Part 2:| First Battle! And Future Plans?!

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

I pull away from the kiss, and Sesshomaru slowly opens his golden eyes with black slits. "Kita, how can I be healed?" Sesshomaru slowly sat up.

"One of my powers." I replied back. "I have to focus on the emotion of love to make it work."

"Let me guess Father helped you figure it out, since he has watched over you since birth?" Sesshomaru asked running one hand through his long silver hair.

"Yeah, he's helping me figure the powers I have out. He's what people in my homeland call a Guardian Angel." I say to Sesshomaru.

"You are covered in my blood." Sesshomaru points out and I look down realizing I still held his hand flat to my chest.

"So ya ain't dead huh?" I heard Koga walk into the cave.

I look at Koga and Miroku over my shoulder and I let Sesshomaru's hand go. "A-un needs plenty of rest to heal from his injury to his leg Sango says." Miroku says to me then flicked his gaze to Sesshomaru. "If not he could strain it more, Koga is offering to care for A-un for you Kita, until we defeat Ray and Nicolas, and since Kagome is pregnant she cannot join us in battle."

"Whoa! Whoa my cousin is knocked up?! Since when?!" I ask folding my arms to my chest, giving Miroku a look to explain.

"Knocked up?" Koga blinked confused.

Sesshomaru and even Miroku blinked in confusion. "It means she got pregnant." I say blowing an insulting rasberry. "And she didn't even tell Shippo to find me and let me know!" I snarl out curing my lip up at Miroku my signature rage face going on, only the whites of my eyes showed and a tick angry mark on my cheek, and I looked like I had fangs of a shark in my mouth.

Koga hides behind Miroku. "Damn woman you're giving me the shivers in my tail!" Koga complained.

Miroku side-glanced at Koga.
Shippo it's official Kita has sprouted fangs like you thought she would, scaring the fearless Koga.
Miroku thought to himself sweat dropping.

"Kagome couldn't tell you she was afraid if she sent Shippo after Ray and Nicolas appeared they would track Shippo and find you quicker, she did not want you kidnapped by this Ray person who looks exactly like Naraku." Miroku replied.

"Whoa! This guy after her looks exactly like Naraku?!" Koga perked up at that.

Miroku nods. "Lady Kaede thinks he is Naraku's reincarnation in human form, but he has an odd accent."

"His accent is Romanian. Which is a foreigner accent, mine is an accent that is neutral where I'm from, but his is different because his family I bet is a Romanian family, from a country called Romania."
I tell Miroku who nods in understanding.

"But how did he get through the well?" Koga asked.

"I have someone working on that theory I will hear back from him soon." I reply to Koga and Miroku. "For now we have to defeat him, and not let him kidnap me to use me as his plaything." I give Miroku a serious look now my rage face gone. "We gotta get their guns away from them then we might have a chance."

"Let us know when your friend tells you how they got through  the well, we will leave you two alone for now, and we can be on guard duty with Koga joining us." Miroku says walking off and Koga follows Miroku.

"I meant every word I said Kita." Sesshomaru says and I turn to look back at him, his cheeks flushed red avoiding my gaze.

"You mean about asking Auntie and Gramps for permission to have my hand in marriage?" I ask remembering what he said to me before I healed him from dying.

"Of course, it is custom for me to ask such things, since you are human, and I am trying to follow customs which humans do. I want their blessings, and hope they will give their blessings." Sesshomaru growled annoyed he was for repeating himself for that wolf to hear.

I take his hand in mine putting it to my right cheek on my face and smoke a closed eyed kindred heart warming smile.
"Sesshomaru I know they will give you their blessings, my Auntie was praying I would settle down one of these days. And Gramps well he was hoping I would settle down too. They both want me happy, so would my dad, would want me to be happy as well if he was alive. So don't worry too much I know they will like you. But promise me don't use your claws or sword on metal things that sound scary or do weird stuff okay?" I tell Sesshomaru who nods.

Sesshomaru chuckled doing a small smile and rubs his thumb on my cheek. "I will then." Sesshomaru leans into my face and rubs his nose against mine. "You are mine and he cannot have you I will make sure of it my mate." 

I knew then that after all this is over with Ray and Nicolas that Sesshomaru would want to go to my Era and meet my family 500 years into the future, as well as after Ray and Nicolas are defeated Sesshomaru will want to mate with me when he's in heat to have a child as I promised I would, I also want to have his child when this is all over, because I love this man, and want to have a family with him. And I know Gramps and Auntie will support me all the way.


Part two end to be continued...

Maiden In Black  {Sesshomaru Romance 17-18+}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें