Ch 15 girl talk

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Ch 15

Annabel POV

" So lets have some girl talk" Christina stated

"Okay" I say

" Well, Sammy told me alot about you but I want to know why you love him" She ask

" Well he just is so perfect. He is sexy; I am sorry if that grosses you out because he is your brother but he is, he is such a great kisser, he makes me feel protected and loved, he is so sweet and romantic, he also radiates power. I love a guy whos in control. When he smiles my heart melts. He also is hilarious. I always have fun with him. I don't know how he does it but when he asks me for the truth even if I want to lie I just can't lie to him. I feel compelled to tell the truth maybe it is the way he also stares at me like he is staring into my soul. He also tells me the truth too. I hate guys who lie but I know I can trust him and he tells me he wants us to have an honest relationship and thats what I want. He is also hardworking. I don't like lazy people. I just can't get enough of him. I never felt this way about a guy. This seems all good to be true but with him I feel like it is not". I say

"wow,I believe that you mean everyword because you blushed the whole time describing him. You changed his player ways which I am thankful for." She says

" Thanks. He changed me too. I want to become a doctor and next year I will be going to medical school and hopefully its NYU's Medical School, I use to be no non-sense,no boys,no partying type of girl but he broke me out of my bubble. He showed me that I can still work hard and have a life. He changed me for the better. My friends love him for that. They think he is my soulmate" I laugh

"aww thats so cute, sorry about the whole family reunion thing" she says

I laugh

" It is okay. I was surprised and kind of scared because of all the people. I thought it would be overwhelming but everyone is so loving and welcoming. No wonder he loves his family. That is also one thing I love about him because family is very important to me."

"I want to show you around the house later. There is so much to do."

" Your house is so beautiful and big. I am not surprised there is so much to do."

" Sammy didn't tell you our house was big" she asked confused

"He didn't even tell me you guys were rich" I stated

" Did'nt he tell you that he runs our family business"

" Yeah he told me that. He also said he lived home so I didn't think that the bussiness was doing this good. I didn't care if it wasn't doing this good or that he lived with his parents because times are tough. I was just happy that he is working. I don't ever want to be with a person who is lazy. I want a person who actually does something with their life no matter what they are doing as long as it is productive."

" Atleast, I know you not a gold digger" She says

" Thanks. You know you look so perfect and its very intimating but you are so nice " I say

" I am far from perfect and I guess I can be intimating sometimes when I don't like a person" She laughs "Lets go back outside." she says


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