Haunted House(RatedM)

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TW!! Request for a bit more of Ciel being a dad and some lemon-like activity. All participating parties are portrayed as 18+ adults. I will call this half a lemon, despite it not being a full on lemon. Mentions of sexual acts and the involved body parts. Rated M. DemonCielXLizzy. Proceed with caution.


"You don't think mum will be mad do you?" Two very small Phantomhive children clung to each other as they crept down the hall of an abandoned house, located just down the road from their own safe haven manor. "She won't know if you told her we were going out to play, like I told you to, Viktor." A ghostly complexion blessed the young siblings face, "I forgot."

"Excuse me?" The evil gleam in his older sisters eyes was incomparable to any other. The fear of the unknown lingering about in the foreign house around them suddenly disappeared. Now the only thing he could focus on was his sister and the untimely demise he was inevitable going to meet at her small, but deadly, hands. "It was an accident, I forgot..don't be mad Celine.."

A distant slam of, presumably, a door had both bickering children once again clinging to each other. "Celine this was a bad idea, I want mummy.."

"S-stop being a baby, Viktor.." Celine puffed out her chest and held her breath, trying to preserve what little courage she had left in her tiny body. "Let's go, Viktor!' She grabbed his tiny hand and pulled him behind her as she fought her way down the hall. "The door is this way!" She wasn't meaning to yell, but the fear caused her already shrill prepubescent voice to sound like a whistle. "I can't, Celine, I'm too scared!"

"Just close your eyes and hold my hand!" Celine mercilessly pulled her younger sibling down the long dark hallway. Another loud noise stopped her in her tracks. This noise was followed by heavy footsteps. She shushed her crying brother and drug him into the closest bedroom before closing the door and pushing him into a corner. "Be quiet, Viktor..please."

"I can't.. I-I want mummy.."

"Viktor.. please.." She begged her younger brother with tear filled, beautiful blue eyes. The footsteps became louder and even seemed to pick up pace slightly. Celine stood in front of the door, trying to block the view of her younger brother from who or whatever was about to come through the half hinged bedroom door. "I-I won't let you eat my brother.." She put on one last brave face before the door eerily swung open. Too afraid to keep her eyes open, she clenched them shut and screamed. "Daddy!!" It was more of a screech, actually. One that could've broken the house windows had they not already been busted out.

"Celine.." A familiar and warm voice, that should've comforted her, made her cry out of pure relief. "Daddy, I was so scared!"

"Celine you were told not to leave the courtyard..!" Ciel scooped up his first born and went for his second, "And what's worse is you dragged your brother into this mess, he's scared sick..!" Both children were crying and clinging to their father. Viktor, as Ciel said earlier, was fight back the urge to vomit. His little face was red and his ears felt hot to the touch. "Calm down, Viktor.." Ciel softened his voice as he carried his children out of the half-burned, three story house.

"I-I want mummy.."

"I'm taking you there, I promise. She's just as sick as you are right now, if not more so." He gave Viktor a gentle bounce against his chest, which was much easier to do for him than his daughter who was a good bit taller.

Once Ciel cleared the front gate of the Phantomhive manor, Elizabeth nearly ran over Sebastian to get to her two screaming children. "Where did you find them??" She asked as she scooped the loudest, Viktor, from his grasp. He wasted not a moment in clinging to her like a second skin. "The abandoned house, the one they burned when we were children." Elizabeth shook her head as she looked both of them over for scrapes and cuts. "I think they're fine, Cordelia, just scared.."

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