Chapter 12- Friend or Foe

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Hey, another short upload but at least they are quick uploads right? I wanted longer chapters but this is how it is coming out and I won't just write crap down for the sake of long chapters bc you deserve better than that, right?


Chapter 12

Nic’s POV

A groan left my lips as I stretched and rolled over to wake up Ria. She must already be up because her bed is empty. After making my bed and hers I knock on the bathroom door. No answer…I knock again. I try the knob and open the door to find the bathroom empty. Guess she is eating breakfast…I shrug and take my shower and get dressed. Making my way down the stairs the house seems unusually quiet. Ria is like a little tornado through the house when she is up. Looking through the entire house I can’t find her. I call her cell phone and I can hear it in the house and end up finding it in her bed that I made earlier. Panicking I call Cliff and tell her I can’t find her. He says do whatever I have to in order to find her.

After talking to Cliff I tried to let my training kick in and think rational. The first thing I should do is look through her phone. It makes me feel like slime to do this and invade her privacy but I just can’t see her leaving again…she promised she would behave. As I look through the calls I don’t see anything suspicious mostly calls from Tom. But the last text message on her phone was disturbing. It was from someone she has in her phone as Lise.

When I contact Cliff with my news he tells me that Lise a friend of Ria’s but they got into some sort of fight and haven’t spoken since Ria was arrested. He also gave me her address. As I pulled into this Lise’s driveway I wasn’t impressed with the huge mansion considering I have been living in one for some time now. As I knocked on the door it was pulled open by a girl around Ria’s age.

“Well hello there. Whatever you’re sellin’ I am definitely buying,” she tells me as her eyes graze approvingly over every inch of my body.

“Actually I am here looking for Ria,” I say very unfriendly to let her know I am not interested in what she has to offer.

“Really, well Ria hasn’t spoke to me since the party where she was arrested for doing and dealing drugs so your guess is as good as mine,” she lies to me.

“Well considering she came to help you when you text her in need I find that difficult to believe,” as I tell her this her eyes go a little wider and she starts to look nervous which is a good sign for me she is going to be easy to break.

“I would say by the look on your face that you have something you would like to tell me or we can talk about this downtown through cell bars if you prefer,” I warn.

“I can’t go to jail my dad would take my car!,” she whines.

“Then start talking and fast,” I glare at her willing her to tell me everything even if I do really have to take her to jail.

“God, okay Ria pissed me off because I kissed her at the party and she totally rejected me, I mean hell I wasn’t asking her to marry me I just wanted to have a little fun and after Gerald I thought girls would be more her style ya know. Anyways, this dude named Duke approached me and offered me a hook up. He provided the dope and the girl, Patty. She was more than willing to have some fun with me unlike Ria. After I paid him for the salts and the girl he said that he would make Patty only mine for free and I could get high whenever I want for free also if I just get Ria over here. He said that he had a score to settle with her and so did I. So I figured why not get my fix, my b*tch, and get back at no sex ever Ria all at the same time and it not cost me anything. He told me what to tell her and sure enough the stupid girl showed up,” she was talking so fast I couldn’t get a word in so when she finally took a breath I pounced.

“Where was he taking her?” I asked.

“I don’t know but I know where he lives because I have met Patty there a couple of times. He might have taken her to his house,” she says. I nod, call for back up, and drove to the location she gave me.


Man my head hurts so bad I would pay someone to knock my ass back into oblivion or kill me either way I would no longer be in pain. Slowly so as to no to cause more pain I lift my head up I am no longer in Lise’s house. Where am I? The room was kind of scary. The walls were all bare concrete, it was cold and damp in here. The room was small too; maybe 20x20 on the other side of the room opposite me was a set of bare wooden stairs with one light bulb attached at the underneath side of the stairs and other than that one light the room was dark. I was lying on some sort of old, dirty mattress. I heard footsteps above the room I was in.

My heart started to pound in my chest. Now I am scared and confused. The last thing I remember I was kneeling beside Lise holding her hand crying for my endangered friend. My head started to hurt again and I found a knot on the side of my head where someone obviously hit me hard. My mind started running wild with what happened to me. Was someone in Lise’s house and do they have her here in another room away from me? I have to find her and get us out of here. She has to be seen by a doctor soon or she might die. That bath salts dope is bad stuff. I have heard that several people have died from it recently.

Getting up from the filthy, stinking mattress I became dizzy and had to sit back on it long enough to get my bearings. Then I tried again and succeeded in getting upright this time. I walked every inch of the dank room I was in only to find there is nothing down here apart from me and this mattress. There isn’t a window or even a door to the outside down here. I went to grab my cell phone from my pocket only to realize I had left it at home. Damn! If only I could contact Nic he would save us both, me and Lise.

Suddenly, the footfalls from upstairs sounded like they were coming closer. Hearing the door from the steps open and shed a stream of light down the stairs I got back on the mattress. The person I saw walking down the steps sent a cold shiver of fear all the way down my spine to my toes. A smirk lit up the face that I could never forget if I lived a thousand lifetimes. His eyes looked wild, rabid almost; animalistic is what he looked. It reminded me of the lion who has found its prey in a corner and is anticipating a juicy meal after not eating for days.

“What’s the matter sexy? Cat got your tongue? What no hello. I’m hurt,” he sneers.

{picture of the basment she is being held in on the side minus the window----->}


OMG what is going to happen now? Thoughts and comments

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