Louis let out a frustrated sigh when his call went to voicemail again. He didn't give up as he kept on calling Harry.

"C'mon, frog." He whispered underneath his breath.

He didn't want to breakup with Harry without listening to Harry's side of the story. He's not that typical, unreasonable partner who sees breaking up as the only option there when a problem occurs. He has a brain and he likes to use it sometimes.

Louis sat up on the bed when he could hear the ringback tone instead of Harry's monotone voice talking about the voicemail. Louis started biting on his already bitten off fingernails as he prayed to god for Harry to pick up.

Ringback tone stopped and shuffles could be heard making Louis' heart race.

"Harry?" Louis almost whispered. He listened carefully but only Harry's breaths could be heard from the other end making Louis relieved that the taller boy is still there.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked worriedly and he could hear Harry's breaths gets a bit fast.

"Talk to me, love. I'm not mad." Louis tried again and it only made Harry's breaths faster.

"Harry?" Louis was worried sick.

"I-I'm sorry, Lou." Harry's voice was muffled and it sounded like he's about to cry. Harry? Crying? Can't be. Louis shook his head.

"It's all okay. I just wanna know something. Were you mad at me?" Louis asked because no matter how many times he tried to convince himself that he's not at fault but the unreasonable part of him said that he's at fault. He needed an confirmation.

"No, no, princess. Of course not." Harry rushed out and Louis couldn't help the little giggle at the nickname.

Then there was only silence between them until Harry broke it.

"Can I come over?" He asked.

"If you can climb a tree quietly." Louis said smugly.


"Come in prince charming." Louis whispered as he offered his hand to Harry who was standing on his roof. Harry smiled tiredly at him once he got inside Louis' room with Louis' help.

Louis didn't say anything as he dragged Harry to his bed after closing the window. He sat on the bed and patted next to him silently telling Harry to take a seat. Harry obeyed and sat next to him.

"I know I already said this but I wanna say it in person." Harry looked at Louis. "I'm sorry, Lou."

"It's all okay as long as I didn't do something that made you mad and now I know that I didn't." Louis smiled at Harry and Harry wondered if the god sent this angel from above just for him. They both stared at each other with smiles gracing over their lips until Harry leaned down and placed a short kiss on Louis' lips.

"It's just- I... I don't know, Louis. It's just so silly and childish. I'm fucking 18 for fuck's sake and I still expect them here." Harry let out a frustrated sigh as he ran his palm down his face before burying it inside his palms.

"Who are they?" Louis asked, worried and curious.

"I didn't want this shit to be on the table this early in our relationship." Harry groaned and looked around the room. His eyes landed on Louis' closet door making him smirk a bit despite of the situation. He thought about getting Louis to reveal his biggest secret to him if he revealed his but he'll have to reveal his to get Louis to do the same.

"Harry?" He didn't know that he has zoned off while staring at Louis' closet door until Louis' voice snapped his right back. Harry caught Louis' scared look before Louis covered it but he decided to not comment on it.

"We can't continue our relationship without misunderstandings and unnecessary stuff if there are secrets between us." Louis said. The first word that came to Harry's head is 'Hypocrites' but he bit his tongue.

"I don't know if I can trust you, Louis." Harry definitely didn't want to say that but his stupid, filter-less mouth did. He could see Louis' face fall in front of his eyes making his whole heart be covered in a dark cloud of sadness.

"Oh." Was all the smaller boy said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I mean- I mean we just met and this is a deep secret of my life, Louis. I hate talking about this." Harry explained.

"I understand you because I have secrets of my own if I'm being honest. Even if I was being Hypocrite about relationships and secrets before, I have some of my own." Louis looked anywhere but at Harry. Harry smiled at the smaller boy's behavior and placed his fingers under the boy's chin to tip his head up.

"I will keep yours if you keep mine." Harry jumped out of the airplane and there's no way turning back now. The ground is the only option.

"That's a way to make you trust someone." Louis giggled but got back to serious again. "But you will not even stay if I told you mine." He sighed. "It's stupid anyway, Harry. I was thinking about letting it go." Louis said halfheartedly. Harry knew exactly what he's talking about but he decided to play dumb.

"Mine is silly as hell too." Harry chuckled.

"But it apparently affects you hard." Louis pointed out and Harry nodded a bit before shrugging. Of course, it does affect him. Then there was only silence which was only interrupted by the soft tick-tock of the wall clock in Louis' room.

"I think I'm re-"

"I will say mi-"

They both started at the same time and started giggling quietly.

"You go first, my princess." Harry gave permission making Louis blush.

"I think I'm ready to tell mine." Louis said a bit hesitantly.

"Yeah, that's what I was to say too. I will tell you mine." Harry said confidently but a small part of him was still a bit hesitant about this.

Damn these 'what ifs' that are roaring across his head. 


(Word Count 1599)

A/N - I feel like it moved too fast. Did it? 

If so, I can change the chappy but it'll just be a fight between Larry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



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