Where Were We. (John Seed X Reader)

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I sat there at the table listening to John talk about his method of cleansing someone.
"And usually by the end of it they pass out" John said while he leaned back in his chair "Wow, that's disgusting...You're lucky that you're cute" I rested my cheek in the palm of my hand and John let out a laugh, leaned over and rested his hand on mine that was resting on the table. I felt my cheeks start to heat up as John leaned in closer to me, my eyes darted back and forth looking into his. And just as I closed my eyes there was a knock at the door, my eyes opened wide and all I could do was just look into his eyes. John let out a irritated sigh and went to the door, I sat back in my chair and listened to the conversation that was going on in the next room. "Jacob, you can't just snow up uninvited" I stood up and walked to the doorway and watched John talk to his brother "Why can't I? It's not like you're ever doing anything important" I held back from laughing as I saw John get more and more irritated with his brother "Jacob...I'm having dinner right now" Jacob crossed his arms. "And who are you having dinner with?" John motioned over to me and Jacob turned around, I noticed that his eyes got slightly bigger as I walked over and held my hand out to him "Hi, I'm (Y/n). You must be John's brother Jacob" I said while shaking his hand. "When did the two of you meet?" Jacob said while letting go of my hand and looking at John. "We met each other while we were in college" John said sitting down on the couch. "We actually didn't get along with each other" I said letting out a laugh. "Why didn't you get along?" I sat down next to John "We didn't really see eye to eye level on certain law opinions" Jacob laughed and sat across from us. "So...What fixed all of your disagreements" I looked over at John and thought for a second. "I'm not really sure what happened...I think we ran into each other after we graduated and started talking" I looked at Jacob and shrugged "I guess we were able to set aside our differences and just see each other as humans" John grabbed my hand and kissed it. "We started dating and one day we were on a date and John told me about Joseph contacting him and I helped him make the decision to go with Joseph" I looked over at John and smiled "and a while later I got a call from John and he told me what was going on over here and I told John that I would be right by his side..." I looked back at Jacob and smiled "And now we're here" I said with a laugh. Jacob stood up "Well, I would love to stay and chat...But I should probably let the two of you continue with your date" John stood up and walked over to the door and opened it. I walked over to Jacob and gave him a hug "It was very nice to meet you" I looked up at Jacob and smiled, and Jacob returned the smile, nodding his head and walking over to John. I saw Jacob put his hand on John's shoulder and whisper something in his ear and walk out the door and John closed it behind him. "What did he whisper to you?" I said while tilting my head. John laughed "He told me that I should do whatever I can to keep you around" I laughed "Yeah, you should. It'll be the best decision of your life" John walked over and put his hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'll try my best..." John pulled me closer
"Now...where were we"

The End.

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