Chapter 17-Blast from the Past

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Okay super short but super quick upload, right. Well here you get to see some of Ria's past and why she would rather be around Tom than date.

Dedication to SheliaMcKinney for her awesome comments

PIC OF JOE------------------------------------------------------->>>>>>>>>


Chapter 17


I turn around to see what has Tom freaked out and I come face to face with a large masculine chest. When my eyes meet beautiful hazel green eyes panic starts to set in.

“May I cut in?” the husky deep voice asks. Tom looks at me for permission and I nod and he hands me over to Joe. As soon as Joe takes my hand a cold sweat starts making its way through my body. His large olive toned hand secures the small of my back with enough pressure to feel possessiveness radiate from it.


Two years ago…I was 18, vulnerable, and had recently lost my parents. Newly living with their friends and my guardians and trying to put what little of my life I had back together. Not to mention the whole Gerald thing had really put a damper on me being with my boyfriend in an intimate manner. My boyfriend Joe that I had been with for over a year didn’t like the move I had to make to live with my guardians…he was always a little possessive but I found it endearing, especially after the abuse I went through with Gerald. Joe had picked me up for our usual Friday night date. He took me for a very nice dinner at Donatalles Italian Bistro and then he brought me back to his house, his empty house.

“My parents are away for a vacation weekend,” he whispers in my ear as his hands begin to roam my body. Instantly I tense up not comfortable with this type of closeness since Gerald. As I turn to tell him to stop he walks me back until I hit a wall and begins to kiss my neck as his hands move down to my skirt pulling it up slightly. Tears begin to fill my eyes but I bit them back telling myself that I have to get over this fear sometime. Joe looks at me in the face and kisses my cheek and grabs me up bridal fashion and carries me to the couch in his den.

He lays me on the couch and lies on top of me. Grinding into me and unbuttoning my shirt. Panic once again sets in and I grab his hands and push him away. He reaches for me again and I feel so dirty lying here with my shirt open and so exposed. I shake my head at him.

“Damn it Victoria, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you some kind of weird freak who doesn’t like sex or what I have been dealing with a stiff issue for a while now? I have waited and been patient with you to get over all the shit going on but I’m done waiting! Get the hell out! GO!” he roared at me as he pushed me off the couch and pulled me to my feet roughly and shoved me toward the door. I ran from his house blubbering while trying to button my blouse back. The bruises on my arm took a week or so to heal. He called and called, sent flowers and tried to talk to me when he would accidentally run into me when I was out and about.


Joe puts his finger under my chin and lifts my eyes to meet his.

“Victoria, I am so sorry about the stupid sh*t I said. I have been trying to contact you for almost two years. I miss you babe. I know you miss your Joe Joe,” he says as he strokes my cheek lovingly. Tears well up in my  eyes and he doesn’t miss it either.

“I know I hurt you and I am willing to wait for as long as it takes to earn your trust back but I know you still love me, my little butterfly. People told me about your attempt to end your life. I knew then I had to find you and make you mine again,” he said as his hand squeezed roughly on my back. He never beat on me but he was rather rough with me when he didn’t get his way.

“I’m sorry Joe I just can’t. It would be like going backwards. I will always care for you and appreciate the life lessons you taught me so well but I can never be with you again,” I tell him seriously. He pulls away and stops dancing with me. He grabs my arm roughly as he pulls me off the dance floor. I start to cry silently but before we made it completely off the floor his hand was removed and a fist flew into his face and I winced as I heard the breaking of bone.

“Son of a b*tch,” Joe yells.

“DON’T. EVER. TOUCH. HER,” Nic says just loud enough for Joe and I to hear.

“I’m her boyfriend you douche,” Joe screams. Nic spun around to face me.

“Is that true, Ria?” Nic asked. I shake my head no quickly. Nic grabs Joe from the floor and picks him up to where Joe’s feet are no longer touching the ground, which is impressive considering that Joe isn’t much smaller than Nic.

“If you ever see her walking down the street walk the other way. If you see her riding a bus take another one. Because if I ever see you within 100 feet of that pretty face of hers I will tear your head clean off and I have a certain set of skills to make sure you are never found,” Nic whispers to Joe but I barely make out every word. Nic shoves Joe back onto the floor and turns to me.

“Are you okay? Is your arm hurt?” Nic asks concerned and my heart melts a little. Then I remember how much he doesn’t want to be here and who can blame the poor bloke I am always in some sort of trouble.

“I-I’m fine. Will you please take me home now?” I ask without looking at him as a tear slips down my face. He reaches his calloused hand over and brushes the tear off my face. His hands are so rough feeling but so gentle with his touch it makes me want to do things with him that I never thought I would ever want.

“Sure, if you will please dance with me first,” he requests. My head snaps up to look at his face and he is not joking. Speechless I nod my approval. He pulls me by my hand out onto the dance floor and I am suddenly glad they are playing a slow song now. Nic pulls my arms around his neck and puts his hands on my hips as he pulls me in close to him. His hands are building a slow burn through my body and they aren’t even moving. We sway to the music for a minute and he pulls me even closer and wraps his arms completely around me, like he can’t hold me close enough which I happen to agree with.

“You really look beautiful tonight. You took my breath away when I first seen you in this dress,” when he says this I smile against his chest. My eyes roam and I see Tom smiling like the snake that just swallowed an eagle’s egg. I smile back at him and he waves goodbye to me and I wink at him not willing to take my hands off of Nic for one second that he allows me to touch him.


Well, what do ya think?

Nic seems a little possessive hisself don'tcha think?


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