Stay Home Tomorrow. (John Seed X Reader)

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(Authors Note)

Just to make things clear, this one shot is set not long after the Project at Eden's Gate started.

Family first...I've always believed in that. But when you don't get to see your partner unless it's when you have breakfast in the morning and then they're right out the door again and it's all because his brother might be a prophet and needs his help. I love John and his family, but I don't know how long I can keep my mouth shut before I explode. Tonight I plan on staying up till he gets home so I can talk him, I mean...I do have my rights to know what he's been up to...right? I made myself dinner and ate alone as usual, but I always make a plate for John and leav it in the microwave with a note to remind him that I love and care for him. I finished my food and washed the dishes and waited. It felt like forever for an hour to pass. my eyelids began to feel heavy and decided to make myself some coffee I stood at the kitchen counter and watched the digital clock on the stove

1:15 a.m.

I sighed and walked to the living room and heard John's car pull up outside.
Maybe I'll just go to bed... I think to myself as I began to walk to the stairs. "Hey, (Y/n)...Why are you still awake?" I turned around looked up at John. "Oh...I just wanted to stay up and talk to you for a bit..." I said quietly. John gave me a small smile and kissed me. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. "John...I know that you're helping your family...But what exactly are you doing?" John closed his eyes and sighed. "(Y/n), please...I don't really want to talk about this right now..." He said as he pulled away and walked to the kitchen. I quickly followed him. "No John, I want to talk to you...I mean h-how long has it been since we actually had a conversation with each other?" I laughed nervously. John leaned against the countertop and sighed. "(Y/n), please..." I felt myself start to get angry. "Yeah, and I said no John, we've been together for over two years...I have my rights to know what's going on with you." I said bitterly. John took a deep breath. "I help people confess their sins" John muttered under his breath. "Y-you help people confess their sins...?" I said confused. "How do you 'help' them confess." I said, shaking my head. "Joseph and I agreed that sin must be exposed so it may be absolved." He said taking his vest off and he began to unbutton his blue shirt. I gasped when I saw a newly formed scar the read 'Sloth' on his chest. I reached out slowly and ran my fingers over it. "John..." I sighed. I felt tears in my eyes as I grew irritated. "He's doing this to you." I said bitterly. "(Y/n), what do you mean?" I closed my eyes for a moment. "Joseph is doing this." I took a step back. "John, he's using you. H-he's using you so he doesn't have to get blood on his own hands." John put his hand on my cheek. "(Y/n), that's not true. don't say that..." He said using his thumb to wipe a tear away from my face. "It's not the worst thing I could be doing to people..." I was taken aback. "What do you mean?" John looked around as if someone could hear us. "Faith is making Angles." I grew confused. "Making 'Angles'..." John nodded his head. "She's drugging people and making them braindead, but they'll listen to commands." I put my hand over my mouth. "Oh my God...John, that's terrible..." John raised an eyebrow. "See... But there's something else that you should probably know..." I moved his hand from my face. "What is it..."
"Joseph thinks that you need to confess your sins." I closed my eyes for a moment. "You already know all of the 'sins' that I've committed." John pulled me into a hug. "I know, I know...And that's what I'll tell him." I couldn't help but wonder how long it had been since John had held me close like this. I closed my eyes and took in the scent of him. "I love you (Y/n)..." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "John, How long has it been since I heard you say that?" John pulled away and put a hand on my cheek. "I tell you every night, but you're never awake to hear me say it."
He said softly. I got on the tips of my toes and kissed him. I tried to pull away but John pulled me closer to deepen the kiss. I felt John smile against my lips. I couldn't h elp but giggle like a school girl. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his.
John sighed and looked into my eyes. "You're so beautiful..." I pulled away from him. "John, don't lie." I huffed. "No, I mean it..." I grabbed his hand and looked at the clock.

2:18 a.m.
"We need should probably go to bed now..." John looked up at the clock and yawned. "Yeah, you're right..."
We walked to our room and crawled into bed. John wrapped his arms around me. "Hey John...Can you stay home tomorrow?" John looked down at me and kissed the top of my head. "Yeah, we can stay just like this if you wanted..." I smiled and layed my head on his chest. "That sounds nice..."

The End.

Hey guys!
I just wanted to say that my new preference book is out now! So if you want to go check that out you can. I'm not gonna force anyone to read it or anything like that.

Have a nice day!

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