Ch 22 The breakfast Table

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Ch 22

I agree with you, _CurlyMixedBeauty. He did need to be put in his place

I'm sorry guys for not updating soon.I am in college so its really busy and I had to study for finals I never had the time but now the semester is over so im going to try to write alot for you guys.

Sammy POV

Oh great, now Christina is mad at me. Why are girls so dramatic? If she actually put herself in my shoes she would agree with me. Okay maybe I shouldn't have told her off since she usually helps Annabel and I get back together but she can't tell me what to do in my own relationship.

When Christina told me Annabel is not going to ask me any more questions, I was thrilled but no Christina can't enjoy my happiness with me she gets mad at me. I understand that she is now best friends with my girlfriend but she is my sister foremost and should always be on my side. Blood is thicker than water and she seems to forget that.

The next morning everybody is at the breakfast table and Christina keeps on giving me dirty looks. This is so stupid

"Get over it Christina. We argued, it's over, so now just grow up. "I say when I see her give me another dirty look

"Are you seriously telling me to grow up? Wow this is great, coming from the guy who is too afraid to be honest with his girlfriend."

"Cosa sta succedendo"(What is going on) My father asked

"Sammy qui mi aveva mentito per lui e ho detto Annabel quelle cicatrici sulla schiena sono davvero traumatico così lei si sente completamente terribile per fargli rivivere questo. Ho suggerito che le dice la verità, invece di farla sentire come un coglione, ma lui mi insulta."(Sammy over here had me lie for him and I told Annabel those scars on his back are really traumatic so she feels completely awful for making him relive this. I suggested that he tells her the truth instead of making her feel like a jerk but he insults me.)

"Prima di tutto Christina. E 'stato traumatico quindi tecnicamente non ti ha mentito "(First of all Christina. It was traumatic so technically you didn't lie) I say

"Tecnicamente ho perché li amano e che sia un distintivo di onore che è così contorto su tanti livelli diversi."(Technically I did because you love them and think its a badge of honor which is so twisted on so many different levels.) She said

She is right I do love the reminder now. After the experience, adults in the mafia started to respect me and praised my dad for having such a brave son. As a kid I never was picked on because of who my father was, but after this experience, I became really popular in middle school since I was now known as the badass. In high school I had the good looks and that reputation making me a chick magnet. So why would I hate them?

It may seem twisted which Christina seems to think but it is important to me. In my case I feel those scars were a rite of passage to become godfather. It showed that I was meant for this job and I can handle anything. After that, nobody doubted that I could handle taking over my father's duties after he stepped down as Godfather.

"Christina non si preoccupano tuo fratello perché si sente l'orgoglio sulle sue cicatrici. E 'il suo corpo, così da poter sentire comunque che vuole. E anche se sono d'accordo che è giunto il momento per lui di raccontare Annabel circa il suo stile di vita, è la sua fidanzata non la tua in modo da avere voce in capitolo nella loro relazione. Sammy si dovrebbe provare vergogna per mancare di rispetto a tua sorella da quando ha mentito per te. Potrebbe non piacere quello che dice e non si deve fare quello che dice, ma non si può mancare di rispetto a lei. Lei è tua sorellina ed è colpa tua se si rifiuta di aiutare più di voi. Lì, il problema è risolto. Voi ragazzi sono entrambi adulti e siamo una famiglia così smettere di agire come bambini piccoli e solo andare d'accordo ".(Christina don't bother your brother because he feels pride over his scars. It's his body so he can feel anyway he wants. And even though I agree that it is time for him to tell Annabel about his lifestyle, it is his girlfriend not yours so you have no say in their relationship. Sammy you should feel ashamed for disrespecting your sister since she lied for you. You might not like what she says and you don't have to do what she says but you can't disrespect her. She is your little sister and it is your own fault if she refuses to help you anymore. There, the problem is solved. You guys are both adults and we are family so stop acting like little children and just get along.) my father said


Do you think Sammy is right that Christina was being dramatic or was she justified in that little outburst she had in the last chapter

Do you think their dad was right

What do you think of this chapter btw soon Annabel is going to find out so keep on reading

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