Chapter 9 ~ Get Out

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Stiles's POV

        It's been more than a week since Derek's disappearance. I ended up finishing the entire project by myself and putting both our names on it. Turning in the project I sat back down in my seat. Glancing at Derek's empty desk I sighed in admiration. Wait, why should I care what Derek's doing? He's probably ditching school. Thinking that it would get rid of my thoughts I shook my head and continued filling out the worksheet that the teacher passed out. 

        After school I decided to take a walk to get my mind off things. Before I knew it I was walking in the direction of the woods. As if I was brainwashed I found myself standing in front of Derek's porch. I felt liquid dripping down the side of my cheek. Thinking it was rain I looked up. There was no rain. Was I really crying... over Derek Hale who I hate so much...? Checking my phone I sent a txt to Scott. "Hey can I come over?"

        Scott almost immediately replied, "Yeah, sure. You coming through the window again lol?" Taking one last stare at Derek's abandoned house I raced over to Scott's house. Without even ringing the doorbell I ran up to Scott's room. "Oh hey. What's up?" Scott said when I entered the room.

        "I just felt like hanging out with my buddy, my best friend. Is it so weird that I want to spend time with my best friend?" I said too embarrassed to admit that I actually wanted to talk about Derek. Scott gave me a look of disbelieve. "Alright fine. It's Derek. He's been gone a while and the big guy kind of grew on me. Do you think he's okay? Maybe he's in trouble. Do you think I am weird for caring? He's probably just ditching school, right?" I continued to ramble on when Scott stopped me.

        "Stiles, slow down. I'm pretty sure that Derek is fine." Scott replied as I sighed and changed the subject. We ended up talking for a while.         

        "It's getting pretty late. I should go now," I said as I yawned. Scott nodded me off and I left his house. Taking one more pass by Derek's house on the way home I heard loud crashes from his house. I quickly jogged over to his front door. Putting my ear to the door I heard another crash. I opened the door to find the crazy blonde from the other day having a fight with what seemed like some kind of animal. Staring at me the animal's eyes slowly turned from a bright red to a blue. Those blue eyes were familiar. My eyes grew wide and I stepped back as I realized what, or more like who, the animal was.

        "Derek?" I said while being utterly confused. The "animal" ran out the door. Without even realizing it I looked down to find myself running after Derek. Looking back I could see the blonde tracing behind me. She slammed into the nearest tree and held a rather large tazer to my neck. Chuckling, she whispered, "Gotcha."


I Hate Derek Hale (Sterek)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang