Chapter 18- Assaults and Rejection

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Dedicated to Conleyswifey just because she is so awesome with her writing skills, making her stories so relatable to for a country girl like myself.

Super short but jam packed...enjoy


Chapter 18

Ria’s POV

The song ends much too soon for my liking and Nic pulls away from our embrace. Still holding my hand he walks me off the dance floor and wordlessly continues out of the club. As we leave I can't help but think about the way he held me as we danced like he wanted me as much as I want him. His hand in mine at the moment feels so warm and loving, like it belongs there just for me. He opens the door to his truck and helps me in and shutting the door behind me. As he starts around the truck I notice someone come out of the shadows and before I could warn him Joe strikes Nic on the back of the head. What was completely shocking was that instead of falling and being knocked out Nic turns and all hell breaks loose as Nic beats the tar out of Joe. Meanwhile I am utterly frozen to my seat in the shock of it all. I watch as Nic leans over Joe and apparently says something to him and walks back to the truck. When Nic gets in the truck is when panic sets in. He has blood on his face I reach out for him and he grabs my hand before I can reach his face.

“It’s not my blood,” he states as he interlaces our fingers. I scoot over to sit against him and lay my head on his shoulder. I must’ve fallen asleep because the next thing I know I awake in his arms as he is carrying me in my room. He notices I am awake and sets me on my feet.

“We have to get you cleaned up,” I tell him. I grab his hand and lead him to the bathroom and push him so he is sitting on the toilet.

“Stay here I am going to get the first aid kit,” I tell him sternly. I rush to the main bathroom and dig underneath the cabinets until I find the kit and run back upstairs. He is still sitting where I left him. Wetting down a wash cloth while I assess his face to see if any of the blood is his and it doesn’t seem to be but I won’t know for sure until I have him clean. I take his face in my hand and tilt it to where I can see and I become all too aware that his eyes are level with my chest now. I pray that my body will behave itself for a few minutes but I can feel a tightening in my chest already. Maybe he won’t notice…

After his face is clean it confirmed that the truth in that none of the blood on his face was his. Because I once again assess his face now that it is clean and he closes his eyes. My gaze lands on his lips, his soft very much kissable lips. Hell all he can do is reject me, right? His eyes are closed as he waits for me to finish my assessment. And I can’t resist any longer. I lean closer to his face and gently press my lips to his. He instantly responds and I have never felt the pulsating wantonness I feel for him as his soft lips caress mine in a tender motion. Suddenly, I am ripped away from him and am at arm’s length away from him. He looks at my face for a moment and says, “Ria, we can’t…I can’t be with you.”

Wow that hurt more than I imagined it to as the reality hit me that he really doesn’t want me like that. My face flushed even more than it already was from his sweltering kiss. I immediately busy myself with picking up the mess from cleaning his face so he can’t see my face.

“I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me…it won’t happen again,” I say self-consciously as I practically run from the bathroom. Without bothering to change into pajamas I get into bed right away. Nic comes out of the bathroom and lies on his bed as well. I turn so that my back is to him and tears start flowing silently down my face and soaking the pillowcase.

“Ria-,” he starts but I quickly shut him down.

“Nic can we please not talk about what happened in there, I am begging you just this one thing,” I say as I steady my voice the very best I can. I guess he agrees to my request because he doesn’t say another word. The one time I willingly put myself out there I get flat rejected. I am giving up on men altogether; the ones I don’t want assault me and the one I want doesn’t want me back.


So what's going on in Nic's head?

Do you think this will affect his decision to stay as her protector?


It Started with RiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora