Chapter 11-Naughty thoughts and Blackouts

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Chapter 11

Nic’s POV

All the times I called her princess it was meant as b*tch. After listening to the things she told Eli I will never call her that in a negative way again. I feel like such a moron…all of this time she has been mourning her parents and trying to get over it and I have been rubbing her nose it like it was nothing. In my entire life I have never felt bad about much of anything but this has me feeling things I can’t even explain. Lost in my thoughts I heard her call out my name.

“I’m in the living room,” I tell her. She walks around the corner with red rimmed eyes. When I realized she had been crying I jumped out of the chair I was sitting in and went to her. Not sure how she would react I grabbed her into my arms and hugged her tight. She sighed and leaned into me. Soon I felt her hot tears soak my shirt. After a few minutes she pulled away and I reluctantly let her go. She felt so good in my arms it pained me to let her move away.

“Oh God, I am so sorry. I can’t believe I just did that. This is not part of your job and I’m just so embarrassed that you had to see this,” she said while looking away from me.

“Ria please don’t apologize. I should be the one to apologize. Being around my family was too much. It’s more than I should’ve expected from you. And the fact that you let go a little is nothing to be embarrassed about. You have been through hell the past few years and you deserve to let it out. And I am glad I was able to be here when you needed me,” I tell her hoping she is past all of her shyness toward me and hoping this will break her walls she has put up between us.

“Hey, kids we are home,” Mom calls out. As I go to see about my parents I grab Ria’s hand and she flinches but doesn’t pull it away. Her hand feels like soft, warm silk against my rough hand. When we come face to face with my parents my mom gives me a small smile that I know is in reference to Ria’s hand being connected with mine.

“I think we are gonna take off. Eli wore us both out,” I let mom know we aren’t going to chat about the hand thing right now.

“Be careful honey and Ria…It was wonderful to finally meet you,” Mom says.

“Thanks it was great meeting you all as well,” Ria says politely.

“See yall next week,” I tell them both. They both say goodbye and we make our way to my car. As we get to the car I let go of her hand and mine feels very empty, which I know its empty but it feels extra empty after having her hand in mine. When I open her door she sends me her 100 watt smile that she has never bestowed onto me before. It caught me off guard and I choked on my own saliva.

“Are you okay?” she asks concerned as she starts to sit down in the car.

“Oh yeah, I’m-I’m fine,” I say. Never has a woman caused me to stutter by merely smiling at me. It made me wonder what she could do when she was actually trying. This led to other thoughts of what she could do. As I walked around to my side of the car my pants felt too tight for comfort and I tried to covertly readjust myself without her seeing.

All the way back to her house I kept having really inappropriate thoughts. Like how her lips would taste when I kissed them slowly making my way down the creamy skin of her throat then gliding my tongue across her collar bone. Filling my hands with her generous and supple breasts then sliding my rough hands down her smooth waist to grab her voluptuous hips. Damn I got to focus I think she was talking to me while I was perving on her.

“I’m sorry I’ve got…a lot on my mind. What did you say?” I asked her.

“I was just asking why you’ve been so quiet. You seem like something is on your mind,” She says. If she only knew what was on my mind.

“No, I’m just worried about how…how you are doing after the upset my family caused you,” I lie.  After I say this I regret it because she suddenly seems nervous and begins wringing her hands.

“Oh, it’s not their fault. Really I don’t know how to explain it but I guess I’m just broken. There’s never going to be a fix-me. I’ve been this way for more than three years now and they are never coming back. I am never coming back,” she tells me.

 I just want to grab her into another hug and never let her pull away from me again but I don’t want to freak her out even more than she did the last time I hugged her. I’ve noticed that Cliff and Doris care for her and provide everything she needs and wants and more. But they never hold her or hug her. I have seen them put their arm around her but never any real affection. Before I can really ponder the thoughts of that we were at the house.

Before I could get around to her side of the car she was out and shutting her door. I frowned at this but quickly wiped it away before she could see it. Walking up the manicured walkway I wanted to take her hand in mine again but didn’t act on it.

We both got ready for bed I let her shower first and by the time I was finished she had fallen asleep. Walking over to her bed I pulled the blankets securely over her and whispered good night to her.

Ria’s POV

I guess I had fallen asleep with my phone in my bed beside me because I felt it vibrate against my arm. Opening it I saw that it was Elise.

Elise-Ria I’m so sorry for that night I was messed up and I didn’t even know what I was doing. Tonight I decided to try bath salts and I think I’m in trouble. Please help me. I’m in my room and I can’t walk.

Me- I will be there in 10 minutes. Everything will be fine. Don’t worry about that night.

I don’t have time to mess with waking Nic. I will be back before he misses me. It would feel freeing to drive my car again if I wasn’t so panicky about Lise. I made it to her house in less than 10 minutes. Running into her house I made my way to her room. She was lying in the floor. I slumped onto my knees and held her hand.

“I think we should call 911 Lise. The worst thing that could happen then is you get into trouble with your parents. But you could die if I don’t,” I tell her with tears streaming down my face. When suddenly my head began to hurt and things went…dark.


What do you think about Nic's attitude change about Ria now that he knows part of her truth? Why do you think she passed out?

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