Ch 29 Two weeks later

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Ch 29

This is dedicated to Jayxxo. I love Annabel lee by Edgar Allan Poe too. Your comment about the sea creature was funny too in chapter 1.

2 week later.

Annabel's POV

I don't even know what day it is or the time of day for that matter. It seems like time has stopped because I don't know if it is morning, noon, or night. They refuse to give me food until I reveal where this mysterious guy is so obviously I haven't been eating. At least they have been given me water. However since there is no toilet I have to pee on the floor which is disgusting but after a while of being locked up in a place by yourself and getting treated badly trivial things like this doesn't matter. There is no bed here and no blanket so I have been sleeping on the cold ground since I came here. I hope someone finds me. I cried today again. I never cry in front of them because I don't want them to feel they have power over me but when they are gone I break down. I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy.

Susan walks in.

"Hi, Annabel. Are you ready to give us the information we want." She says sweetly

"I don't know who that guy is." I say again

"How about this we will let you go if you tell us"

"Saying that doesn't change anything. I seriously don't know who he is" I say weakly which makes her huff.

The man walked in with 3 bread slices. I found out the guy's name is Ben the last time they came here.

" Annabel, we are going to give this so you won't die on us and maybe after eating you will realize you can have more food which is much better once you corporate with us." She tells me. Ben throws it on the ground and I eat it immediately like a dog. I ate it so quickly because I was starving so much and they gave me a bottle of water too so I drank too.

Sammy POV

It's now October 2nd and we have been officially looking for Annabel for two weeks. I reached out to some of our allies to see if they know anything but they haven't found anything either. It is definitely not the drug cartel because we have a good relationship so they wouldn't ruin it by kidnapping my fiancé. My more ruthless enemies would have cut her up by now and send the pieces to me or hurt her and send me pictures of the damage so I know they didn't do it .The people that own businesses in Staten Island give me monthly payments so I figured maybe someone has a grudge against me. I searched each of their business, houses, family and friend houses, and any other property they or their family owns but I came up with nothing.

I haven't been sleeping in days and I am snapping at everyone in the office. Daniel has taken over for me temporarily while I search for Annabel. He is doing a great job. He tries to make me feel better but I won't feel better till I find her. She is suffering because of me and I am helpless.

Annabel's friends have been trying to help and have been civil to each of my family members but their friendship with Christina is over. She tries to act like it doesn't affect her but I know better. Christina doesn't have any girl best friends. Yeah she was popular in high school but none of her friends were trustworthy and even in her modeling career girls are either mean or fake because they want to be on top and she learned that the hard way. When Annabel and the rest of the wildcats became friends with her she was so happy. She finally found trustworthy friends and they ended up being best friends with her. I hate that I am the reason for her losing the only true friends she had.

Alex and Sunny are sad but they finally realize what can happen to them if they act oblivious to their surrounding or the people around them or run off like they did at the beach when I first met the love of my life.

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