Chapter 10 ~ My Little Monster

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Derek's POV

        Looking behind me to see if Kate and Stiles were still running behind me I saw Stiles shoved up against a tree with a tazer to his neck. Without hesitation, something in my brain told my body to save Stiles. With a growl I pounced on Kate. "Stiles, run!" I shouted. Kate quickly flipped over so that she was now on top of me with a tazer to my neck. Still being pinned to the floor I kicked the tazer out of Kate's hand and looked to my left to see Stiles still standing there. "Stiles! What the hell are you doing? Get out of here," I shouted once more now in human form.

Stiles's POV

        "Stiles! What the hell are you doing? Get out of here," Derek yelled. I felt so helpless. Feeling like I needed to do something I looked to the fallen tazer on the nearby floor that was knocked from the blonde's hand. Grabbing the tazer I set it to its highest setting. Not really sure what I was doing I electrocuted her side which caused her to yelp in pain and fall to her side. I helped Derek up. Derek gave me a thankful glance before grabbing my hand and running off the other direction.

        His hand was surprisingly warm. My heart bounced and I wasn't sure if it was because all of the running or Derek holding my hand. Finally, we stopped at a nearby motel. It looked almost abandoned. Out of breath I followed Derek while he checked out a room. Enteriring the room I felt like I needed to say something. "D-derek..." I said quietly not knowing if he heard me or not. Derek looked my direction with glistening eyes. Was he... crying? Not knowing what to do I quickly ran to his side and hugged him. It was awkward, but it was a comfortable awkwardness.

        "I-I'm a monster," Derek quivered his lip and leaned on my shoudler. It was weird seeing this side of Derek. He was so vulnerable and innocent. I was so used to seeing this macho Derek who was the king of Beacon Hills High School.

        "Derek, you're not a monster," I said while pulling away from our hug, grasping his shoulders, and gazing into his eyes to show that I meant it. I buried my head into his chest as I embraced him once more. Looking up I saw tears were still in Derek's eyes. I wiped them with the tip of my finger and looked down at my feet realizing that I've been staring into Derek's eyes way too long to not be creepy anymore. After a long minute Derek pointed my chin to face him again. He began leaning down toward me. I tried pulling away, but my body wouldn't let me. Before I knew it I was already tilted my head to the right and closing my eyes. Neither of us hesitating we kissed. Running out of air I pulled away from the kiss and searched for Derek's eyes, once again. What just happened? Is this another dream? I counted my fingers just to make sure. One, two, three... Five. They were all there so this wasn't a dream. My face was burning and probably extremely red. I started to panic. Breathing heavily and beginning to feel dizzy I fainted.

        Waking up I looked at the deteriorating cieling and found Derek sleeping at the edge of my bed. I laughed. He just looked so cute asleep. He quickly shot up from his nap when he heard me laugh. "Stiles?! Are you alright?" he quickly asked sounding worried. Seeing Derek's eyes I remembered the kiss we shared a few moments ago. 

        "Yeah, I'm fine," I said. To be honest, I actually meant it. I mean I was shocked, but something inside me already saw that kiss coming. I smiled to assure Derek that I was okay. He returned the smile and placed a small kiss on the top of my head before heading to the the bed on the other side of the room. Closing my eyes a small smirk was pasted onto my face. Derek Hale, my little monster.

A/N I am probably going to end this fanfic at about 11 or 13 chapters so yeah.

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