The Mother (Joseph Seed X Reader)

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The last thing I ever wanted was a husband. Everyone saw Joseph Seed as 'The Father' so Joseph decided that he needed a wife by his side to be 'The Mother' I'm a little scared that Joseph is going to want me to marry him, because I have been friends with His brothers for quite some time now and John always talks about how Joseph and I would be really good for each other, whenever he would say stuff like that I would just give him a friendly punch on the shoulder and brush off his comments. But this morning the phone started ringing and I picked up the phone. "Hey (Y/n), it's John. Joseph and I would like it if you would come down to the church...So we could talk about some things" I pulled the phone away from my ear and sighed, I waited a second before holding it back up. "Yeah...I'll be there in a bit" I could hear that John was smiling
"O-oh, safe" he hung up on me. I sighed again and headed for the door

~Time Skip~

I opened the doors to the church to see John and Joseph standing at the end of the room. They looked up at me and I saw Joseph smile as John walked over to me with a grin on his face, He grabbed my arm and walked me over to Joseph and he grabbed my hands.
"(Y/n), I know that you and I don't know each other that well...but based on everything that John has told me about you..I-" I put my hand up to stop Joseph from speaking "Y-you want me to marry you..." Joseph was taken aback by what I  said "was it that obvious?" I took a step back and felt my cheeks get hot "Can you give me sometime before I answer you..." Joseph looked down and nodded his head "Yes..take as much time as you need" and with that I quickly walked out of the church and went home.

~Later That Night~

I layed in bed thinking about what I should do about Joseph's proposal when I heard a knock at the door. I slowly walked down the stairs and opened the door. "Hey (Y/n)." John said as I moved out of the way so he could walk in "Hey John..." I said while closing the door and walking to the couch, I put my arm out "have a seat" John sighed as he sat down, he looked up at me "You made Joseph upset" I sat down next to him "I didn't mean to upset him...It's just kinda scary.." John turned to me "What's scary?" I threw my hands up "All of it...I mean..I don't know Joseph. How does he expect me to instantly agree to marrying him" John closed his eyes "You might not know Joseph...But Joseph knows you" I got confused "W-what do you mean" John opened his eyes and looked at me "Joseph has been watching you..." I quickly stood up and took a step back "He's been watching me? How long has this been going on?" John stood up with me "When you first showed up...Joseph told me that God sent you here to be with him" I walked over to the window and closed the blinds "And how is that supposed to help me want to marry him?" John walked over and grabbed my hands "(Y/n), Joseph to me that he loves you" I pulled my hands away "But we hadn't ever spoke to each other before today" I leaned against the wall and put my hand on my forehead "(Y/n) need to calm down a bit" I sighed "This has been happening since I got here?"  his head "known about what?" John crossed his arms and looked down "I wanted to tell you sooner...I'm sorry" I slid down the wall to sit on the floor and John sat next to me "(Y/n), Think about it...if you marry Joseph you'll never have to worry about anything. If you tell him about something you want, you'll already have it" I put my head down "I don't care about getting something that I's just..if Joseph and I spent at least a day or two together maybe I will feel different about the whole thing" John grabbed my hands and pulled me up "I can go talk to Joseph and make that happen" I shook my head "No, I should do it" John nodded his head "It would probably be best to just do it tomorrow" I let out a chuckle "Yeah...I'm pretty tired"

~A Few Days Later~

A few days ago I spoke with Joseph, and we decided that we would spend some time together before we made any quick decisions. But last night he told me that he needed me to answer his proposal, I'm going to give him my answer tonight when we have dinner. I was in the dining room setting up the table and I heard a knock at the door and I felt my heart flutter. I didn't think that I would ever feel this way about him, I opened the door to see Joseph standing there with a big smile on his face. "Hey (Y/n)" I smiled and let him in. "Food will be done in a second, go ahead and have a seat at the table" I said while closing the door and following Joseph to the dining room.

~Time Skip~

Joseph and I were sitting at the table finishing our food. I took a deep breath before saying "Joseph...I've been thinking about your proposal..." Joseph looked up at me
"I'll marry you..." Joseph looked surprised "Y-you will?" I nodded my head and Joseph kneeled down in front of me and pulled a box out from his pocket "(Y/n)...You and I are going to be so happy together. And I'll do my best to make you happy for as long as you live" he opened the box to reveal a emerald ring surrounded by four diamonds. Joseph took the ring out of the box and slipped it onto my ring finger. "'s beautiful" I said breathlessly "I had it specially made for you" I smiled and put my hands on Joseph's face, giving him a kiss.

~One Year Later~

I sat down on the bed and watched Joseph get into his pajamas. "Joseph?..." He looked over at me "Yeah" I crossed my legs and tilted my head "Do you think that it's kinda strange that we got married so quickly" Joseph shook his head and kneeled down in front of me and put his hands on my knees "No I don't...I think everything timed out perfectly" I smiled as I put my hand on his cheek and gave him a kiss
"Yeah I think so too..."

The End.

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