit from vending stands. The blue eyed prince took in the bustling streets and the warm-like atmosphere around him. These people, though probably not all related, seemed as close as family. He could feel and see the love between neighbors as they slowly rode down the main cobblestone street. He even managed to wave at a few people which greeted him as they passed by.

This was a new experience for him in more ways than one. He hadn't socialized with anyone other than the employees in his castle. These people seemed much nicer. "Here traveler, have an apple. It's from my last bushel of the year. It'll be a harsh winter so stock up on what you can and if you're staying nearby, come visit us more often." Ciel gently plucked a ripe red apple from the elderly woman's fingers. "Thank you...I will..try." He nodded awkwardly and continued down the streets.

Mey-Rin and Bard exchanged victorious grins as they followed behind him, deeper into the small town. This was going very well so far.

The trio approached a two story stone building with bright, sheer curtains around the window frames. It appeared to be some sort of entertainment building from the outside. "What's that?" The young prince mumbled to Mey-Rin. "Oh, that's entertainment can be found for the young adults."

"Entertainment? Like exotic dancers? Street performers?"

"Not so much street performers, mostly exotic dancers. However, you mustn't get them mixed up with prostitutes. These are not harlots, these ladies actually have talents." Ciel nodded as he peered through to window. The place looked empty to him, so he shrugged his shoulders and pressed on. As they rounded the corner, something gold caught his eye.

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