Peace And Quiet. (Jacob X Male OC Reader)

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(Jacobs POV)

On a normal day, I like to have my lunch with a space of peace and quiet. But on that day I say down on my
fold up chair near the t.v. and watch whatever is on. It is a nice little break from all the commotion of the world. And a nice break from my mind.
I was just lifting my fork to my mouth for a nice bite of french toast. Then a boom in my ears, I was taken back to dirt flying into my face. The sound of screams filled my ears and my men were dying all over again. I shut my eyes tight and when I opened them again, I was alone sitting in my chair.
The noise, as it turns out was just two of my wolves barking and jumping on the door. I stood up, setting my plate down on the coffee table and walked over to the window. I separated the blinds, the sun shone bright in a clear sky, hurting my eyes. When the bright haze receded, I saw a familiar face: he had an appearance totally different from any man I had ever
met and have yet to meet.
A slender face, high cheekbones and a jawline that could cut. In regard to featurs, he has chocolate brown eyes, hair buzzed, a nice pepper of facial hair. His dark complexion provided beautiful contrast to a light now button up that he wore on this day.
I ran to the door and told the dogs to sit, when they answered in perfect obedience I gave them both pets on the head and opened the door.
"I'm sorry if this is a bad time Jacob, but I had to come see you." I ushered him in and shook my head.
"Don't be sorry, it's been too long Alex. How have you been?" I put my hand out to him. Then Alex gave me a hug, it had been a long time since someone hugged me, at least like that.
To elaborate, Alex was one of my war buddies. when we came home, he was the guy I called when the flashes became too much,
or when the dreams kept me up.
He was the only person who understood what I was feeling. He pulled away from the hug and I guess he noticed by the look on my face that I wasn't okay, because he looked concerned. "Hey, are you alright?" I nodded and tried to laugh it off.
"Yeah, of course" alex raised an eyebrow "you know you can tell me the truth right?" I frowned "when the dogs started barking and you knocked, I saw..." Alex put a hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to think about that your special recipe I smell?" I laughed, motioning to my plate. "There's more in the kitchen if you want some" Alex nodded his head and I walked to the kitchen. I smiled while I put a plate on the countertop, placing two pieces of french toast onto the plate. "With blueberries and whipped cream" I finished making his plate and took it to him, he had sat down on the couch. I moved my chair closer to Alex and resumed my meal. We didn't speak while we ate, I think both of us were too hungry. He took the dishes to the kitchen and paused next to the window that lead to the backyard. "It must be nice, all this open area I mean" I nodded and walked over to him. Leaning on the window sill. "Yeah it is" Alex got a slightly sad look in his eyes. "I wish I could move somewhere like this."
I smiled. "But I thought you liked the city?" Alex crossed his arms. "I did, until I realized how much noise there is, it's not bad on some days. Others...I can't take it." I motioned outside. "You could just sell the apartment and live here." Alex shook his head. "You're the only person I know here, I would never fit in." I patted him on the back. "I have a lot of friends here that I could introduce you to, Hell you could move in with me until you sell off your old place." Alex's face softened. "You would really do that for me?" I ran my fingers over my hair. "Of course I would, but that is if you want to. I don't want to force that onto you." Alex chuckled. "I do want to, you don't know how much I've missed you." He stopped as if embarrassed at his own words. A sudden urge came over me, I had never wanted so badly to say three words to someone. Instead I pulled him to me by the collar of his shirt. And I did something I hadn't done in a long time, I kissed him. Alex was moved in with me three weeks later. So I'll trade all the lunches with a side of peace and quiet for a life of beginning to heal, and now I won't have to do it alone.

The End.

(Authors Note)

I had tried to write this chapter on my own, but I just didn't have enough inspiration. So a very dear friend of mine offered to write it for me. And I'm pretty happy because I don't think that I could've wrote something
this good.

And with that, Have a nice day!

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