Chapter 8 ~ Encountering Kate Argent

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Derek's POV

        There I was running away from Kate Argent... again... The whole reason I moved to Beacon Hills was so I could get away from her. With her on my tail I was sure to get killed unless I fled Beacon Hills and ran to somewhere more safer. Kate didn't know where I was at that exact time, but she was sure to find out if I didn't find somewhere to hide soon. Checking the time I figured that if I was fast enough I could catch the next bus to some unknown place.

Stiles's POV

        Why did Derek have to live so far into the woods? I could easily get lost. Scratch that, I was lost. Wandering the woods I finally stumbled upon a house. Was this Derek's? Only one way to find out. I knocked on the creaky wood door. The door fell slightly open. There was no answer, but I entered Derek's house anyways. "Yo, Derek? You in here," I shouted.

         Unexpectedly, I was slammed into the nearest wall with a knife to my neck. A scary, yet pretty, blonde was trying to kill me. "Uh s-sorry for intruding. The door was open and I must've gotten the wrong house so I'm going to go now," I pleaded as I made an attempt to wiggle out of the blonde's grasp. 

        "Tell me what you know about Derek Hale," the blonde said slamming me back into the wall.

        "Umm I don't know. He wears a lot of leather and has good hair. Look, blondie, I'm only here for a school project so how about we put the knife down and tell me what the hell is going on right now."

        Letting me go the blonde continued interrogating me, "What's your relationship with Derek Hale?"

        "We're friends...? Well more like I hate him, but I have to be friendly to him until we finish this stupid project."

        "Do you really know who your little lab partner is? He's a monster. He most likely fled Beacon Hills instead of growing the balls to fight me."

        "Okay, but what are you? Are you like an ex-girlfriend or...?" the blonde ignored me and continued raiding Derek's house. "Hey, do you know when Derek is coming back?"

        "You dumb ass, Derek isn't coming back," the blond said before explaining to me the whole situation.

        "Okay so what I'm getting at is that you're some kind of hunter and you need to hunt down Derek who has fled Beacon Hills and is apparently a werewolf?" I was even more confused than I was before. She replied with a yes. This woman was obviously crazy. I decided to leave before anything more insane than this woman happened.

A/N This is the beginning of Derek's disappearing so y'all shouldn't be bored anymore. I hope you guys like the fanfic so far. Can I just thank you for 100 READS on this? This is my first fanfic on Wattpad so thanks ~!


I Hate Derek Hale (Sterek)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ