Chapter 13-Anticipation of the Feisty One

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Another update on Ria...There's some controversial and implied scenes in here so if you don't appreciate that kind of thing you should skip this chapter.


Chapter 13

Ria's POV

"Look I know you think I had something to do with that night, but I swear-," I started to plead my case but it was no use he interrupted me with a hard slap to the face. My body flung sideways on the nasty mattress causing my face to land on its gritty surface. In a sudden panic not expecting him to just attack me I lay there with tears running onto the mattress, not daring to look at him. The look I had at him before was enough; he was the druggie with the bloodshot eyes that threatened me the night I was arrested.

"I warned you, told you we would get you. You are going to entertain us until we decide that you are of no use any longer and then you will die," he tells me with a wicked smile. If I am going to die I at least want to try to save Lise.

"What have you done with my friend? If you are going to kill me anyway can I at least see her?" I begged while still sobbing. At least if I couldn't save us and we were going to die we could comfort each other in our last moments.

"You mean Lise? I'm pretty sure she is um...busy with her entertainment at the moment. That was her pay off after all. You know it wasn't easy to get to you with your little bodyguard in the way. It's really a shame that you couldn't even manage to kill yourself, but then my boys wouldn't have anything to busy them then, would they? But Lise was more than accommodating by calling you and feeding you a bullsh*t story," he tells me calmly. His calm was way scarier than his sneering or evil glares. What he said is playing over and over in my head. Lise...set me up. She helped them get me.

He grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me from the mattress. He held me at arm's length and looked my body over from my toes all the way to top of my head. It was degrading and disgusting and honestly the anticipation of the horrible things they were going to do to me had me trembling. He pulled me closer so that our bodies were touching. He smelled of cheap cigarette smoke, alcohol, and sweat. It made me want to throw up so I turned my head away trying to get a breath of air. This angered him because his grip on me tightened. He leaned into me and his tongue made its way all the way up my neck to the side of my face. A shiver of revulsion ran through my body.

"You taste better than you smell. I plan to take my turn with you first," he said. I turned my face back to his to see him smirk and I spit in his face. He threw me down on the dirty, cold concrete floor.

"You B*TCH!" he roared as he wiped my spit off of his face. He came over to where he threw me down and picked me up roughly and slammed me into the concrete wall. With his large body pinning my much smaller one to the wall I was powerless to move an inch much less get away. His lips crashed to mine and his tongue swept out to try to force my mouth open. I refused. He slammed me off the wall again and in my pain he managed to get my mouth open and his tongue was in my mouth exploring, nearly choking me. I did the only thing that came natural and bit his tongue hard. He jumped back holding his mouth unable to even curse me at the moment.

My relief was soon cut short when he backhanded me and I slumped onto the icy floor. After a moment he recovered enough to speak but it was a little slurred through the pain of his injured tongue. He came to where I was slumped and put his hand on my thigh, now I was wishing I had changed from my short pajama shorts. His hand was slowly working its way up my thigh closer to my shorts. A gasp flew from my lips at the overwhelming feeling of dread that was engulfing my body.

"You know I like my women feisty. Maybe I will break you in myself and if you can learn to be a good girl I will let you live and you can be my slave," he tells me.

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