"Thanks Noelani." I say, walking briskly out of the office. Once Danny starts driving in the direction of the palace, I open up my phone.

"What are you doing?" Danny asks at a red light.

"Buying a plane ticket. But you should really be watching the road."

"We're at a light. Why are you buying a plane ticket? Where are you going?"

"I'll be back." I leave it at that, ignoring him the rest of the way.

5:39 p.m.

"Officer Jim O'Connell is the one we talked to. He said there was only ever one lead that was good enough to follow, but the kid was dead before they could go find him." Kono started.

"And then he said there was an officer from Kaneohe Police Department who called and said they had found his body. The officer on the phone said someone was informing the parents so there was no need for them to look into it. They closed the case and that was it." Chin finished.

"Okay, so there is an entire month where this kid is presumed dead. Except for the fact that Noelani told us he had only been dead for a couple of hours. What happened in that month?" Danny asks, looking over the information displayed on the TV.

"What was the lead?" I ask Kono.

"A man by the name of Hu Dona; Kai's paternal uncle. Kai never knew his biological parents because he was adopted. His biological parents have quite the wrap sheet, but they assumed Hu was better fit for the title of kidnapper because of two things." She taps on a couple of buttons on the table, catching my attention even further.

"He's kidnapped Kai before?" Danny asks, shock in his voice.

"Kai was a newborn at the time, not even a month old yet. Two weeks after he was taken, Hu gave Kai back to his biological parents. Not even a week after that, Kai was put up for adoption." Kono says.

"So the biological parents were looking out for Kai? Why didn't they just turn Hu in?" I ask.

"Oh, they did. And thirty minutes after he was put into prison, he was released." Chin shook his head with irritation.

"So how do we find this guy?" Danny asks.

"Hu Dona, as it turns out, is a very rich man. But, Steve is already on his way to pick him up, just to have a chat." I nod my head, a tad confused.

"Dona is rich and powerful, right?" I ask rhetorically. "That usually means bodyguards. How is Steve expecting to actually get him to cooperate?" Kono shrugs.

"He told me he'd be here in thirty minutes. And that was twenty-eight minutes ago." I nod, accepting this information.

My phone begins to ring in my pocket. I pull it out, confused by the name written at the top.

"Hey, Abbs, is everything okay?" I walk away from the group and into my office. I take a seat in my chair, moving some papers around on my desk.

"Of course. Everything is wonderful! I can't believe you didn't tell me you were coming to DC!" I chuckle, shaking my head.

"How did you find out?"

"I was going through incoming flights to DC for a case and I saw your name." I chuckle.

"Listen, Abby, you can't tell anyone, okay? It's kind of a surprise and I don't want anyone to know on my end either."

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